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I'm so tired of bi-erasure
  • I get this a lot, a lot of people assume I'm either gay or asexual because I never talk about sex. When I tell them I'm pan they just assume I'm gay and not at terms with it. I'm hella attracted to women, I just don't talk about it so people assume I'm not. But then I'm also hella attracted to men and I don't talk about that, and people assume I'm gay because of it

  • In the last few years, what is the single most concentrated piece of liberal ideology you have consumed? Movie, show, maybe even a video game, share the pain!
  • Lol yeah. Two of the heroes are cops, one is a girlboss CEO, the other is a war profiteering capitalist who incited a civil war so he could sell arms.

    Meanwhile, the villains are all people who "meant well but were too extreme". Like apparently wanting equality for people without magic can only manifest as Amon, who wants to take away everyone's magic, and is actually magic himself. Caring for the environment can only manifest as Unalaq, who actually doesn't care about the environment and wants to destroy the world. There are no alternatives - support the oppressive status quo or be a villain.

    The portrayal of anarchism actually baffles me in Korra, because they pretty much had it correct with the air nomads. In ATLA, the air nomads were peaceful, freedom loving people with very little hierarchy and no bigotry. But in Korra, anarchism is when there's no rules and no bedtimes and everything is chaos and it's completely individualistic. Like, Zaheer kill the earth queen and literally tear down the walls separating the rich and the poor - and then they go off to commit genocide against the airbenders for some reason? That is a completely incoherent ideology, yet the show treats it as the only outcome of anarchism.

    Also Kuvira is an actual fascist who puts people in concentration camps, but she's the one villain who gets mercy. You want to dismantle unjust hierarchies and remove barriers between nations? We are going to fucking murder you. You want to ethnically cleanse your nation? No biggie, house arrest with your family. The last straw for the good guys is when Kuvira tries to retake land that was colonised for fucks sake

  • liberal propaganda
  • Zaheer in the legend of Korra - is an anarchist, tears down the walls separating the poor and rich, literally kills the queen - good 👍

    Then he decides to kill Korra, end the avatar cycle and threaten to destroy the air nomads for good, because he's a crazy anarchist and that is all completely in line with crazy anarchism.

    Nevermind that the air nomads are already essentially anarchists

  • Fallout fans among the worst offenders
  • The one that's particularly bad is the picture of Liberty Prime's decapitated head in a ruined wasteland saying "death is a preferable alternative to communism". The entire point is that the US were so anti-communist that they destroyed the entire world and slaughtered billions, all for the sake of private property. And chuds look at that and think "wow, epic robot!"

  • Comrades, I need some advice about dealing with an alt-righter
  • Stay around friends whenever possible. Fascists are at the end of the day cowards, and he might not feel as powerful with a gun if he's outnumbered. Other people have suggested arming yourself, but that's a worst case scenario. I guess as long as you're only around him in public he will hopefully be too scared to do anything. As others said, unless he explicitly threatens you, it's not likely that staff or police will interfere.

    God this is such an awful situation. I can't believe I'm sitting here typing up some advice about how to not get killed by a fascist like it's nothing. Stay strong comrade

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