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what’s your favorite way to beat the heat?
  • I carry around an Anker battery bank and a USB fan that I keep pointed at myself.

    I've stopped wearing a shirt.

    I sit in a lawn chair in the shade and move as little as possible.

  • W-well, it's... you see... score rolls are...
  • Karlach looks like a bird.

  • Cheapest form of balanced electrolytes for daily use?
  • I can't speak to it being cheap or expensive relative to other options but I buy Tailwind to mix with water when I'm going on long hikes.

  • Men-Only, Christian-Only Secret Society Gets More Secret
  • I can't tell if it's a bicep or a dick.

  • Heavy sweaters, how do you cope?
  • I'm not sure where you see that it would be permanent.

  • Linux Inventor Says He Doesn’t Believe in Crypto
  • Which market are people using nowadays? I haven't kept up to speed over the last few years.

  • How do you handle family requests that you disagree with?
  • This was gonna be my suggestion as well.

    I also go in and prune the library every so often to get rid of my sister in law's trashy reality TV shows.

  • The slime!
  • These videos explain how rivers move and how hard it is to control or predict what they'll do.

  • You know what our city needs?
  • Like Jenga?

  • Giro podium predictions
  • Wout is another big name I haven't heard since he dropped out of last year's TDF. Is he going to be in any of the big races this year?

  • Giro podium predictions
  • I only recently began keeping up with cycling again, it doesn't seem like any of the teams are fielding any riders who can compete with Tadej unless I'm missing something. Shouldn't Jonas be in this race? I can't figure out why some teams don't have their big racers in the Giro. Isn't it like the 2nd biggest tour race behind the TDF?

  • i swear we are trying, but people happen to be DYING in the meantime
  • We are in this darkest timeline. I was speaking to an older family member who lives in Alaska where RCV exists and she kept saying that it wasn't a fair system because "they just change your vote to someone you didn't vote for."

  • What's a band that has one album that is just about perfect in your opinion, but rest of their discography misses the mark with you?
  • It's not an age thing as I've been listening to electronic music since Prodigy dropped The Fat of The Land in the 90's. I discovered Orbital and Daft Punk shortly thereafter. I was into the music at the time I just don't think Daft Punk's albums are great except for RAM.

  • What's a band that has one album that is just about perfect in your opinion, but rest of their discography misses the mark with you?
  • Daft Punk for me. Random Access Memories is perfect from start to finish but their other albums don't do much for me even though I like many of the songs.

  • Transit advocates urge downtown Boston tolls to make traffic bearable
  • There aren't any alternatives to driving when the T is a steaming pile of shit even on a good day.

  • What are some good role models for men?
  • That's OK, it's a request not a demand. Maybe I should have put the word "please" in my username.

  • The U.S. just changed how it manages a tenth of its land: Interior Department rule puts conservation and clean energy development on par with drilling, mining and resource extraction on federal lands
  • This is great news, I was always frustrated that the mining and logging industries had seemingly free reign of the national forests but I was always restricted in where I could ride my motorcycle and camp. I don't expect that this will change where I can ride/camp but at least it might feel more fair.

  • Party size mods?

    Has anyone used a mod to allow more than 4 players in a party?

    My group of friends used Party Size Evolved for Divinity 2 so that we could have 5 of us playing together and it seemed to work mostly correct. We had occasional minor issues but nothing game breaking.

    I think we might have 6 or 7 people for Bg3 and I'm curious if anyone has run into any issues playing with more than 4 people. It seems like 7 people might be a bit much for balanced difficulty so we might play on tactician?

    I'm curious to hear your thoughts!

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