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‘Guess what? Mummy is a sex worker’: the sexologist who wants to build a ‘slutopia’ for women
  • I appreciate that! And moderating topics like these is frankly nearly impossible as it's a clash of science and "moral".

    My gist is simple: NSFW is literally: "would you mind a coworker seeing you looking at this?". After all marking something as NSFW is a form of self censorship: "I recommend you not looking at this at work!".

    From this I deduce two things: a) text should have a higher barrier for NSFW than images. Other people need to actively read what you're looking at and it's way harder to claim that text is not workplace appropriate compared to a picture of primary sedual organs. b) What's actually depicted and said? The Wikipedia page about human reproduction falls at least at my workplace not under NSFW although a penis is clearly depicted.

    Now to the OP: it's an article discussion the struggle of sex workers (well promotion of a book about it but same same). The issue here is that marking articles like these as NSFW perpetuates the core issue of the content discussed: that this is a woman problem that should be talked about in private.

    I guess that's where the majority of downvotes come from as well: "this should not be viewed in the workplace" is a catastrophic signal in this context for the message.

    Now to your point of respectdirectly: OP doesn't disrespect the people who filter out NSFW content because this article should be visible and even discussed in professional contexts if we as human society want to progress. It's source is a newspaper, it's content socially relevant and aimed at (provocatively!) educating and it's topic is sadly very relevant.

    All of this is my personal opinion of course but I wanted to leave you with more than just a two word comment!

  • ‘Guess what? Mummy is a sex worker’: the sexologist who wants to build a ‘slutopia’ for women
  • This is the exact headline of an established newspaper. Wherever you're allowed to have your phone or for reading at work then this should be just as fine.

    Please be consience on what NSFW should be and don't call for censorship in its name.

    Ironically fitting to the article itself.

  • Populus (1998) & "god games"
  • Black and White was really fun for me as well for a time - it's basically a god simulation combined with a zoo game as you have to grow your avatar basically.

    Loved populous back then, if I recall correctly I even liked two more than one!

  • "How much I paid to eat kebab every year", in Turkey with the 4th highest inflation in the world
  • Yeah but that's - to be clear - bullshit distraction talk. That's not "people" as in many folks, that's politicians distracting from the difficult discussions (i.e. Inflation) and trying to rile up people. At least in my social bubble it didn't work - it was mocked a bit and then forgotten.

  • OneNote alternative to make a knowledge base
  • As they are closed source no one can tell you their true privacy policy. It seems better than average from what I've read but you never know...

    Personally I use logseq and sync the files via a Nextcloud instance. I can only recommend it, although I also recommend spending an hour to learn the tagging and linking logic and reading through their guide on what's possible. I still only leverage a minor part of the potential myself.

    One that is closer to onenote (I think, never used onenote) is Joplin.

  • Solved: How can containers be forced to use a VPN?
  • Yeah I had a brainfart, meant namespace...

    And thanks a lot for this writeup I think with your help I figured out where I went wrong in my train of thought and I'll give it another try next week when I have a bit downtime.

    The time you took to write this is highly appreciated! ♥

  • Solved: How can containers be forced to use a VPN?
  • Do you have a link at hand on how start a process within a specific veth by chance? Own name spaces are easy enough and a lot of tutorials but I don't want my programs to ever be not in the vpn space, not at startup not as fail over etc.

    That's the reason why I stuck with the container setup, only for gluetun plus vpned services.

  • People Aren't Happy With Adobe's Spyware-Like TOS Update: Users of Photoshop, Substance 3D, and other Adobe products are now required to provide the company with unlimited access to their projects.
  • I have to fullheartily disagree! From my point of view this is an exciting dystopia - the same way Russian roulette is "exciting".

    I wouldn't have thought that we as species speedrun the shadowrun tech dystopia in addition to the expected corporate oligarchy one - on not, not instead!

    This feels like doing 200mph on a highway and someone telling me that they now can - and in fact started to - alter my breaks on the fly. "boring" just doesn't cut it anymore for me.

  • High Rates and Prices Leave Many Stuck in a Starter Home
  • This comment is so wild to my non US eyes. I had to convert the sqft you gave because I missremembered. Friends of mine are family with two kids and live in a bit more than half that space (80m2) - and are not the exception from what I know.

    To see 130m2 "too small for the family" is really weird and I'd love to see/understand where the differences come from. I guess that even how the space is calculated might have an impact. Really fascinating!

    Thanks for sharing!

  • Kann ich gezwungen werden, einen Termin für Physiotherapie zu unterschreiben, auch wenn ich nicht behandelt wurde?
  • Deine Krankenkasse wird sagen "Nein, die Leistung wurde nicht erbracht" und die Praxis dann: ok, hier ist die privat Rechnung.

    Wenn du letzteres lieber möchtest sprich die Praxis einfach drauf an, dann kriegst du die Rechnung statt der Unterschrift.

  • A bit of a weird question: Can modern medicine be a threat to humanity long-term by greatly reducing effects of natural selection?
  • But that's not what OP asked / wanted to dicuss? The person you're attacking simply answered the original question:

    "would it be a danger to the whole of humanity or our evolutionary progress?"

    While I think the data alignes with your observation and your interpretation of the risks are on point it deviates from the point the person you answered to.

  • Legend refuses to let the man dictate what 'grammar' and what 'the correct word' is dictate their writing
  • Oh I disagree in the conservatism because my argument is: we can't normalize written language because the phonetics in one language is wastly different in different regions and either we go to the pre Grimm "everyone writes as they speak" or there's normalization.

    That's what confuses me: your definition of what the orthographic systems are supposed to solve differs from what l got taught: That people started writing preserve information - the phonetic alphabets were then adopted because (oversimplification!) it was easier.

    My professor of historic German (Mittelhochdeutsch, not sure of the proper translation) always joked about the "sprechen wie gedruckt" people in Germany who claimed to talk "proper" German because of all the changes in language which get reflected over time into the main language (do you go "zu Aldi" or "nach Aldi" for example are regional directional expressions.

    What is preserved is the clear meaning of things and standardization.

    To get back to the OP: The standards are needed to prevent phonetic writing to alter the meaning of a sentence away from what the senders intend or puts a burden onto the reader to decipher. And that's the risk when mixing relation and time (than/then).

    From my perspective the discussion comes down to "who puts energy into the communication, the sender or the reader". And for a lot of these examples it is less energy for the author than it is for the reader to then establish a common understanding.

    That said: I find it fascinating to read such a different take on that topic and learn new things, thank you!

  • Legend refuses to let the man dictate what 'grammar' and what 'the correct word' is dictate their writing
  • Friend, I just read your whole post. Keep in mind that your mental health should be more important to you than (♥) anything else!

    May I suggest just giving yourself enough leeway to keep the mental capacity to shrug of random internet people? We - your NPCs - should never be as important in regards to your own health!

    What you're describing sounds to me way different though - you only share the same symptoms! I get the feeling that you strife for perfection in how others perceive you. OP on the other hand is a tuna sandwich dick.

    Please feel appreciated this day for the thoughts you make and the effort you put in no matter what the internet points tell you.

  • The Boys Season 4 Official Trailer
  • Arr my friend, there are solutions to your problem! If course it depends on what you (don't) see as theft.

    My opinion: it isn't. If you want only this one thing then I suggest the manual approach. But if you once tasted the high seas you'll soon become your own tech specialist, running a whole.. Stack of arr.

    And to be less subtle: torrent that shit. Use a vpn. If you want to ramp it up check out the arr stack aka servarr aka a way to automate the whole download and consume thing. There's a learning curve involved but learning is fun! :)

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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