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Shortest license agreement ever.
  • You get to pick. 90 seconds, 90 minutes, 90 hours, 90 days, 90 weeks, 90 months, 90 years, 90 rotations around the Milky Way Galaxy, 90 cycles of the Big Crunch/Big Bang, 90 iterations of God, 90 iterations of whatever made God, etc...

  • Name one successful communist nation!
  • On the other other hand, choosing to stay in a capitalist system and expecting to be treated like a human being is less rational than expecting God even cared enough to want to help in the first place.

  • Wells Fargo fires employees for utilising down time.
  • You are correct that in our current capitalist system, the employees were in the wrong.

    The problem is the capitalist system itself is wrong.

    The Antiwork community is here to as a counter culture to the capitalist/corporate culture that has become so ingrained in our society at large. The idea that a person is forced to stay at work for their entire shift, even during times where there is no work to be done, is a problem. That is essentially where the term "wage slave" comes from, because while we are on the clock we lose our freedom to do what we want with our time.

  • Purism (creator of FOSS friendly phones and hardware) 2023 financial report , income grew by 350% in three years and the company is profitable
  • When the phone is not set to suspend, and mostly idle with a couple of apps running, and some occasional web browsing, its about 4 hours. Under similar conditions using suspend (meaning it will keep the modem powered and wake up the rest of the device wen receiving phone calls and SMS) then I can get through a 9 hour workday and have about 40% battery left.

    I have been daily driving the phone for a couple of years so I'm sure the battery has degraded some, but I don't know how much difference I would get with a new one. It can be easily replaced, so I may do that in the future.

  • Purism (creator of FOSS friendly phones and hardware) 2023 financial report , income grew by 350% in three years and the company is profitable
  • It certainly shows the potential for mobile Linux for sure. There's a project where you can install their mobile Linux OS on Android phones if you want to give it a try on a spare phone or something. The wiki lists what phones the OS can be installed on and what hardware features are working for each device.

  • Purism (creator of FOSS friendly phones and hardware) 2023 financial report , income grew by 350% in three years and the company is profitable
  • I daily drive the Librem 5 and am typing this reply from the phone. The honest feedback (and tl;dr) is that it is a good device for those who value privacy over convenience.

    The hardware kill switches are a nice touch, especially on the camera/microphone. I don't have moments of suspicion that if I have a conversation about a toaster that I will suddenly start seeing ads about toasters everywhere.

    It's nice not to be bombarded with notifications to review their app, accept TOS that my data will be used to sell me stuff, irremovable bloatware, and some of the other annoyances we got used to experiencing.

    As a basic communications device it works fine. Phone calls (VoLTE) and SMS text messaging works, depending if your carrier allows you to BYOD and provides the network info. SMS can sometimes get "clogged" in the modem when there is a very active group text; but for me usually resetting the modem using the hardware killswitch, a 15 second process, fixes it.

    Of course the downside is a more limited app ecosystem compared to Android. You will have to search for convergent apps and flatpaks, but I have found everything I need through Flathub.

    The camera does not take influencer quality photos, but if you need to take a quick picture of something and share it, then it works.

    Battery life is definitely something to be desired, but I can make it through a work day with automatic suspend doing some light web browsing and sending some messages throughout the day.

    Since I mostly use a computer for web browsing, emails, and word processing, I dock my phone and use it in desktop mode. It's not blazing fast, but for my purposes it is more than fine. Its actually a cool feeling to sit at my desk, start typing an email, listening to music, and then undocking my phone and continue the email on the go from the same device.

  • Climate crisis with Poison Ivy
  • I do agree a lot of stories about "finding yourself" are like that (Eat Pray Love for instance). But to be fair in the Nolan movies he went out into the world with no money. Now, if he somehow formed another billion dollar company then it would have become full on capitalist propaganda, lol.

  • Riding in the mountains
  • Take your time on any curvy roads, and pay attention to the signs that tell you how the road is going to be, such as only one curve or switchback.

    I missed a sign that a road was going to be a switchback and I almost didn't slow down enough to turn the other direction around the second curve.

  • Here's a way to support linux mobile development even if you're forced to use android or ios
  • A good way to check out mobile Linux is through postmarketOS. They have a list of older android phones that the OS can be flashed on to and have a near mainline Linux kernel. I would just give the caveat that since it does not run android then you cannot use android apps unless you use something like Waydroid to emulate.

  • What keeps capitalism together?
  • Owning the means of production can also be seen as owning the business collectively. So in a service model business, like say a restaurant, instead of the owner taking in profits and paying the workers less money, all the workers split those profits evenly.

  • Toss straws in the sea, save the cocaine industry
  • In all seriousness, are straws even recyclable (in USA)? I thought it fell under "wish-cycling" where people put it in the recycling bin but it is not the type of plastic that can be recycled.

  • USA vs Cuba
  • Blackouts are certainly a thing, and for the middle class in USA that would be considered intolerable. However, for the poor in the USA who sometimes go without electricity for lack of payment, having access to healthcare and education in exchange for the occasional blackout might be worth the trade.

    As for speaking out against the government, citizens may not be incarcerated for speaking out (unless it actually threatens the government such as Manning, Snowden, and Winner), other forms of control are used. Usually that means pervasive propaganda and pitting people against each other through the Culture War.

  • A Website keeping forgotten books alive The Neglected Books Page Where forgotten books are remembered

    The Neglected Books Page

    I came across this website that focuses on highlighting books that are out if print but still worthy of reading, if you can find them. The most recent post (Feb. 29 2024) talks about the various reasons books become neglected.

    My cousin said the gas savings for a prius and a motorcycle were the same.

    Mathematically they're equivalent, but the feelings could not be further apart.

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