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Which Email provider Tuta or Proton?
  • I've been using Proton Mail and GrapheneOS for some time now. Early in I found an app called You Have Mail that solved the pushnotifications problem for me. I've never used Tutanota, so I can't speak for it at all, but I really like Proton.

  • Jackett Alternatives?
  • Oh that’s cool! I’ll have to check that out! Thanks!

  • Jackett Alternatives?
  • Wait, how does that work? I’ve always added them manually.

  • Install sonarr and radar on ubuntu media server

    If you’re willing to give Docker a shot (I’d never used it before either), this is what I used to get started. I’ve tweaked some stuff since then, but I feel like this is a good start for beginners.

  • Samlane86 Sam

    American living in Sweden. #FilmArchivist/ #projectionist. I’m #vegan and interested in #leftist/ #anarchist/ #socialist topics, #DigitalRights/ #privacy/ #security, and #FOSS/ #OpenSource software. Up till now, I’ve primarily been on Mastodon. But I’ve been exploring other corners of the Fediverse.

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