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Definitely how interviews work
  • Oh he's crushing it alright. It being the poor.

  • Obungler really banking on nostalgia to blind people from believing their lying eyes.
  • Yeah, nothing more unselfish than running for president even though you're sundowning. He's just doing it for the peoplebrump

  • Why aren't all the people Biden has killed and hurt real to them? What the hell is happening in their minds?
  • I said this in another thread, but it's breaking my brain that all these lib fucks are suddenly coming to the realization what a disaster Biden is, but only because he shat the bed in the dog and pony show. And now the concern is for the safety of America.

    But all these years that of pointing out all the awful shit he's done was nothing to them. Time and again they would sweep those concerns to the side. They were willing to vote for Biden even though he's been helping carry out a fucking genocide and accused anyone of not voting for him to be a "single issue" voter. Yet they're all pressing the panic button now that he publicly embarrassed himself and their whole sycophantic party in front of the world.

  • ???
  • Joe could have dropped dead on the debate stage, they still would have sent this tweet out.

  • Imagine being a Warren stan in 2024. Even more pathetic than still being a Bernie supporter
  • Y'all went with the old white man, instead of the old white woman who posed as a Native Americanmaybe-later-kiddo

  • lmao NYT Columnists are jumping ship: Nick Kristof - "President Biden, I've seen enough"
  • They were still defending Biden a few weeks ago when that video of him freezing at a Juneteenth celebration went viral.

    Although what upsets me the most, even though it doesn't surprise me, is that this is what finally made them turn on Biden. And for such self-centered reasons such as "the safety of the nation". He's fine when he's assisting genocide and pushing to start WWIII, right? Fuck America.

  • What are you watching instead of the debate?
  • Not that I know of. Real patriots in shamblestrump-kaneki

  • Hey Elon
  • We can coup anyone we want!melon-musk



    Try it, gringo del diablo, I dare youarce-excited

    Second coup fails miserably


  • What are you watching instead of the debate?
  • Sportsball like a good 'Merican.

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • I can see a lot of leftist content now.

    I've been wanting to see if I can curate it enough where I can get to that point, but every time I try I just give up after a few minutes.

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • I can't really think of anything aside from TikTok or other short form video scroll thingys. How did this video format become so popular? I try scrolling through tiktok and I can feel my brain melting from how erratic and all over the place all of these videos are.

  • Trumpy is a Swifty?
  • Yes, truly groundbreaking reporting.

  • Trumpy is a Swifty?
  • Yeah, but he called her beautiful 5 TIMES. That's a lot.

  • I have been informed that there were no left-wing participants in WWII.
  • I see some of what passes as polisci or just political education in general and I think about how lucky I was not to have these professors teaching at my college.

  • finally some good news
  • Heartwarmingwtf

  • Gee, I wonder what gamers are saying about Monster Hunter Wilds! I bet everyone's excited about the monsters!
  • Weren't there some gamers crying about how woke, aka unattractive, her design is? Like something about stubby legs or something? Eh.


    Also yeah, really gross. That's why they call them jailbait or trapvisible-disgust

  • Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a vocal Israel critic and 'squad' member, loses primary
  • American political ideology is also just broken as fuck. Most people can't even maintain a coherent set of beliefs let alone consistently vote base upon whatever incoherent beliefs they may have. Works out for the ruling class of course.

  • College campus freeze peach slop

    Typical !freeze-peach slop fronting as defending a student who had her valedictorian speech cancelled.

    >Things are not well on America’s college campuses. The disgusting antisemitism that seems only to be building – and campus administrators’ lackluster response – has led to some truly frightening displays.

    This is the introduction to the article, which is supposedly defending free speech. Instantly criticizing school admins for not having a strong enough response to the protests because its not like they haven't stuck the pigs on the protestors. Also "truly frightening displays" links to an article that talks about the rabbi who warned Jewish students not to attend classes in person, which itself fails to point out any "frightening displays" of anti-semitism.

    >Now, Tabassum may well have repugnant personal views and her speech may stoke division on campus. Even so, her academic accomplishments should not be undermined because of fears of possible violence and a speech she likely hadn’t even written yet.

    Got to love how being pro-Palestine is described as having "repugnant personal views" and "stoking division on campus."

    But the !chefs-kiss of the article is conflating Tabassum's pro-Palestine position with some transphobe. A college decided to let the transphobe have a speech.

    >Gaines, who is often described in the media as an “anti-trans rights activist,” is a lot more than that. She is an accomplished former NCAA competitive swimmer who became well-known after she tied transgender swimmer Lia Thomas in the 200-yard NCAA freestyle championship race in 2022. Following that experience, Gaines has become an outspoken defender of fairness in women’s sports and speaks frequently on the issue at universities around the country.

    The author seems to have a rather glowing opinion of Gaines. There's no pointing out that Gaines' transphobic views are leading schools and politicians to effectively taking away trans students' rights to compete in the sports that they love. No pointing out that she too could be "stoking division on campus" like she did in describing Tabassum's speech.

    >Gaines is used to attracting pushback – and even violence – on campuses, so it’s probably no surprise to her that there are factions of the Adrian community who aren’t happy that she will speak at the school. A student LGBTQ+ group started an online petition urging the college to “disinvite” Gaines. It now has more than 1,600 signatures.

    Again, a very disingenuous description of something "disturbing" or "violence". The linked article just shows her getting yelled at. No one put a hand on her on either of the videos in the linked article.

    Gina Carano on the most oppressed people (CW: Holocaust denial and trivialization)

    >“Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews,” Carano wrote online at the time, “How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?”

    Conservatives: Look at all of you lefty snowflakes!frothingfash

    Also conservatives: Everyone hates me for my views, I'm being oppressed!wojak-nooo

    Elon has an idea for how to rebuild the Francis Scott Key Bridge

    If there wasn't already enough proof that he would be right at home with any mid-late 1800s robber baron that thought they were engineers, this should be enough.

    You've heard of China collapsing, but...

    have you heard of Cuba collapsing?!so-true

    Thanks youtube recommendations!dean-smile

    IOC urges sports, countries to avoid Russia's Friendship Games

    Banning Russia from team sports and making individual athletes go through a 2 year vetting process. Not political!smuglord

    Russia hosting its own international sports competition after the Olympics. Political!doug-point-cry

    The cost of freedom, according to Jon Stewart

    >Jon Stewart unironically tells Tucker Carlson that the reason why the US can’t have clean functioning subways or cheap grocery prices like they do in Moscow is “the literal price of freedom”

    Due to budget cuts, New York Public Library no longer open on Sundays Due to budget cuts, New York Public Library no longer open on Sundays

    Mayor Eric Adams warned that the cuts would impact every city agency.

    Due to budget cuts, New York Public Library no longer open on Sundays

    >The mayor has blamed the budget cuts on federal COVID aid ending, and the cost of the migrant crisis in the city.

    Seeing this is being reported uncritically on a few other websites and on TV news as well.

    The language surrounding the migrant situation is becoming more and more dangerous. It was only a month or two ago that Top Cop Adams said that the migrant "crisis" would destroy the city. Now we have the media running around putting the blame for budget cuts on migrants.

    Here's a NYT article that goes into more detail on the recent budget cuts:

    How to be a Good Game Reviewer
    Nazis beg to be allowed to escape Mariupol

    Just like when Hitler let Allied troops be extracted from Dunkirk.

    I just love how the media is uncritically repeating Nazi talking points. And this is the same soldier that the MSM has been showing giving updates on Mariupol. Note how he has the Azov patch on his chest covered. Previously he'd had it out in the open. Of course its all moot when there's another soldier right next to him proudly wearing their Azov patch on their sleeve.

    Rojo27 Rojo27 [he/him]
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