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GOG: When we said we let you ‘own’ your games, we meant that no matter what happens you’ll still be able to play them thanks to our offline installers.
  • For those willing to do a bit of CLI work there are even tools to pull your whole library automagically. Just make sure you got the space for it. Sitting at just over 1.5 TB here.

  • Deleted
    Republican attorneys general from 17 states join Texas in defending politicians’ right to ban books
  • I wonder just how far down the road they think they'll get. The 'little free libraries' and ebooks, legal or less than, would be near impossible for them to push this show onto.

    Information will be free, like it or not the stories will be told and you can't do a damn thing about it.

  • Harris raises $27 million in New York fundraiser, promises economic speech this week
  • The whole concept of corporations as distinct eternal entities could use a reworking. From copyright, to liability, to corporate 'speech', it all shields to interests of the well heeled from responsibility for their actions. Some level of separation from an individual is needed or no small business would ever date take the risk of starting up, but at a certain point somebody needs to own the actions of it. How we define that is beyond me, but for now I'd take removing non-breathing entities from the voting pool and political funding as a start.

  • Harris raises $27 million in New York fundraiser, promises economic speech this week
  • They as a candidate don't, the campaign as a whole is important to support though. Particularly if it can be shown that the funds come from small doners it shows popular support. I would rather see a crowd funded candidate with millions of $5 donations than a handful of super-pacs funneling dark money into it. It's exactly the kind of problem that citizens United caused that we need to revert to show the popular will of the people.

  • Everett True promotes gun safety (September 23, 1918)
  • In my state you can take a class that gets a special marker put on your driver license forever (took it when I was maybe 10 and it's marked today) but so far as I gather it's just some sort of trophy badge rather than having any function. Even something like that as a pre-req wouldn't be a bad start when the baseline now is just don't be a felon.

  • What browser is visiting the page?
  • There are some use cases other than web page compatibility. One for me is in dealing with firewall and proxy policy, if the agent is a browser and comes in on specified explicit ports then force authentication, things of that nature.

  • In Late Push To Help Trump, Nebraska GOP Might Take An Electoral Vote Away From Kamala Harris
  • An great reply to negate the games. Frankly though if we can't get rid of the electoral college entirely, switching everyone to a similar split electors setup might not be a bad idea. Would have to check the math since there are a LOT of red states and districts gerrymandered all to hell to support the slavery supporting states.

  • Most instances are still federated. Really?
  • Ooh, I remember this one when some other snot tried claiming the could have so many times, the answer is 1 (one) time between 77 & 79 when Carter was president just 4 years after the original scouts ruling.

    Other than that, there hasn't been a 60 vote Democrat super majority in the Senate since.

  • Cleanup Group Says It's on Track to Eliminate the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
  • Or one could view it as regardless of efforts at future prevention, we still need to pick up from the past. If we stopped every scrap of plastic in production today that pile of junk would still be floating about for the next millennia.

  • If the next Republican U.S. president implements Project 2025, California will face an ultimatum: report sensitive abortion data to the federal government or jeopardize Medicaid funding
  • Then when the 5th largest economy in the world decides they don't feel like playing with you anymore you get to find out what a budget deficit really means.

  • Six House Republicans throw a wrench in Trump plan to block a Harris win
  • "will likely" sounds awfully speculative and I expect is just something someone guessed could happen so they could write a scary headline.

    What good would it do them even if they did refuse? Pretty sure that would just mean Biden stays in until it's sorted, or he dies of old age and Kamela takes over as the current VP anyhow.

    The way Trump has been falling all over himself lately there's every good chance the house at large would just tell him to go pound sand.

  • MAGA scrambles to excuse Trump chickening out of second debate
  • He knows just how badly she was able to pull his strings and play him like a puppet. Time and time again. The bit with poking at his rallys was priceless to see.

  • JD Vance's racism made Trump even more crazy looking
  • It's tough to fathom the people who bite at his bullshit. So much of it is plainly made up on the spot with no connection to reality, how does that not bother someone to the point where you might question giving this person executive authority...

  • Don Jr confronted by restaurant owner who says he lost customers over Trump support
  • There are a couple places out here in the corn fields that prominently plaster big orange all over their business. Now from everything I know this is the most red district in MN (6th who sent Michelle Bachman years back) so maybe more their home base, but I could never figure why risk pushing out half you patrons to promote someone who won't give a damn about you? You're not going to gain anyone coming in for it, but you could damn well loose a bunch.

  • Ford seeks patent for tech that listens to driver conversations to serve ads
  • I'm pretty sure they're just trying to boost the classic car market and spur on innovation by opening the door for new competitors that respect their customers privacy and wishes. Why else would they do something this half-brained?

  • anon finds a plothole
  • You get a full podium sweep, gotta do some acrobatics to be on all the spots for the pics though.

  • Meta fixes easily bypassed WhatsApp ‘View Once’ privacy feature
  • People have done that for ages. Pic taken of the screen with another device, try and block that now. Basic rule, if you send it out assume it's no longer private.

  • why did my peach fruit leather get all craggly?
  • Doe strawberries fit that too? So far that's the only one I've tried and got a similar result.

  • Ally in training...

    Hey all,

    So I'm looking to take an active step here to understand better some things that my straight/white/cis/middle-aged male brain has had a tough time wrapping itself around, particularly in the gender identity front.

    I'm working from the understanding of physical sex as the bio-bits and the expressed identity as being separate things, so that part is easy enough.

    What's confusing to me though is like this. If we take gender as being an expression of your persona, a set of traits that define one as male, female, or some combination of both then what function does a title/pronoun serve? To assume that some things are masculine or feminine traits seems to put unneeded rigidity to things.

    We've had men or women who enjoy things traditionally associated with the other gender for as long as there have been people I expect. If that's the case then what purpose does the need for a gender title serve?

    I'll admit personally questioning some things like fairness in cis/trans integrated sports, but that's outside what I'm asking here. Some things like bathroom laws are just society needing to get over itself in thinking our personal parts are all that special.

    Certainly not trying to stir up any fights, just trying to get some input from people that have a different life experience than myself. Is it really as simple as a preferred title?

    Edit: Just wanted to take a second to thank all the people here who took the time to write some truly extensive thoughts and explanations, even getting into some full on citation-laden studies into neurology that'll give me plenty to digest. You all have shown a great deal of patience with me updating some thinking from the bio/social teachings of 20+ years back. 🙂

    And f*ck this guy in particular...

    Or, when you get a sudden windfall inheritance from on high.

    ShellMonkey Monkey With A Shell

    Some dingbat that occasionally builds neat stuff without breaking others. The person running this public-but-not-promoted instance because reasons.

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