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The 15 hottest days, in the world's hottest month

"Already this month, 14 days have recorded surface air temperatures greater than 17°C (62.6°F) — spikes that have not been seen for roughly 125,000 years.

"In fact, Wednesday marked the 17th straight day with global temperatures hotter than any prior days on record."

Climate Change: Global Sea Level
  • "If we are able to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, U.S. sea level in 2100 is projected to be around 0.6 meters (2 feet) higher on average than it was in 2000.
  • On a pathway with high greenhouse gas emissions and rapid ice sheet collapse, models project that average sea level rise for the contiguous United States could be 2.2 meters (7.2 feet) by 2100 and 3.9 meters (13 feet) by 2150." Source:
The App for Living Sustainably in the Modern World AWorld in Support of ActNow

The App for Living Sustainably in the Modern World. In Support of the United Nations ACTNOW Campaign.

This is a pretty polished app. I've started using it.

The Goal of c/climateapocalypse

My sincere hope is that someday we will not need this community and I can delete it. But for now this is what we all face.