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  • There's also this company that caters to this sort of thing. I've been considering moving to this someday, maybe when my current phone dies. I'm the kind of person that needs a genuinely dumbed down phone to limit access since I'd just get the key out of the drawer and 'cheat' eventually.

  • What kind of institutional gaslighting is this?
  • Back in the big union days, this was called "work to rule", as in you worked exactly to the letter of your job and not an inch more.

    It was a union tactic to fight back if the company wasn't playing fair or wasn't playing ball at the negotiating table

  • Why are there so many apps that could be websites?
  • I always assumed the reason was to get more tendrils into your phone for that sweet sweet data $$$ and allowing themselves more control over shoving notifications in your face.

    Do I sound bitter?

  • The only thing that is preventing basic living essentials for costing more is whether the capitalist class feel like rising the price or not.
  • Do we know who is setting the price higher? Is it more like it’s 6% higher but so is everything else or more of the manufacturer selling to the storefronts at a higher cost thus forcing grocery stores to set the price higher by 6%?

    Because it informs who we should be mad at

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I'm excited to see this on my frontpage this morning because I used to listen to a community driven station from a game I used to play and it was legit one of my favorite ways to discover new music. That radio station shut down a few years ago but previous to that Radio KoL(Kingdom of Loathing) had been running for over a decade.

    Here's hoping this is the replacement!

  • Young climate activist tells Greenpeace to drop ‘old-fashioned’ anti-nuclear stance
  • Good should not be the enemy of perfect.

    Your concerns are valid, but there are only so many economically viable ways to produce energy and nuclear is plainly better than burning more fossil fuels despite the downsides.

    Yes, we need to transition to 100% renewables(that dont take more energy in producing the equipment than its lifetime output) but until that comes to pass any option that isn't actively killing us globally, eg, fossil fuels, should be on the table.

  • Job titles of the future: Chief heat officer
  • Phoenix AZ created the same position, the podcast The Daily did an episode about him.

    I found it something of a letdown to listen to because this new department they created to address a growing threat is clearly low on the totem pole and has significant hurdles on getting anything basic done like simply planting a corridor of trees. You'd think they'd have taken heat mitigation more seriously in a city that hot.

    I'm pulling for Miami and hope they can do more than just talk about doing something.

  • Soaking in the worst air quality in the world
  • If I gotta breathe in smoke from a fire I’d prefer it be that sourdough fire.

    But yeah it’s pretty bad here lately. This situation must have something to do with the tropical storm remnants, think it’s blocking in all of the smoke from blowing east

  • Can I faraday cage my ISP-issued router in order to use my own?

    I have a family member living on my property in a separate but adjacent living space, close enough together to share my router's wifi. She likes to let her youtube app endlessly autoplay talking head news videos at full volume due to her hearing loss, and this goes on for a few hours in the mornings. The sound through the walls is annoying but headphones block enough that it's a non-issue as long as I can load something to play through them. The real rub is that I also would like to do something on the laptop during breakfast and her neverending news autoplay eats up all the bandwidth I am paying for when I want to use it. I can't cut off her internet, but I could prioritize my traffic over hers in the morning so that I can load an episode of something and listen through headphones. Yes I know this would be a bit unscrupulous but I have already suggested she not doomscroll via youtube all morning, to no avail.

    Setting up a separate ISP account for the adjacent space isnt an option for the time being. The router/modem combo is ISP-issued and locked down by default due to too many service calls from people breaking stuff in settings. As far as I know it is not able to be swapped out to an off-the-shelf due to this being fiber optic internet, plus I'm only so-so in tech knowledge.

    Which leads me to the title, can I put the ISP-issued router in a faraday cage, connect my own router via ethernet and be able to control settings via that route? Any reason I shouldn't/couldn't?

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