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GOP resolution calls on SCOTUS to ‘intervene’ in Trump’s hush money case
  • I would agree that Americans need to make "informed decisions" in the upcoming election - for instance, they need to be "informed" of the fact that one of the candidates is a convicted felon.

    And on another note, here's that "politically motivated" thing again.

    Just as I noted the other day, when Alito trotted it out, how is there even a notion that it matters?

    Let's just run with the assumption that the prosecution was "politically motivated." So what? The trial worked exactly the way a trial is meant to work - the jury heard the evidence and rendered a verdict based on the evidence.

    What on earth does the supposed motivation of the prosecutor have to do with anything?

  • Trump’s New Promises: ‘Immunity’ for Cops, an Iron Dome, Cheaper Bacon
  • Of course he wants immunity for cops - he dreams of the day when he'll have his own murder squads and be able to simply have anyone who might dare to oppose him killed.

    And so do his supporters.

    And so do cops.

  • Dozens killed in Israeli airstrikes on Gaza City
  • And just the other day, the Israelis were wringing their hands over the fact that 11 Israeli soldiers died in one day, but here they are, right back to killing Palestinian civilians at many times that rate, pretty much every single day.

    It's as if they've made sociopathy official policy.

  • ProPublica Reporter Defends Work After Samuel Alito Accuses Outlet of Politically Motivated Coverage
  • The whole "politically motivated" complaint is such a brazenly dishonest diversion that it just astonishes me that people use it, much less get away with it.

    Alito told a filmmaker posing as a conservative activist that ProPublica “gets a lot of money” to dig up “any little thing they can find,” suggesting the reporting was politically motivated.

    How does that even matter?

    The simple fact of the matter is that, whatever their motivations might be, people either are or are not going to find evidence of corruption, and the one and only thing that determines that is whether or not such evidence exists.

    Alito, were he so inclined, could've very easily have made it so that nobody, no matter how determined or for what reason, could've uncovered evidence of his corruption. All he had to do was not be corrupt.

    If there was no corruption there could be no evidence of corruption, and then even the most sinister and underhanded attempt to make him look bad would fail.

    On the other hand, if there is evidence there to be found, then the motivations of the people who uncover it are entirely irrelevant - the ONLY thing that matters is what they uncovered.

    Seriously, how does the assertion that something like this is "politically motivated" even have the illusion of credence? How is it met with anything other than a blank look and a "So what?"

  • "Genocide is good if an Anti-Imperialist Country(tm) is doing it!"
  • Huh.

    It took me a while to sort out that meme, then it suddenly hit me - I've not only succeeded in eliminating the tankies from my Lemmy experience, but have done so so effectively that I started to forget that they even exist.

    At this point, the only people I see trying to defend Russia are a handful of angry right-wing morons who have bought in to the propaganda spread by Russia's assets in the GOP, and they're few and far between.

  • Google avoids jury trial by sending $2.3 million check to US government
  • No - it's actually not like that at all.

    Google didn't pay that money just to bypass the formalities along the way to paying a fixed fine - they paid it in order to head off the possibility that they were going to face a jury trial instead of a bench trial, since juries are far more likely to vote in favor of much bigger fines than judges are.

  • Google avoids jury trial by sending $2.3 million check to US government
  • Mm... no. It's really not.

    The specific point of all of this was that Google wanted to avoid a jury trial, and the specific reason that they wanted to avoid a jury trial is because a jury trial is much more likely to end up with a much bigger judgment against them. A judge in a bench trial will follow established precedent to arrive at a reasonable penalty, while a jury can and often will essentially arbitrarily decide that they should be fined eleventy bajillion dollars for being assholes.

    So their goal with this payment was pretty much exactly the same as the goal of the motorist who slips a traffic cop a bribe to get out of a ticket - to entice someone with immediate cash in order to avoid potentially having to pay much more somewhere down the line.

  • More than 500 Palestinians killed in occupied West Bank: UN rights chief
  • Israel has rather obviously been using the attention on Gaza as cover for stepping up their efforts in the West Bank, even going so far as distributing automatic weapons to the illegal settlers, with which the settlers then entirely unsurprisingly went on a murderous rampage.

    Just another aspect of the profound evil of Zionism.

  • Spotify raising prices by up to $3 as frustrated subs beg it to “just do music”
  • I know Cory Doctorow coined the term "enshittification" to refer to a specific dynamic with social media, but what he described is really just a particular example of a more fundamental process that happens to virtually all notably successful companies. And this is a prime example of it.

    In the beginning, the company gains success by offering a quality product that people want at a reasonable price. They actually provide a product or service the people want at terms with which they'll agree, and thereby succeed, and that's where the focus is.

    But along the way, they pick up a layer of essentially parasitic executives and shareholders who are paid obscene amounts of money mostly just for having achieved their positions. They bring little if anything of value to the company - they just funnel enormous sums of money into their own and each other's pockets.

    And then the focus changes. It goes from winning customers through offering the best possible service or product at the best possible price to maximizing revenue with which to pay grotesquely inflated salaries and dividends to a relative few by offering the shittiest possible service or product at the highest possible price, and counting on market share, lack of competition, name recognition and inertia to keep the company going in spite of the fact that it's now... enshittified.

    And that's what we're seeing at Spotify right now.

    See also : Uber, Airbnb, Netflix, Google...

  • One of the world's richest women will support Trump if he promises to back Israel annexation of the West Bank
  • Seriously - how can any person be so brazenly and thoroughly warped?

    I can only assume that, like so many of the fabulously wealthy, she's profoundly mentally ill, such that she really can't grasp the enormous human cost that fulfilling her petty, selfish and ultimately pointless desires would entail. It can only be the case that she genuinely can't grasp the fact that the millions of people who would be made to suffer or die for this are actual people - actual beings with lives and loved ones who are every bit as important to them as hers are to her.

    It's either that or she's genuinely evil, in the purest sense of the word, and on a scale the world has rarely seen.

    So which is it Ms. Adelson? Are you insane or simply evil? There's absolutely no doubt - none at all - that it's one or the other.

  • John Kirby likens Israeli airstrike that killed civilians to US bombings in Iraq, Afghanistan: ‘We did the same thing’
  • I don't think we can say, since it's possible (likely?) that his premises aren't even true.

    Israel has already trotted out all of the same "mistakes were made" rhetoric, and certainly if they haven't already, they will state that they'll try to learn from it to make changes. So there's really no difference as far as that goes

    The biggest difference I see between the incidents is only relevant to Americans - then it was our government controlling the narrative at home, and now it's a foreign government, failing to control the narrative abroad.

    I have little doubt that the narrative about Gaza that Israelis are being fed now is roughly the same as the narrative Americans were being fed about Iraq and Afghanistan, which at least leaves the possibility that the actual underlying realities were and are also roughly the same. And if so, what Kirby is actually doing is not comparing the incidents and responses in and of themselves, but essentially just playing off of the differences between the version the people at home get and the version outsiders get - depending on Americans actually believing the American rhetoric then, even as they don't believe the Israeli rhetoric now. That's really the only way you end up with the notion that America sincerely did regret it and admit to it and set about making changes, rather than just, as Israel is doing now (from an outside perspective) paying lip service to all of that.

    So what he's actually possibly demonstrating, certainly inadvertently, is that the US was just as full of shit then as Israel is now.

  • Israeli officials take down AP live shot of Gaza, US urges them to reverse block
  • I can't imagine what it must be like to be so morally bankrupt.

    Clearly, they know that what they're doing in Gaza is evil, and they know that the only hope they have of evading the entirely justified condemnation of the rest of the world is to hide it.

    History will not judge them kindly. No matter what they do, they're not going to be able to hide the evidence of their evil forever.

  • Catch Me If You Can (1989)

    NOT the DiCaprio one - I like this one much better.

    A hotshot car racer persuades the class president of a small Minnesota high school to gamble on illegal car races to raise money for their school facing closure.

    Part teen rom-com and part racing flick, and Stephen Sommers' directorial debut. Good cast - Matt Lattanzi as the caustic, moody and unexpectedly studious racer/delinquent and Loryn Locklin as the beautiful-under-the-frumpy-exterior class president, and the always-great M. Emmet Walsh as local villain Johnny "The Fat Man" Phatmun. Good cheesy fun.

    IMDb link

    Wild Thing (1987)

    A child witnesses drug dealers murder his parents. He escapes and grows up wild in the city's slums. Years later he emerges to help the residents of the area who are being terrorized by street gangs and drug dealers.

    Stylish mid-80s cheese with a screenplay by the legendary John Sayles, a score by George Clinton and a pretty solid cast.

    IMDb link

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