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Calli post-surgery update: dad is emotional (text in thread)
  • Thats terrible that there were complications. Hopefully recovery continues smoothly and all is well as soon as possible for Dad.

    Movie recommendations: Rear Window. I mean, Calli won't read this, but anyone else reading this that hasn't seen Rear Window is doing themselves a major disservice.

  • How to port any N64 game to the PC in record time
  • I hope this technology is carried across all of Nintendo's consoles. Won't even need emulators anymore if we can just run it natively.

    Nintendo in particular, just to spite them, but other consoles would be great too.

  • Kill la Kill Creator: Anime Fanservice Is Necessary or 'Everyone Will Die'
  • "We're making a commercial work, so we want the audience to see it. I don't care if they say, 'I don't get it,' but I don't want them to feel unnecessarily uncomfortable. On the other hand, if we make the work completely sterile, people's immunity will be weakened, and they will all die. Therefore, there is a way of thinking that we should dare to take on the stigma and transmit harmful things to the public."

    I mean, hard to disagree with his sentiment. Seems like classic article author not getting past the translated words and being pedantic. This was an article written because the author read a translated Japanese interview with a Japanese media outlet, NOT a direct interview themselves.

    Imagine if no entertainment or media ever showed content considered "unsafe" or "harmful." So many masterpieces of artwork would just be deleted from existence.

  • Error:language_not_allowed

    I am getting kinda sick of constantly not being able to post comments on seemingly random posts due to this error.

    The instance is English, the post title is English, and my comment is in English. I have even logged into my instance website to change the language settings to have both "Undetermined" and "English" selected, and that still doesn't work. Not all posts have this problem, and not even posts in just one community or instance. Seems like the error is completely random.

    I have to imagine this is an error specific to Connect for Lemmy, since I don't get the same error if I comment from my web browser. It seems to come from Connect for Lemmy not having an option to set the comment language when posting? Can that be corrected please?

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