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主 人 公 [Yuru Yuri]
  • This is some pedo shit.

  • As a new, one year, software developer who retrained late. How do you know when you're ready to apply for a new role with more money?
  • I've been a programmer for decades and I still sometimes look at code I wrote 6 months ago like what the fuck was I thinking. Code is as much art as science.

  • Cyndi Lauper - Time After Time
  • First dance at my wedding.

  • Trump reportedly considers White House advisory role for Elon Musk
  • These two having any kind of conversation would be fucking hilarious. Absolute opposite ends of the spectrum of narcisstic assholes, they would both go insane trying to out alpha each other while being completely unable to communicate in any way that made sense to each other.

  • Radioactive Dreams (1985)
  • That will have to do!

  • Radioactive Dreams (1985)
  • This looks amazing, any idea where its available?

  • Recommend me a music streaming service?
  • Bandcamp. Pay the fucking artists you listen to.

  • What’s the most wholesome interaction you’ve ever had with a stranger?
  • In Osaka last year on holiday with some mates, out at a bar and we're all pretty loaded and somehow ended up talking about the Fallout games (because we're all huge nerds), I assume pretty loudly. An American woman comes up to us and tells us that she heard us talking about Fallout and that she is a producer on the TV show for it and how cool it is to hear some randos talking about how much they like the games and that she's really excited about the show and how good its going to be.

    Made our night, we're all kicking ourselves for not getting some kind of contact details off her because it would be great to message her and let her know how much we like the show.

  • Billy Joel - Uptown Girl (1983)
  • The worst song ever written.

  • Helldiver's The Movie
  • The mobile infantry made me the man I am today!

  • Helldiver's The Movie
  • I knew a lot of people who did not recognise that Starship Troopers was parody.

  • Cyndi Lauper - Time After Time (1983)
  • First dance at my wedding.

  • Predator 2 - re:View
  • Super underrated, the final fight is a letdown but the rest of the film is on par with the first.

  • L85 is next, mark my words
  • Such a niche reference, but so good. If you know it you can't not hear the voice.

  • Offseason - San Antonio Spurs
  • Yeah the narrative is that Spurs need to rush to put a winning team around Wemby but I think that's an overreaction, and SAS is the organisation that you know is going to stick to the plan. It's frustrating that this draft is so weak, but if there's any hidden gold in there SAS have a great record of finding it.

  • What is the best hip hop lyric of all time?
  • "I bomb atomically, Socrates' philosophies and hypotheses can't define how I be dropping these mockeries"

  • Artist behind Mona’s ladies-only lounge ‘absolutely delighted’ man is suing for gender discrimination
  • Are you a legal expert? Is the fact that this is "art" not a more complex legal issue?

    edit: Quote from the article: "Mona’s legal team will be relying on the tribunal’s interpretation of section 26 of Tasmania’s Anti-Discrimination Act, under which a person is permitted to discriminate against another person in a situation designed to promote equal opportunity for a group of people who are disadvantaged or have a special need because of a prescribed attribute – in this case gender. It is under clauses like this in most of Australia’s anti-discrimination legislation that organisations such as male-only clubs and women-only gyms are able to operate."

  • Matildas captain Sam Kerr charged over alleged racially aggravated harassment of police officer
  • The difference between a racial slur and an acceptably shortened country name is a matter of history. "Aussie" should never be seen as a slur because it has never been a commonly used racial insult. Context is important.

  • 80's Music SamuraiBeandog
    New Order - Temptation
    80's Music SamuraiBeandog
    Simple Minds - Love Song
    80's Music SamuraiBeandog
    Visage - Fade to Grey
    80's Music SamuraiBeandog
    The Waterboys - The Whole of the Moon
    SamuraiBeandog SamuraiBeandog
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    Comments 64