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Who is this and what's happening? Wrong answers only.
  • A lich gestures to his temples in an attempt to control others' minds through their dreams, 1323 DR, colorized.

  • Nicholson-Yes.gif
  • My pre election joke of Hillary winning the nomination, then losing to Trump again still alive lmao

  • I don't know if it's a server problem but all my mastodon feed is this over and over again
  • Listen that's different

    The evil Russians invaded for reasons beyond our comprehension, so he had no choice but to suspend elections and not work on a treaty while turning the country into a private equity owned garbage heap

  • News this morning wants Biden to bow out of the race.
  • Voting for Joe Biden is not voting for Joe Biden centrist

    I suppose they have a point though, as cooked as he is voting for Joe likely means voting for his staffers lmao

  • ???
  • If I were trying to gas Joe up, I wouldn't be using pictures of him from the actual debate either lmao

  • It has never been more joever
  • When you have done literally nothing but reshuffle deck chairs on the Titanic as it slips into the ocean, your biggest bootlickers will talk about how monumental it was that you replaced a plastic chair with a wooden adirondack chair.

  • Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
  • I honestly don't think Biden is capable of swinging a golf club at this point

  • Are dems just unaware that Biden probably only won because of the pandemic?
  • Counterpoint, libraries have Harry Potter books in them smuglord

  • Talking To Joe Like He's A Confused Dog
  • That's the face of a man who is going to lose by 500 electoral votes

  • lmao NYT Columnists are jumping ship: Nick Kristof - "President Biden, I've seen enough"
  • How are they even gonna replace him at this point? We're past the point of a primary, so unless he steps down, they are bound to him. And to my knowledge, him stepping down means Kamala becomes the defacto nominee; she's even less popular than he was lmao.

    They fucked themselves sideways with their hubris, and now that their 'vote blue no matter who' idiocy has predictably buried them, they want out?

  • News this morning wants Biden to bow out of the race.
  • The guy's 81 and there are at this point, tons of clips of him looking like his brain is melting. We've had at least two I can think of in just the last couple weeks, and that's excluding the debate lmao

    It takes a special kind of stupid to not realize, or at least potentially believe, that Biden's public appearances were being heavily limited because he's sundowning

    Then again, the sort of people who argued he was fine are the sort of people who have 500 funko pops and listen to Rachel Maddow every day

  • A Tesla driver says he crashed his brand new Cybertruck after the brakes stopped working
  • He said a Tesla manager told him that due to the terrain, the accelerator may or may not disengage, and they're looking into the braking issue.

    Considering this was in the article, and Tesla did not disavow the comments, tells me there is likely credence to this. Maybe this specific guy is full of shit, but an automaker stating 'the accelerator may or may not work' and 'the brakes have an issue we are looking into' tells me the thing is a piece of garbage.

  • A Tesla driver says he crashed his brand new Cybertruck after the brakes stopped working
  • Yeah, I wondered this too. Stumbled onto some forum post where they're trying to figure out where the fusebox is. Tesla also used to not provide the fuse layout publicly (probably so they can make more money off service), I don't think they provided it for the deathtruck either, so...I guess the fuse being popped may make it inoperable lmao

    Bonus: you can't install 12v equipment that you could normally just wire into the fusebox, you have to buy an inverter (probably from Tesla) because it only operates at 48v

  • Are dems just unaware that Biden probably only won because of the pandemic?
  • bIdEn Is ThE HaRm ReDuCtIoN cAnDiDaTe AnD gEnUiNeLy GoOd

  • 62 Democrats Join 207 Republicans in Vote to Conceal Gaza Death Toll
  • "Now we can finally talk about more important things, like how many Azov Freedom Fighters have been killed by Ruzzians" maybe-later-kiddo

  • NSFW
    [CW: nudity] To all the chapos trapped below the heat dom, remember a tree is burned to make each of these
  • I appreciate how, despite being feathered, this bird's ghoulies have hair on them

    what do you have to prompt a bot with to get this, "Bird with massive balls?"

  • Love having a president with the leadership style of Skeletor or Megatron
  • Don't worry, they'll get one of those two people in office again (assuming nobody dies before the election)

  • The Peace Corps released this warning for black people volunteering in Ukraine
  • Listen, they're not Nazis.

    They just have a lot of Nazi iconography lying around and tattooed on them.

    And they use a LOT of slurs for their adversaries, would be compatriots of 'differing' ethnicities, and so on.

  • Biden and Trump Agree to Debate Next Month on CNN Biden and Trump Agree to Debate Next Month on CNN

    President Joe Biden issued a public challenge to Donald Trump, offering to debate him twice in the run-up to the 2024 election. Trump accepted.

    > Joe Biden threw down the gauntlet on Wednesday, directly challenging former President Donald Trump – his expected 2024 rival — to not one, but two debates. Within hours, CNN announced via press release that it would be hosting the first debate in the presidential rematch on June 27 in the key battleground state of Georgia — where Trump remains under criminal indictment for attempting to interfere with the results of the 2020 election.


    >Participating candidates will be required to “appear on a sufficient number of state ballots to reach the 270 electoral vote threshold to win the presidency prior to the eligibility deadline” — meaning that potential third-party candidate RFK Jr. will likely be unable to take the stage.

    Gonna be interesting to see whose amphetamines wear off first

    Competent military hours Israeli army shoots down 40 percent of its own drones: US

    Israel has faced an increased threat from drone warfare used by the Axis of Resistance

    Israeli army shoots down 40 percent of its own drones: US

    >“Something interesting that comes from Israel, 40 percent” of the drones “knocked out” by the Israeli army are shot down in cases of “friendly fire,” Marine Lt Col Michael Pruden told The War Zone and other attendees of the yearly Modern Day Marine exposition in Washington DC.

    Dark Brandon is still funny and cool, right?

    This is such a trainwreck lmao; I was trying to follow one of my old links to Joe's COVID strategy, don't know what I was expecting. I'm trying to find the most hilariously pathetic part of this page

    Maybe it's the obvious (to us) reasons it is completely empty now, stripped because of complete, abject failure, and the refusal to even address it any longer

    Maybe it's the 5 different 'Donate' links

    Maybe it's the flagrant "buy my slop, peon" tone

    Maybe it's the overarching attempt to be like the kids (they still like "Dark Brandon", right?)

    30 Things Joe Biden Did as President You Might Have Missed 30 Things Joe Biden Did as President You Might Have Missed

    Drone armies, expanded overtime pay and over-the-counter birth control pills are just some of the new things Biden has ushered in as president that you might not have heard about.

    30 Things Joe Biden Did as President You Might Have Missed

    I can't stop laughing

    >Preventing another Jan. 6

    >Biden scraps Trump’s paint scheme for Air Force One

    >Biden recommends loosening federal restrictions on marijuana

    >Countering China with a new alliance between Japan and South Korea

    >Union-busting gets riskier

    >Biden empowers federal agencies to monitor AI

    >The U.S. is producing more oil than anytime in history

    is in the same article as

    >Renewable power is the No. 2 source of electricity in the U.S. — and climbing

    where BOTH are presented as good things

    These are real subheaders from an article about things Joe Biden did

    Someone please burn this shithole down already

    SacredExcrement SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]

    Some leftist

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