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  • Pedantics, actually. Much like this comment. Semantics would be applicable if you weren’t trying to be superior by dropping a single ambiguous sentence.

    Since you left the meaning of your comment ambiguous I interpreted it as your lack of understanding what the mathematical definition of a circle is.

    Based on the comment thread it seems like you need all the help you can get. I hope you find it!

  • Cloudflare Employee records her final meeting where HR tries to fire her
  • Again, it doesn't matter what they tell you.

    Wrong again. It very much matters what they tell you because by law they’re not required to tell you anything. They can terminate employment for no reason. Giving a reason is citing cause.

    The employer might not fight an unemployment claim but if, for example, they cited performance in the termination meeting and then the employee finds out the employer had made age discriminatory comments, kind of like you did, about them, there’s grounds for wrongful termination.

    You seem intent on ignoring the fact that the conversation during a termination from the employee perspective is crucial because companies can, and do, lie to protect themselves.

    There’s also special conditions and requirements that go along with a reduction in force (layoffs due to overstaffing) that companies try to sidestep by listing a different reason for the termination.

  • Cloudflare Employee records her final meeting where HR tries to fire her
  • Being fired without cause means an employee is being let go, but not because of any serious workplace misconduct. Conversely, being fired with cause means the employee committed a serious breach of conduct in their workplace, which led to their termination.

    Citing performance is citing cause. You’re wrong and others are right in that citing performance is an attempt to demonstrate cause to avoid severance and/or unemployment. A “layoff” is without cause and entitles them to those benefits.

  • Trump blocked from Maine presidential ballot in 2024
  • Are you stupid? Perhaps you should take a Civics class rather than making idiotic comments here and relying on others to educate you.

    SCOTUS is the final authority on interpretation of the US Constitution. That’s why they can take up the case. If it was a clause in a State Constitution the State Supreme Court has final say and SCOTUS can suck on a lemon.

    Administrators at the state and local level are responsible for running elections, from maintaining voter registration records to counting ballots. As a result, election laws and procedures vary widely among states and localities. Each state has an agency that manages elections.

    Time for your dumbass to pack up your ignorance and move along. Take your asinine argument that the constitution shouldn’t be adhered to because they might get upset about it.

    A village somewhere is missing their idiot because you’re too busy making uninformed comments on the internet.

  • Federal judge again strikes down California law banning gun magazines of more than 10 rounds
  • And the federal judges disagree with you.

    Is the 9th circuit court of appeals not federal? Of course that was 2017, but since the Supreme Court vacated it and Judge Benitez ruled the same way again it’s settled law right? The ban is no longer in effect because the case is finished with this ruling, right?

    What state is your BAR license from? I’d like to see how their requirements compare to mine.

  • Federal judge again strikes down California law banning gun magazines of more than 10 rounds
  • I didn’t say anything about the militia, not sure why you’re referencing that. I provided the verbatim text, which doesn’t reference capacity.

    Heller did not establish protections for magazine capacity, that’s what your image says. It’s not settled law, that’s why it’s being contested. This judge was overruled on appeal on this once before. Until it’s settled law the argument magazine capacity is protected is as valid as the argument it’s not.

    ... with complete technological parity with the standing armed forces of the time, in context.

    Yes, in context for the 1790s the people had access to the same weapons as the standing army, of course they didn’t really have a lot of choice…

    It’s almost like context changes over time and laws need to as well.

    And in the post-Bruen world, there's much less room for debate, especially for arbitrary and capricious restrictions on a right.

    This is wrong. Bruen simply held that may issue states cannot use arbitrary evaluations of need to issue permits for concealed carry. Everything else is, by definition, debatable which is why this case is working its way through the courts.

    Again, this is a dumb law and not at all representative of reasonable gun control but magazine capacity is not protected by the 2nd amendment. Not yet, at least.

  • Federal judge again strikes down California law banning gun magazines of more than 10 rounds
  • Before anyone tries to argue if the 2A covers bullet capacity, let me introduce you to the chambers gun

    This isn’t the gotcha you think it is. The only thing the 2nd amendment covers is “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

    Your argument that bullet capacity is covered is as valid as another’s argument that it’s not because it’s not explicitly stated, so it’s left to interpretation.

    This law is dumb and doesn’t seem likely to actually do anything to curb gun violence.

    However, if someone would like to own a Chambers gun or any other firearm that existed in 1791 when the amendment was ratified then they should be allowed to without restriction, including felons, children, people with mental health issues, illegal drug users etc. This is what the 2nd amendment guarantees in context

    That context is important though. 230 years ago the most common weapons owned and available to the people were muskets and flintlock pistols. Single shot, muzzle loading weapons.

    Let’s also not forget that James Madison redrafted the Second Amendment into its current form "for the specific purpose of assuring the Southern states, and particularly his constituents in Virginia, that the federal government would not undermine their security against slave insurrection by disarming the militia.”

    It is incredibly easy in modern times in the US to be able to access firearms capable of dealing significantly greater death and harm than in 1791. It’s fair to argue that, in current context, the intent of the 2nd amendment would not protect magazine capacity. In fact the case that defined bearable arms, District of Columbia v. Heller, leaves much to debate about whether a magazine constitutes a “bearable arm”.

  • Marjorie Taylor Greene Says States Should 'Consider Seceding From the Union'
  • Just reinforcing that you can’t read, huh? Literally in the same link already provided:

    An associated problem starts pretty quickly with the fiscal health of Texas. They will have to print their own money and swap out US dollars for their own money (Republic of Texas Dollars or Pesos or whatever they’d like to call them)… let’s call them TexBux (thanks Nicholi Valentin). If they don’t get their financial house in order from the get-go, that will see high inflation, where TexBux quickly fall against the USD and the MNX.

    Maybe they just peg the TexBuck to the US Dollar? That’s possible: about 66 countries peg their currencies to the US Dollar. However, this is kind of magic trick conducted by their central bank — you can’t just make the claim that a TexBuck is the same as a Dollar. The central bank in such a country will buy up large numbers of US Treasury Notes. If TexBux fall next to the US Dollar, they sell Treasuries and buy TexBux, which both lowers the value of the US Dollar just a bit, and raises the value of the TexBuck.

    Of course, this presumes that The Republic of Texas magically turns into a real country. Given the typical Texas leadership, that seems pretty unlikely. Yeah, they’d need some kind of central bank and mint to print money, but would they really have a monetary policy capable of pinning the TexBuck to the Dollar? Would that even be possible in the Texas economy — this is not The Bahamas we’re talking about here. There’s an awfully good chance that US imports get expensive, real fast.

  • Marjorie Taylor Greene Says States Should 'Consider Seceding From the Union'
  • Hey everyone, this idiot I’m replying to can’t even read. Literally from the link:

    And that also starts to impact the oil market. Yes, Texas has substantial oil reserves. They’re the leading producer of crude oil and natural gas in the USA, and the leading refinder of petroleum products. But of course, that’s all done by foreign companies in the Republic of Texas. Does Texas itself own any oil? Maybe, but I couldn’t find it. Do they Nationalize all petroleum production and send the oil companies running? That’s an annual $223 billion!

    But here’s the other thing: all oil is currently bought and sold in Petrodollars. You buy oil in dollars, you sell oil in dollars. So the TexBux situation in Texas is a big problem… relative to other things in Texas, the cost of oil will go up. And this dynamic makes Republic of Texas less interesting for investors and oil companies than Texas, USA. Particularly if it’s unstable. Not that, after a century in the Middle East, they’re not strangers to how one gets the best of an unstable country. It’s just never good for that unstable country.

  • Marjorie Taylor Greene Says States Should 'Consider Seceding From the Union'
  • With how long it would take you to sound out each word I know you didn’t read it just goes to show how incredibly naive you are.

    Time to go back to the kiddie table little child, you’re clearly out of your depth.

  • Marjorie Taylor Greene Says States Should 'Consider Seceding From the Union'
  • You truly redefine dumb don’t you?

    Here’s the summary for you so you don’t have to struggle through all of the points made:

    Bottom line is that, yes, Texas today is a financial powerhouse. But most of that is because Texas is part of the USA with a bunch of laws that let businesses get away with things they can’t get away with elsewhere. And in part, sure, like California, they have a lifestyle that attracts those with regional mobility, like engineers. But that’s still dependent on being part of the USA.

    Going independent, Texas can’t use the rest of the USA to pay, one way or another, for their “pro-business” policies. They can’t fund half the cost of state government with Federal money. They can’t make a profit on the military — they have to figure out how to pay for one. And pretty much, just as other third world countries only get the low-end of production, there’s no way an Independent Texas with economic problems, rampant unemployment, crazies in office, etc. gets much interest from investors or big business in the USA or anywhere else.

    There’s also a very large potential for domination by organized crime. The Mexican drug cartels would have little trouble moving into Texas and setting up shop. The USA as a whole can pool a very large amount of money to protect the southern border, because the northern border with Canada, our Western border on the Pacific, and our eastern border on the Atlantic (yeah, that’s me waving!) need relatively little protective effort. But the Republic of Texas would be a small country with some need to be concerned about every border, but particularly their border with Mexico.

  • Marjorie Taylor Greene Says States Should 'Consider Seceding From the Union'
  • Texas’ GDP is what it is because it’s part of the United States.

    You’re so simple you think Texas could secede from the United States and the companies and industries that promote that GDP would stay there? If clueless was a person it’s be you.

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