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Why do I lack the ability to trust white people who claim to be progressive or leftist?
  • i think it would be cool if you stopped breathing

  • Locked
    Why do I lack the ability to trust white people who claim to be progressive or leftist?
  • I shouldn't say more because this is what got my last account banned

  • Locked
    Why do I lack the ability to trust white people who claim to be progressive or leftist?
  • because white people can't be trusted, simple as

  • Tomorrow i start unfucking my organs
  • i like the taste of all the broccoli type plants so I suppose that makes me a cheater

  • AMLO cooked
  • Sorry babe, cant spend that much money, im already sending my old buddy Israel all the monry wr had in the vaults as well as the clothes i pawned offy back

  • Tomorrow i start unfucking my organs

    Gonnae finally figure out how to cook things that arent eggs so i dont get bored eating the same cups of vegetables every day

    Video of the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore, Maryland (CW: Likely deaths involved)
  • I dunno if there's anyrhinf you can do to protect a bridge from that

  • pushing myself harder
  • what do you do if your body always tells you to rest even if you rest

  • pushing myself harder
  • this is me except I never push myself harder

  • Deleted
    Russia adds ‘LGBT movement’ to list of extremist and terrorist organizations
  • I love how me existing gets me branded as a CIA uncle sam shill. I want to burn myself aluve like that one air force shmuck but u have a feeling that some random death squad will do it to me, wjether it's home-griwn fsscist (most likely) or some opporotunist radicalizrd by americas actions (unlikely)

  • Literally the plot of a Spongebob episode
  • The mushrooms here are good

  • Literally the plot of a Spongebob episode
  • Incomprehensible ideology

  • What religion, if any, is most compatible with communist ideology?
  • unorganized shamanistic rituals int he middle of the forest high on mushrooms

  • Is Hexbear dying?
  • There are supposedly 960 daily active users, and yet I am not receiving 960 upbears on my posts. Interesting.

  • Am i stupid idiot baby dumb
  • But if i pose in badposting, my post wikl be bad. Mods please help help hrlp help i

  • Am i stupid idiot baby dumb
  • That bit is dead im doing a new bit

  • Jordan peterson in persona 4

    !kermit-pain Youre not me!

    !frog-no-pretext i am the shadow, the true self. I eat benzos and hate muppets

    Site_Hating_Moid Site_Hating_Moid [any, any]

    Self_Hating_Moid's alter ego.

    No, i wont use this to avoid bans that's unfair.

    Posts 5
    Comments 42