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Linux 6.9 released
  • I would have loved to take that performance before I converted my data drives to ext4, however it's just inherently not stable.

    Sometimes If you have a power loss you have to run chkdsk on Windows to get out of ro mode, no?

  • Am I the only person that feels that retro games are better?
  • Many retro games are better. AA games were made with heart back then & that made it possible to make games that are incredible both in terms of artistry, grandeur and gameplay. Games like Baldur's Gate 1-2, Chrono Cross etc are not possible in today's climate.

    On the other hand we have been handed indie games like Celeste and Hollow Knight, so I don't know. Amazing games still exists, it's just not really comparable.

  • Impressions after a week using KDE Neon: Amazing
  • I don't know if it's a problem with experience.

    I think it's mainly these two things:

    -Intermingling very old Ubuntu packages with bleeding edge KDE.

    -The goal is to demo & test new KDE features and other considerations are secondary.

  • Impressions after a week using KDE Neon: Amazing
  • You only used it for a week and already had issues and the team did not even brick your system with an update yet. xd

    Neon maybe has its niche (though I question the point of User Edition), but regular users should stay very far away. Arch is far more stable and it's less effort to maintain it too. If you want stability and LTS go with Kububtu or Debian.

  • As a linux user, do you know about/use openwrt?
  • I used it before, but ultimately it comes down to compatibility. Broadcomm is dominating the router space and 3rd party firmwares are a nono for that. So I just got an Asus that is supposed to be supported for a very long time.

  • Linux Mint 22 Adopts PipeWire, New Linux Kernel Cadence - OMG! Ubuntu
  • That's something i've been occasionally experiencing with my Amerano usb as well. Though it's a kernel related problem, because switching to pulse does not solve it, booting up a 18Lts iso does.

    In fact it's a bit better on pipewire and you can also experiment with a low latency kernel.

  • Please share your power optimizations to maximize battery life
  • if battery is the priority the single biggest gain I can recommend is to use xorg with compositing off. (Gnome cannot do this, KDE can, if you use a WM then don't use Picom etc)

    If you can tolerate screen tearing you can save a significant amount of power while web browsing.

  • Explicit sync Wayland protocol has finally been merged!
  • It's not really card related, but rather it just comes up sometimes in niche circumstances. I only had this on my second monitor and then it went away with an nvidia driver update. (since then i moved to amd)

  • First real Arch user moment [Mission Failed]
  • I was only on Arch for abit over a week just to “prove I could” but honestly didn’t see a huge upgrade over Endeavour for my personal use.

    Arch, Endeavour is one and the same. So of course you wouldn't see anything.

  • Is it possible to make a global shortcut to bring the panel/dash into focus, but nothing else?

    To show the panel above a game window, without Firefox, Dolphin windows, the start menu etc popping up alongside it?

    I'm using the 'Move keyboard focus between panels' keybind as a non-reliable workaround right now.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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