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Trump adviser green-lights 'states that want to set up full menstrual surveillance departments'
  • Genuinely wondering: you say they are “pushing to monitor menstrual cycles alongside pregnancy.” How is that not menstrual surveillance? I haven’t dug into this myself but I’m confused by your comment and trying to understand better.

  • Chappell Roan Says She’s “Voting For F@cking Kamala,” But No VP Endorsement & “F@ck Trump, For F@cking Real”
  • Yeah, it’s pedantic but I can respect the nuance. Endorsement may feel like condoning things you don’t approve of, while saying you’re voting for them acknowledges it’s the best of bad options. It’ll most likely have the same effect, but it makes sense to me why someone wouldn’t want to put their name behind someone they don’t feel totally aligned with.

    Silly comparison that comes to mind, but in my family we have the concept of a “tout” vs a “recommendation.” If I recommend something, it’s because I like it and you might too. A tout is a serious thing though; that is putting our reputation on the line to say, “I believe you will love this thing,” and if someone touts something, you’re pretty much obligated to check it out. If a tout was wrong, you don’t have to take their word for things again. We recommend plenty, but the use of a tout comes with weight.

    So in this case, this person recommends Harris, but doesn’t tout her. Harris is good enough to deserve her vote, but she doesn’t want her reputation aligned with anything Harris may eventually do.

  • To Americans: How far apart is everything in the US?
  • I was going to call it a “small” city but Google told me that 300k is mid-size so I went with that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    The city is ~350 sq km and our tiny downtown area is probably about 1 sq km, so the entire city is kinda like a suburb. Heck, I’m from Houston which is known for its urban sprawl, and yet there’s lower population density where I live now.

  • This might also apply to conferences.
  • Yeah, I’m a second-row person all the way; green describes me right. Purple as a backup.

    Thank goodness my college only had one of these kinds of rooms, and I was only there for a class about movies.

  • To Americans: How far apart is everything in the US?
  • I’ll just use the same criteria you gave as an example.

    • To the nearest convenience store: 1.5mi (2.6km)
    • To the nearest chain supermarket: 1.8mi (2.9km)
    • To the bus stop: 0.5mi (800m)
    • To the nearest park: 0.3mi (480m) - I’m lucky to have several parks in my neighborhood
    • To the nearest big supermarket: 2.1mi (3.4km)
    • To the nearest library: 2.2mi (3.5km)
    • To the nearest train station: 5.1mi (8.2km)

    Edit: I live in a mid-size city (300k) on the east coast.

  • House Speaker Johnson axes Trump voting restrictions in new government funding bill
  • I’ve been following him since 2020 as an NC state representative for a different district because he gave no-nonsense updates about covid and then the Floyd protests.

    I just want to clone him and have him in both the federal and state positions, lol. We need more people like him in government, not less.

  • House Speaker Johnson axes Trump voting restrictions in new government funding bill
  • I highly recommend this 2-min video from Jeff Jackson (NC representative).

    He posted it 6 days ago explaining that nothing major was going to come out of the budget passing because the point was never to actually pass it but to get air time yelling about wanting to pass it. He constantly exposes that the extreme right flank in congress is all theater for the public and acts completely different behind closed doors. I greatly appreciate this guy and recommend checking his stuff out beyond just this one video!

  • Nearly all of Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson's campaign staff quits after CNN report
  • Lucky you. I started seeing them months ago. They paint him as this innocent Southern man of humble origins. Tbf, I don’t remember seeing one of them within the past month or so, so maybe they’ve actually died off in some places,

  • A dramatic rise in pregnant women dying in Texas after abortion ban
  • I knew about Angel Flight but wasn’t aware of this. Thank you for sharing, and for flying! My dad was the top contributing pilot for Angel Flight in Texas a few years back. If he was still able to fly, I’d be pushing him to take this on as well.

  • Harris: ‘If somebody breaks into my house, they’re getting shot’ during event with Oprah
  • Unfortunately that doesn’t serve the democrats as a whole, so it isn’t prioritized by the party favorites.

    (Note: I am NOT both-sidesing here. I always have and will again vote D this election because they are the most sane option that actually has some human interests at heart. I just accept that they are not all altruistic and are also motivated to keep status quo in some ways that don’t align to my personal preferences for my elected officials. They are still the right choice.)

  • 'You should have thought about your kids': Trump ally's ominous threat to reporter exposed
  • “What he did,” though, was just take notes as a reporter. He took notes then tried to leave with them, where he was accosted and threatened and told to delete the notes. When he continued to express a desire to leave and mentioned his kids, that comment came out.

    I agree that it’s not as bad as the headline makes it sound. But it also doesn’t seem like the reporter did anything that he shouldn’t have done which would have given him reason to be accosted…

    Charitable reading, this was just an off-the-cuff comment at the maturity level of, “I know you are but what am I?” where the aide used a quick comeback without thinking much about her words.

  • The mark
  • I’ve had mine since before I started driving ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I noticed in my late teens I had a lot of freckles on the left side of my body and very few on the right, and I didn’t start driving until I was 22. I did spend 2 years in high school with a much darker tan on my right arm from hanging my arm out the window of a boyfriend’s car with no AC, but still have more left-arm freckles.

  • ‘I’m a black NAZI!’: NC GOP nominee for governor made dozens of disturbing comments on porn forum
  • “First in Flight” was the original (because the Wright brothers’ first flight was in NC), then they added “First in Freedom”. It’s because NC was the first state to write/sign a Declaration of Independence from England, over a year before the Declaration of Independence.

    But it was a fucking slave state. I’ve always thought the “First in Freedom” license plate was insulting.

    Also, Mark Robinson is insane and a horrible person. Obviously.

  • R Rule
  • My parents ran a business named my last name and owned the respective domain. In the late 90s, my dad had a page on his site with widgets of the top 6 or so search engines. It was a great place to easily jump between Yahoo, AltaVista, Ask Jeeves, etc.

    I was in the computer lab with my 6th-grade class kicking off some research project and recommended this page to my teacher who suggested it to all the students. That’s when I learned some classmates didn’t know how to spell my last name, and that removing 1 letter from my last name went to a porn site.

    My name is nowhere near anything profane. It would be like McKenzie > McKenie or Saunders > Sanders. Literally nothing that would make you think ‘porn.’

    The teachers didn’t notice, but several classmates asked me wtf my parents did. I was an awkward, nerdy kid who hadn’t accepted yet that I would never be popular and I believed providing a really good tool like that would help me achieve the popularity I craved (yeah, helping people do better on their class assignments was what I thought would make me cool—no wonder I wasn’t popular!). I remember feeling that hope just draining from my body as the misspelled page started popping up all over the computer lab.

  • North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper says if Kamala Harris wins his state, "she is the next president of the United States"
  • I was in NC and remember the energy in 2008 (tbf, I was in college so my bubble was definitely all-in for Obama).

    I was also in NC in 2012 when the state voted to pass Amendment 1, making gay marriage illegal in the state’s constitution. Everyone I knew was against it, but because that was true for them too, no one could imagine it passing and so they didn’t even bother to vote. 35% turnout with 61% voting for bigotry.

    All that to say, if you’re in North Carolina, go fucking vote. It doesn’t matter if your district is gerrymandered to hell and there’s no chance of it going blue; don’t let that make you apathetic. Your vote matters for how the state assigns its electoral college votes!

  • Mr.Beast Hires Elon Musk's Favorite Attorney to Fight Sociopath Claims
  • Sociopathy is the inability to feel empathy. This is not inherently a bad thing, it’s only bad when people use that to harm others.

    A common trait for sociopaths is seeking success, which is defined differently in different cultures. In the US, success is usually defined by fame, money, or power, so we see a lot of sociopaths in government, C-suites, and Hollywood. However, in India, success is more defined around family involvement, and so sociopaths there are often seen establishing those strong family ties and working to fit in.

    Some studies suggest that 4% of the population have the brain profile of sociopathy. That doesn’t mean 1/25 people is evil. But when someone who is sociopathic uses that lack of empathy to harm people, that’s when they become a danger and should be called out for it.

    Source: The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout, Ph.D (and my memory thereof)

  • 'Knife fight': GOP panics after 'huge uptick' in Dems’ chances of flipping House
  • It wasn’t good phrasing, but I think their point is she needs to take action on day 1, not start researching/planning on day 1. “Trying to find out” being the operative words, versus, “now that I’m in office, I’m going to do X, Y, and Z.”

  • YSK most US states assign their electoral college votes by the state's popular vote

    I’ve seen several people claim that their state’s vote for the US presidential election doesn’t matter because their district is gerrymandered, which does not matter for most states.

    Most states use the state’s popular vote to determine who the entire state’s electoral college votes go to. No matter how gerrymandered your district is\*, every individual vote matters for assigning the electoral vote. [ETA: Nearly] Every single district in a state could go red but the state goes blue for president because of the popular vote.

    *Maine and Nebraska are the notable differences who allot individual electors based on the popular vote within their congressional districts and the overall popular vote. It’s possible there are other exceptions and I’m sure commenters will happily point them out.

    Edit: added strikethrough to my last statement because now I have confirmed it.

    > Of the 50 states, all but two award all of their presidential electors to the presidential candidate who wins the popular vote in the state (Maine and Nebraska each award two of their electors to the candidate who wins a plurality of the statewide vote; the remaining electors are allocated to the winners of the plurality vote in the states' congressional districts). (source)

    I tried out glow powder on the first mini I’ve finished painting in the past few years

    I haven’t finished painting a mini in many years after vision problems made the hobby hard, but I started and finished this one in just two sessions. I also tried Stuart Semple’s glow powder for the first time and holy shit. (If you don’t know that name, I suggest googling it and reading about his ongoing battle against Anish Kapoor. It’s a fun read about making art accessible to everyone and not just rich pricks.)

    Size reference and not in the dark pics for comparison.

    It may not be my best or most complicated mini, but I’m thrilled with how it came out!

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