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U.S Troops Loot Syrian Oil and Wheat Continuously
  • All you’re complaining about here is that my biases are different from yours.

    I'm not complaining about anything, I'm calling out your hypocrisy.

    I’m pretty open about my biases dude,

    You sure weren't open about it in that comment I responded to.

  • Gardening Sightline
    Share your recently discovered gardening tips.

    If you have any recently discovered gardening tips post them here.

    1. A row of trellised corn makes for a decent wind block.
    2. Many things go to seed early when the temps get to 100+
    3. Apparently Hornworms can have 2 generations a year.
    4. Bees like sweat.
    News Sightline
    Why a sudden surge of broken heat records is scaring scientists

    And then, on Monday, came Earth’s hottest day in at least 125,000 years. Tuesday was hotter.

    Gardening Sightline
    I'm looking for vegetables and cover crops that do well in humid 100F+ weather.

    The heat index has been over 110F here in Texas. Obviously it gets hot in summer, but this is a bit earlier than usual.

    Leave a comment if you know of any heat tolerant vegetables and cover crops that still grow and produce during excessive heat.


    1. Okra (Crimson Spineless and Heavy Hitter)
    2. Eggplant
    3. Pepper
    4. Lettuce of unknown variety under a shade cloth.
    5. Tomatillo
    6. Watermelon (Black Diamond)
    7. Butternut Squash
    8. Recently planted Saturn Peach tree is doing ok if I water every other day.

    Cover crops:

    Sorghum-Sudangrass (I'm using this to cover the ground, produce biomass and to assist with compaction).

    Miscellaneous notes:

    Lettuce under shade cloth is somehow growing, I figured it would have died by now.

    My tomatoes are producing albiet slower than before.

    Cucumber seems to have stopped growing.

    Jardelle Pumpkin transplants are doing ok with afternoon shade.

    2nd planting of Corn tasselled way too early.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Posts 3
    Comments 113