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Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising
  • The only thing stopping me is stupid vanguard for league. I'm close to just getting a clean league only mini pc and having my main one be Linux. I'll have to check out bazzite. I play the usual minecraft, terraria, ff14, indie games mostly so hopefully they run fine. I don't think I've played a AAA game in like 7 years.

  • What's up with all the "___punk" stuff?
  • Love you too, hope you have a lovely day.

  • is this the right way to establish boundaries with my nosy coworkers at the hospital?
  • Someone mentioned it down the thread but I say non committal stuff like 'I'll have to sit on it' 'it be that way sometimes' 'that's interesting' 'I don't know much about that' 'not sure to be honest' 'oh yea?' 'I hear ya' 'if it makes them happy' 'that's how some people like it' 'I haven't looked into it' 'I haven't considered it' 'that's what I hear'

    It all depends on context but I use these replies to let them know I hear them without picking a side if that makes sense. It's best to act like you aren't sure or don't know when they ask about stuff.

    Here's an example from yesterday from the trump Biden debate.

    They asked me if I was gonna watch and I just said I don't know maybe, I was gonna leave it at that but they kept trying to sports team for Trump and pushing me to answer what I thought about them sitting so close. I took that chance to say I don't really talk about politics at work, all the while typing away and working. That seemed to work and they took the hint and stopped.

    It helps if you always act like you don't know/aren't sure about things.

  • is this the right way to establish boundaries with my nosy coworkers at the hospital?
  • I did the same, I'm polite, helpful and pleasant to be around. I also keep everyone at arms length and am very careful with how I phrase stuff, people in the office love me and understand I won't be sharing personal stuff and I'm not interested in their personal stuff. If they wanna talk weather, TV shows or games I'm fine with that.

    I was always polite and vague with how I declined their questions early on and eventually they got the hints.

  • What's up with all the "___punk" stuff?
  • Lul I've had to enlighten people on that last point of yours. Me not dressing punk doesn't mean I'm not, it just means you won't see it coming when I throw a brick through your window cause I look normal in khaki shorts.

  • Netflix mulls introducing free ad-supported tier. The circle is complete
  • Anime was bad for this too, especially the dubbed kind and one piece.

  • "In fact, let me take a few pages to describe how much I can't describe this"
  • Yep, which for them it was fine cause they pioneered the genres but modern writers can't coast on that.

  • Hong Kong says school children sang anthem too softly
  • Not all states or schools. At least my siblings and I never had to. We lived in 3 states and went do dozens of schools between the 4 of us.

  • "In fact, let me take a few pages to describe how much I can't describe this"
  • My problem with that is that it's always the same descriptors for that unimaginable horror. Makes them boring if it's always the same.

  • China is attempting to mirror the entire GitHub over to their own servers, users report
  • Might be because of our approaches?

    Your's comes across as a sort of whatabout that nobody asked for and mine is just a statement of fact related to what you mentioned.

    It's not inaccurate to say that the Chinese government has a tighter leash on all business in their country than the US has in theirs though.

  • China is attempting to mirror the entire GitHub over to their own servers, users report
  • Yea they would have to do their bidding if the government came knocking with subpoenas.

  • What's the most stupid trend (or fad) you participated in yourself?
  • It was a fair trade in hindsight lul. Got me a lovely fiancee now and I'm much happier.

  • Parisians threaten to poo in River Seine to protest Olympic clean-up costs
  • Lul, they could always just go there on vacation to shit in it.

  • Victory lap!
  • Yea I see what you mean, I only really have my siblings, fiancee and mother that I care about so I'm not worried about extended family. I have a handful of great friends but I'm perfectly content with being alone, I often go solo camping to get away from things. I've long since made peace with what my dream entails if I ever were to live that long.

  • What's the most stupid trend (or fad) you participated in yourself?
  • I had so many from just eating chips as a kid in Mexico. They still make em, my ex brought me a couple dragon ball super ones from when she went on vacation to Mexico to cheat on me.

  • Everything old is new again.
  • That's exactly what banks did for quick money transfer. (not that they're small businesses but) The mayor banks in the US got together made a joint company and created Zelle to compete with cashapp and all he other quick money transfer apps.

  • Victory lap!
  • Fuck, that's my dream but realistically it won't happen. I'm an early 90s kid. I would have to live a decent bit over 100 to see 3 centuries.

  • Pity, really.
  • Might be a bit dramatic. All sectors of industry are using more and more tech, we have more people in the workforce now that are tech literate than we did decades ago.

    These are random numbers to explain my point. Look at it this way, in the 90s maybe 20 percent of people knew how to use computers but 12 percent of those were truly tech savvy and knew the ins and out of using a pc.

    Now a days 90 percent of people know how to use a pc (regardless of the form it presents itself, be it pc, phone, tablet, etc) but only like 30 percent of them might be truly tech savvy.

    It's still a step up from back then, and because of the nature of tech in industry there's always gonna be plenty of people who know how to use pcs well and if there aren't then that's just more money for us who do know.

  • Who is a fictional character that is loved you find either overrated or you don't get the appeal ?
  • I rewatched the first one recently with my girlfriend and God is Edward a creep when seen through non teen girl eyes. Dudes a literal pedo creep but he's handsome and broken so it's ok.

  • Who is a fictional character that is loved you find either overrated or you don't get the appeal ?
  • For me it was Rose. She was an alright companion but far from the best and it annoyed me how much importance she had to everything with all her storylines.

  • Riven Riven
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