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what's something you watched because the poster made it look awesome and it turned out really lame?
  • Transcendence 2014
    Scifi movie with Johny Depp and Morgan Freeman!

    … yeah, it was awful

  • What movies are worth rewatching?
  • Your Name

  • What's your favourite keyboard app? ⌨️
  • Used Swype until cancelled. Tried many gesture keyboards and Gboard is best now.

  • What is a technology/gadget you refuse to use and why?
  • Anything "smart" exepct smartphone.
    I dont want more stuff collect my data, and I am lazy to selfhost it.

  • What's a quote that has stuck with you for your whole life?
  • “There isn't any shame in being weak, the shame is in staying weak” - black clover

  • Those who tried Linux and went back to Windows, what caused you to go back to Windows?
  • Games (Blizzard and Riot) I have a linux laptop that I occasionally use. It is far better than it was years before, yet there are still occasions when it just does not work, or it refuses to update.

  • What are some good non-freemium games for Android that I can play for a few minutes at a time?
  • Sokoban! It is the classic puzzle game. There are many versions, I prefer the one on F-Droid.

  • What skill do you believe everyone should possess?
  • Ability to take breaks.
    So many people burn out from stuff they enjoy. If you take frequent breaks, it helps your mental and health overall.

  • What is your favorite open source software?
  • If you are new to mpv, I recommend this guide because the settings are not user-friendly as it has no GUI.

  • What is your favorite open source software?
  • !
    I discovered it before covid, and it is really lightweight and customizable. So many plug-ins, and they're so simple to create.
    I was usually having issues with VLC or settings that he didn't have. No issues with mpv, so far.

  • What are you watching this season?
  • I am not watch anime seasonally usually but: Vending Machine and Jujutsu Kaisen S2, also started One Piece finally, on episode 12 so far.

  • We made a Calckey account for Updates & Announcements
  • There is also something in settings called “Are you a cat?.

  • Podcast app
  • I also use AntennaPod currently, but there some I tried before:

  • apple products are not popular outside of the north america.

  • Does it feel like the fediverse is exclusively used by older tech nerds?
  • Most Gen X people I know from work (developers), hate to use new stuff. For example, Slack or GIt doesn't exist for them, and use call/sms and usb/email instead. Some of them learned facebook and stayed on it.

  • [Android][App] Obtainium. Get Android App Updates Directly From the Source.
  • I use it, but I have some games that are not there and only at github/gitlab.

  • [Android][App] Obtainium. Get Android App Updates Directly From the Source.
  • Never heard of it before, but it seems better than just using f-droid. Some of the apps I use are only available on GitHub.

  • Sabakodgo Sabakodgo

    FMHY enjoyer

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