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  • Why are the different scales connected? How exactly does one interpolate between agreeableness and neuroticism? This is the kind of diagram I used to draw as an 8 year old, and they put this crap in a real product...

  • Eat the rich.
    Stop comparing programming languages
  • The thing it can do best is bewilder developers with it's strange choices

  • C++
  • Integer underflow

  • std::underflow_error
  • It's a decent language I guess. My main criticism is that the constructor paradigm just isn't well suited for RAII. I always find myself retrofitting Rust's style of object creation into my C++ code.

  • Oxygen
  • We need to liquefy God

  • Just eat the cheese cube
  • Give me the cheese

  • đź“„ rule
  • Where I'm from, it's super common to print A4 in half size and fold them into a little booklet when you need to distribute a few pages to loads of people

  • Unless you've got a better plan in the next 6 months, grab a fucking bucket
  • The dems would be drilling more holes, just with a slightly smaller drill bit

  • Pills (Take Two)
  • Can you choose where Dr. Pepper bottle is summoned? If yes, you could just summon one in the throats of Putin, Trump, and anyone else who is a threat to global peace.

  • Biden Camp Has a Field Day With Wobbly Trump at Podium
  • I gotta give it to the guy, that was the one time he managed to make me laugh

  • What's our stance on sex work?
  • Capitalism makes work degrading

  • me_irl
  • The crust is barely perceptible on toast anyways, so it's just wasteful. I get it if people don't like the crust on things like rye bread, but then why do they even buy it?

  • Let's do micro service
  • Good thing rust calls them closures instead

  • GNU nano 8.0 Released with New Options and Various Improvements
  • The modern keybinds might make me drop micro for nano again

  • Time to unionize at Kohl's!
  • There should be laws against forcing people to stand for their entire shift.

  • Windows 11 Start menu ads are now rolling out to everyone
  • Linux has huge problems on my laptop, cause HP in their infinite wisdom decided to disable S3 sleep at firmware level. I still find myself dreading the thought of reinstalling windows though. I'd rather manually shut off my laptop every time I stop using it than go back to that awful proprietary OS.

  • Pls pls pls....
  • I won't let nazi fucks take metal away from me

  • Why did they move the comments to the right
  • The UI department will probably get massive layoffs if they don't change anything, so they're forced to """"innovate"""".

  • bOtH SiDeS!!1!
  • Wait, you seriously want another four years of Trump?

  • Steam crashes my entire Linux system, so I'll go 100% piracy

    The steam launcher is a mess, and Valve refuse to fix it. Seems like they don't want my money then. I have no trouble with running pirated singleplayer games through Lutris, so I'll just do that instead.
