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Solarpunk Wants To Change the World. Should We Take It Seriously? - Can an (overly) optimistic science fiction genre help inspire a new generation of Leftists?
  • This century is already witnessing the beginning of the coming planet-wide ecological catastrophe/collapse. It's going to get much worse before it gets better, not to mention the geopolitical ramifications of it all with unprecedented waves of climate refugees just as one example.

    I don't really expect Solarpunk fiction to be the major catalyst for changing people's minds. Sadly, I just expect that things will start getting so bad in certain areas that dealing with these issues will be unavoidable for survival reasons. I wish we could, as a civilization, be more proactive instead of reactive, but unfortunately...

    Anyway, even if, for argument's sake, a truly "Solarpunk" Earth is unattainable for whatever reason(s), we still have no choice. We have no choice but to work towards it and shoot for something that isn't a total dystopian vision of the future.

  • Looking for recs: Best technology books for the layman
  • I've definitely been aware of that book for a long time but never got around to picking it up. Will be checking it out now! Thanks!

  • Looking for recs: Best technology books for the layman
  • Probably! Thanks for the rec! Kind of forgot about those.

  • Looking for recs: Best technology books for the layman

    Please delete this post if it isn't appropriate.

    I have a high interest in technology and related topics but find it hard to wrap my head around a lot of it. So I am looking for books that are all about the basics and are designed for the extreme novice.

    I know "technology" is a very broad term, but honestly, anything will probably pique my interest as long as it's easily digestible. That being said, some specific things I would like to be a bit more educated on would be; AI, robotics, future/emerging technologies, our current internet landscape and speculations on its' future, etc.

    Sarah Silverman and other authors are suing OpenAI and Meta for copyright infringement, alleging that they're training their LLMs on books via Library Genesis and Z-Library
  • I agree. This technology doesn't exist in a vacuum. This isn't some utopia where a Human artist can just solely focus on creating their art and not worry about financial gain because their survival needs are always guaranteed to be met or whatever.