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some people on this platform
  • Ah yes the oh so good DDR with exciting features such as

    • no freedom of movement

    • constant shortage of any goods

    • being a dictatorship

    • (contrary to your first point) a housing shortage

    • a culture so dictated by work that people had little to no free time

    • political pressure

    • control over the media

    • the fucking stasi

    And what i mean by pretty socialist is: everyone gets equal opportunities no matter what race, religion, gender, political views, etc. I want that chad - who just lost all his belongings - has the same chance to live a fulfilled live as elon musk has. I abhorr the fact that there are billionaire's or even just millionaire's while other people have to choose between paying rent or eating, and those people not even being in the worst situation compared to others.

    I want almost, but not completely, communism

  • Types of OS
  • The more you look at the diagram the worse it gets. Why does it include os's then wm's then suddenly xorg itself and then an atm??

    Edit: also why is there a version of the linux kernel

  • Which file system do you recommend for Linux?
  • So i normally go with ext4, however windows can't really access ext4 drives so you'd need to find a file system that both support if you want to access the drive/partition from windows. My drive with all the games is ntfs for example which works in Windows and Linux. (At least for normal storage, idk if you can boot linux from it although i wouldn't see why not)

  • I'm back on that other OS for work
  • I assume this continues the boot process even if a drive is not found or something? Because if so you just solved another unrelated issue of mine while also saving me from ½ - 1 hour of troubleshooting/researching

  • I'm back on that other OS for work
  • I installed windows on an external drive for gaming. Now my arch install is stuck at a start job for some drive, wich causes it to time out and not boot completely. Couldn't be assed to fix it yesterday.

    Also i installed nvim in windows for exactly that

  • is there a way to hide the battery saver?

    Specifically i want that the baterry icon in my status bar doesn't change color when the baterry saver is on.

    I have a rooted phone with magisk and lsposed if that helps.

    (My reason for that is that the color doesn't fit with my theming but i need the battery saver to keep my phone from dying throughout the day)

    apps for rooted phone

    Doese anybody have any app recommendations for a rooted phone with lineageOS?

    Things like: A proper file explorer A terminal if possible And apps in general that you can't use without root (i.e. power saver tuner(although it's possible without root))

    Unixporn SaltyIceteaMaker
    how do you theme graphical apps in a wm?

    Pretty much all graphical apps that dont have thier own theming option (like firefox) are always just the white background default theme. No matter wether it's qt or gtk. Wich files would i need to edit to change that? Searching on the internet only told me that i should change an environment variable bit doing so changed nothing even though i have the themes installed

    Unixporn SaltyIceteaMaker
    [i3] i call it Blood Night


    dont mind that cava is white... i forgot to change that

    WM: i3

    Bar: Polybar

    Compositor: Picom

    Terminal: Konsole

    Applauncher: Krunner

    Editor: Neovim with Nvchad with a custom(albeit messy) theme

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Posts 8
    Comments 336