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Republicans complain Joe Biden had too much energy at SOTU
  • They will claim: "He is always sleepy and slow, and SUDDENLY he is fast and upbeat? He must on some stimulants! We cannot have a President on stimulants!!"

  • Why Republicans are fighting the basic-income programs many cities and states are adopting: 'Is money a birthright now?'
  • I guess only in the sense that both parties are right wing? One is just extreme in that direction?

  • Florida: "Misrepresenting" Gender On Drivers Licenses Is Fraud, Changes Now Banned
  • hehe, woops.. So sorry, I do not know why that was in my head/fingers while typing. And yes I mean Florida indeed

  • Florida: "Misrepresenting" Gender On Drivers Licenses Is Fraud, Changes Now Banned
  • I have a gay son and a trans nephew. I can tell you right now: This family will not be visiting California Florida anytime soon.

    The fun part is, while looking for vacations abroad, California Florida and a lot of the USA is now in the same corner as Iran, China, a lot of Africa, etc, etc. places that are not open minded about such things.

    When will California Florida show it's true colors again? Or is this it?

  • How many times have you gone to the DIY page and customized a Framework 16?
  • Too many times to admit. I even had a order in but cancelled. I just can't excuse myself that kind of money.

    And I'm a freelance IT dude!

  • China's Xi says reunification with Taiwan is 'inevitable' in New Year's address
  • I agree, west Taiwan will eventually fall back into the hands of the people in Taiwan. And the country will be whole again.

  • Pluralistic: “If buying isn’t owning, piracy isn’t stealing”
  • They where using words like "purchasing", and asking just as much for the digital files as for the DVD's. If they where even available.

    So it makes sense people where seeing it as "owning". And then looking puzzled when Sony decided to break into their own devices and delete files..

    I have family that FINALLY see that DRM is a thing in their lives, and they DO NOT like it.

  • If purchasing isn’t owning, then piracy isn’t stealing
  • I used to have Netflix, HBO Max, Youtube Premium, Disney Plus, Amazon Prime and "Videoland". But since I used Linux, I could not stream with a higher bitrate. I could not download for offline playback, I had to jump through hoops to get things to play every now and then.

    They also did not always have everything I wanted to see, or I had to pay extra for "premium early access" (Disney).

    So I was fed up, learned about using multiple usenet backbones, how to send sabnzbd through VPN's, Radarr, Sonarr and Overseerr. Now I only have Netflix and Youtube Premium for my wife. And Plex for myself. And access to much more content.

    And I do not consider it stealing, i consider it to be the natural result of them trying to gouge me while still not providing me.

  • Exit poll puts far-right populist Wilders ahead in Dutch election
  • Ok, listen can we at least agree that PVV is not "clean" when it comes to Putin? And that they are very much anti "helping Ukraine" ?

  • Exit poll puts far-right populist Wilders ahead in Dutch election
  • It IS! But for some people it's too much to allow that into their minds. So I try a different tactic: a little slower, so you can also get onboard with this.

  • Exit poll puts far-right populist Wilders ahead in Dutch election
  • Sure, but ties with Russia is not BS and not a "broke discourse", there definitely is something there. And we need more discourse about it.

  • Exit poll puts far-right populist Wilders ahead in Dutch election
  • At the moment, I'm ashamed, sad, and gloomy about the future. Its a proven fact that Putin is in control of this party. Which is why this party wants to stop sending f16's to Ukraine.

    This is bad. Very very bad.

  • 'Israel Committing Crimes Against Humanity:' Erdogan
  • The heartbreaking part is that the point he is making lowers the impact because of who is saying it.

  • 'Israel Committing Crimes Against Humanity:' Erdogan
  • Hamas is a result of hoe Israël has been handling the issue for decades now.

    I'm not saying Hamas is fine, great, innocent or anything. Far from it. But the blame is on both sides.

  • DHL ziet winst fors dalen in tweede kwartaal DHL ziet winst fors dalen in tweede kwartaal

    De dochter van Deutsche Post vervoerde minder vracht en de tarieven daalden.

    DHL ziet winst fors dalen in tweede kwartaal

    Dat komt mij niet heel verrassend over? Naar mijn ervaring is het echt de slechtste bezorger van allemaal.

    Wat is jullie ervaring met DHL en anderen?

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