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General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 19
  • Victory day is coming, comrades. Brace yourselves for revisionism, double genocide and a whole lot of nazi whitewash

  • Boeing Starliner Flight of NASA Astronauts Is Scrubbed
  • they made a reuseable rocket or some shit

    Or have they? Baikal-Angara system predates space ex meme boosters by a long while. They were only scrapped because USSR went pop and, well, everything got scrapped

  • The sanctions are working.
  • Gas station with nukes, huh?

  • A Chinese Maglev Revolution is Coming...
  • but they got NIMBY’d by property owners who wanted a bigger setback

    What kinda property owners? Do you happen to have a news link or some such? Were those landowners or what?

  • Bondholders to Push Ukraine to Resume Debt Payments After Hiatus
  • it would be economically unstable rump state that’s going to require billions in constant funding to prop it up

    Would also be a perfect camping ground for terrorist training and organising weapons transfer for later attacks on Russian civilians.

  • Bondholders to Push Ukraine to Resume Debt Payments After Hiatus
  • would seal the republican victory.

    Which would change what, exactly? They talk tough, sure, threatening to cut off aid and all, but at the end of the day, they're still owned by the same class. The same subclass even - financial capital

  • Bondholders to Push Ukraine to Resume Debt Payments After Hiatus
  • Biden becoming more involved in the Israeli war might affect his chances more positively than entering Ukraine.

    How so? There seem to be more protests against Israel in USA than there ever been about Ukraine

  • NATO starts deploying troops as Russia races to win
  • That's both hilarious and sad. On the other hand, it's still bodies with guns aimed at the revolution

  • ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo and its Anthropic equivalent are total simps
  • LLMs are just a tool, and just like all other tools under capitalism, they are owned by the bourgeoisie and thus do what the bourgeoisie demands. Think of them as you would of factories that produce ammunition and weapons instead of tractors and useful everyday items.

  • NATO starts deploying troops as Russia races to win
  • Do EU countries have an analogue to national guard? French have Gendermerie and the foreign legion, what about the rest?

  • NATO starts deploying troops as Russia races to win
  • So around six months to go? Tbh I don't see AFU capitulating in this period

  • NATO starts deploying troops as Russia races to win
  • Perhaps that is the plan

  • NATO starts deploying troops as Russia races to win
  • there’s no one left to fight revolutionaries

    Domestically you mean? Because there's still police, national guard, secret service, various special forces that aren't deployed, FBI, etc

  • NATO starts deploying troops as Russia races to win
  • When is the yankee election? November?

  • Russian troops enter base housing US military in Niger, US official says
  • said Russian forces were not mingling with U.S. troops

    Why would they?

  • Drones attack special Industrial zone Alabuga and an oil refinery in Nizhnekamsk (both in Tatarstan)

    Six people reported wounded in Alabuga. Haven't found reports on wounded in Nizhnekamsk, fire had started but was reportedly quickly extinguished.

    Source for the record:

    Russian Airspace Force allegedly carried out a missile strike on Dnieper Hydroelectric Plant

    Dnieper Hydroelectric Plant was created in USSR as one of the Great Construction of Communism objects, same as the recently destroyed Kakhovka Dam.

    Yet another strike against the soviet legacy, however little is still left.


    Kstovo oil refinery struck by a drone Дроны и ракеты ВСУ массово атаковали регионы РФ. Диверсанты попытались прорваться через границу - Газета.Ru

    Ночью и утром 12 марта российские регионы подверглись массовой атаке украинских дронов и ракет. Беспилотники сбивали в Подмосковье и Ленобласти, в Белгородской, Курской, Брянской, Тульской, Воронежской областях. В Орловской области после удара дрона загорелась нефтебаза. Еще один пожар начался на не...

    Дроны и ракеты ВСУ массово атаковали регионы РФ. Диверсанты попытались прорваться через границу - Газета.Ru

    Apologies for the subpar source. But the gist of it stands: Kstovo oil refinery was struck by an explosive carrying drone last night, Moscow time. I've included a link to Google maps, to give an idea how far the place is from the SMO frontlines.

    Russia needs total militarization - Dugin России нужна тотальная милитаризация

    Сегодня нам жизненно необходима тотальная и всестороння милитаризация страны, государства, народа. РИА Новости, 07.03.2024

    России нужна тотальная милитаризация

    Title says it all, really. You can read it using the browser translation.

    While normally I would dismiss this as yet another rambling of an irrelevant old quack, the fact it got published by RIA is what raises eyebrows. My guess would be it is a test of public opinion, kinda like what USian press does.

    China became the main importer of meat and chicken from Russia in 2023 Китай в 2023 году стал главным покупателем мяса птицы и говядины из России

    Пекин закупил 132,9 тыс. тонн и 21,5 тыс. тонн соответственно

    According to Rosselkhoznadzor data, China bought 132,9 thousand tons of bird meat and 21,5 thousand tons of beef.

    At the same time, Iran imported 10,3 thousand tons of mutton, Vietnam - 85,1 thousand tons of pork, Belarus - 78,8 thousand tons of pork, Kazakhstan imported 48,9 pre-made of meat produce.

    Incidentally, meat prices in Russia have been steadily growing throughout 2023, to the point of people complaining about it to the president. In response to this criticism, agricultural holdings said the price hike is due to a rise in demand. Looks like they weren't lying - they just didn't say demand from where.

    Take a break from reactionary stupidity and let's celebrate a communist hero instead. Today is 120th birthday of Valeriy Pavlovich Chkalov, famous soviet test pilot and aviator.

    Valeriy Pavlovich was born in 1904 in Vasilyovo, Nizhny Novgorod province. The town was later renamed Chkalovsk in his honour and holds that name still.

    During his service as a test pilot, Chkalov has tested I-15 and I-16 interceptors, TB-1and TB-3 heavy bombers, as well as numerous experimental designs from Polikarpov. He had invented new aerial maneuvers - ascending corkscrew and slowed down barrel roll.

    In 1936, Chkalov headed a team that commenced a record flight - from Moscow to island Udd in the Far East, with no intermediate landings.

    In 1937, Chkalov headed the crew that commenced an even longer record flight - from Moscow to Vancouver, USA (Washington state), across the north pole and with no intermediate landings. The flight took two days and utilised ANT-125 airplane. The original plane has been restored and can be found in Chkalov museum, in Chkalovsk, Russia.

    Valeriy Chkalov has tragically perished on December 15th,1938, during the test flight of the new I-180 fighter plane. During the landing descent, the engine suddenly stalled, sending the plane into uncontrolled twist. Chkalov was thrown out of the cabin and hit his head on debris. He was rushed to the hospital, but unfortunately it was too late. He has passed away without returning to consciousness.

    In conclusion, I would like to offer this little tidbit. Years later, Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space and test pilot of renown himself, placed Chkalov as an inspiration, and perhaps even the reason he went into aviation. Thus a true people's hero blazes a trail, even if he cannot follow it himself.

    This is Andrey Shirokov. Chief of committee for entrepreneurship in urban engineering with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia. He has some thoughts to share on property ownership

    Recently Mr. Shirokov proclaimed that under the current state of economic development in Russia, 60% of Russian citizens ought to live in rental property, instead of owning it.

    He suggested raising fees for apartment maintenance to 30-35k Rubles (monthly), and if the owner can't pay - move the apartment to a specially created "municipal fund". Since obviously if a person can't pay, they can't take care of it, right? It also means the person can be ousted from aforementioned apartment.

    Paging whoever claimed Russian capitalism is different, that it's subservient to the state and all that.

    Enraged crowd in Makhachkala stormed the airport in search of arriving Israelis

    A plane arrived at Makhachkala airport from Tel-Aviv today. A large crowd gathered at the airport and ended up storming the fences and breaking first into the building, and then out onto the landing ground. As can be seen in the video (see URL in the title), the crowd is waving Palestinian flags. Eyewitnesses report cars are being stopped and the passports of passengers are being checked. Reportedly, the crowd is "looking for the Jews".

    Consider the following

    With US funds, weapons and ammunition supposedly being redirected from Ukraine to Israel, the Neonazis and their orbiters will have their own, updated "Stab in the back" myth.

    Newbie tips

    Greetings, comrades. So to cut the story short, my physical state is absolute junk and it's about time to do something about it. I am overweight and lose breath after going up s flight or two of stairs, my back hurts almost daily and lifting things heavier than a backpack is stating to feel hard. All the doctors say I require exercise to resolve most issues. However, due to long commute and a few other issues, I can't really visit gym on a regular basis (plus it's not cheap). So what can I do from home to stop being a useless blob of blubber? For reference, I have a set of dumbbells, but using them hurts tendons in my arms more than it seems to affect the muscles.

    I am seeking advice from the comrades

    Don't even know how to title this. No comment is needed Analysis: Pain of breaking inflation will reverberate around the globe

    The message from the world's top finance chiefs is loud and clear: rampant inflation is here to stay and taming it will take an extraordinary effort, most likely a recession with job losses and shockwaves through emerging markets.

    Analysis: Pain of breaking inflation will reverberate around the globe
    Shrike502 Shrike502
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