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Music Piracy Is Back, Baby
  • Inflation being a major cause is definitely on my mind, too. For the past decade basically everything has experimented with becoming a subscription service, and if people aren't doing so hot on their monthly budgets they're going to start looking for things to cut.

  • german engineering
  • It's a cool ass piece of tech tho. But yeah pretty impractical to require so much specialized maintenance on a standard issue rifle.

  • KDE Goes and Does It (Double-Click By Default, That Is) - OMG! Linux
  • I'm also always changing this first, so i agree with the change.

  • What do we think of Peta's new campaign against leather featuring dear leader?
  • They really, really believe that he'll have your entire family blown up with an anti-aircraft gun or eaten alive by dogs or something if you speak out against the regime. It's basically religious dogma (insert parenti quote).

  • Brought to you by the vertical mouse gang
  • Have you tried cleaning it? If that doesn't fix it then that sucks, I have a gameball and it's smooth as ice.

  • Brought to you by the vertical mouse gang
  • Trackballs are the most cultured choice, although I wish I could buy one that's huge like the one on that golf game that used to be in arcades.

  • Brought to you by the vertical mouse gang
  • trackball gang trackball gang trackball gang

  • Commercials Are Streaming’s New Norm, and Creators Aren’t Happy: “It’s Almost Worse Than Broadcast”
  • It's so weird that everybody knows how bad propaganda is and yet we let corporations do it to us hundreds of times per day every single day.

  • Singaporeans slam US senator’s grilling of TikTok CEO Chew Shou Zi’s nationality, links to China: ‘pure ignorance’
  • I thought I was going crazy, but no this exact guy had almost this exact same conversation with almost the exact same people back in March of last year.

  • Do you condemn?
  • Italian Fascism

    gestures wildly at Greece

  • Do you condemn?
  • Pretty much yeah. It's all grandstanding and making it look like Congress is doing something when they aren't.

  • Fox News to Taylor Swift: ‘Don’t Get Involved in Politics!’
  • I don't think so, and last time she said it because they asked her in an interview.

    TSwift is frankly a large enough celebrity that saying anything political could easily cost her millions of dollars, so while I do kinda wish she'd say things I agree with I also recognize that there's really no incentive for her to do so.

  • Hot take: whatever libs say about the DPRK is just racism
  • Kim Jong-Il hit 18 hole in ones the first time he went golfing.

    I can't prove it but I'm certain that these stories about the leader are the DPRK's version of Chuck Norris jokes.

  • Death Stranding 2 On The Beach Announcement Trailer
  • ahh I'm so hyped. DS1 was so good, the only thing this game needs to be perfect is a really nice vehicle sim to replace the shitty one in the first game.

  • Poor deprived Africa has never even had a chance to experience capitalism
  • I know this guy pulled this map completely out of his ass, but what exactly is the methodology here? My guuess is "income per capita" because otherwise why would the Nordic Model countries be "full capitalism".

  • KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS officially announced a new "Action-Espionage Game" on "State of Play"
  • I really liked Death Stranding. Not as much as MGSV, but like a lot of Kojima games it was really prescient, and I found it was the perfect game for the COVID era.

  • Fuck LED headlights
  • California has you do a smog check every other year, I think a safety inspection would be nice too (and make it for the whole country). People who are really dedicated to being assholes will work around it, but most people who just don't realize that they're blinding everyone else will get their headlights angled downward and then never touch them again.

  • Fox News to Taylor Swift: ‘Don’t Get Involved in Politics!’
  • She endorsed Biden last election, but that doesn't mean they're not going off the handle for no reason.

  • Sinistar Sinistar
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