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Everything old is new again.
  • My city's taxi system was completely changed by Uber, as were many parts of the country. So while it might not be true anymore, and taxi drivers with bad attitudes and those fudging the meter might have been mostly weeded out, it's because of Uber that this happened. And it's because of their unions that it hadn't happened before. But the moment there started being some competition in town as opposed to their previous monopoly on the market, they had to back down if they wanted to even survive, let alone come out on top over Uber.

    So while yes, uber employees are being fucked over, that has less of an impact on things than you imply. I'll still get an Uber/Bolt instead of a taxi 9/10 times, because immoral business practices are still better than immoral & illegal practices backed by a monopoly that you are powerless to change.

  • "We're married to the job, bud"
  • Then you're running circles around me, I have no idea what any of this shit is. And I'll tell you one more thing - back in my day memes required mspaint and some fucking template, not just linking some dude's comic. Fuck this post.

  • I’ve been locked out of PayPal for years because of their mistake
  • I even got them to secure me a refund against the Australian government after they refused to issue a refund after directing me to apply for a tourist visa with the wrong visa process.

    I love this result. It's really damn hard to protect yourself from government failure, especially in cases where you are owed money. It's awesome that you not only got your money back, but also got to play the "fuck you, if you take my lunch money you can fight my big brother" card.

  • I Will Fucking Piledrive You if You mention AI Again
  • That too. But he's also really angry that the world passed him by. That his understanding of AI turned out to be less than others'. That his skills couldn't make it happen and while he was on the side of the road watching everyone else try and commenting on their failures, someone actually kind of succeeded. Not completely, of course. But enough that it eclipses all of his career and makes him seem like just another naysayer that's been proven wrong. Like someone who can't make things happen so he resorts to laughing at those who even try. Like an old man yelling at clouds.

    So yeah, now the narrative has to change and he has to yell at the bad capitalists who are bringing about the destruction of our way of life. Otherwise he looks like a hasbeen yelling about the people who could do more than him. So he does this yelling at capitalists from the comfort of his home, typing on the technological achievements of the last hundred years, without needing to worry about making and washing his own clothes, walking to the village 50 miles west, his wife dying in childbirth or him catching a stomach bug and shitting himself to death, all because we had a fucking industrial revolution that took care of those aspects and so many more, and those capitalist pigs saw there's money to be made in technology improvements so they invested in it. Did this benefit the few more than the many? Yes. Did many people find themselves out of a job, needing to adapt to strange conditions they were never trained for? Yes. Did it also bring about incredible quality of life improvements, especially to this old useless fuck who wouldn't even have a job without the last few decades of tech advancement, if he could even stay alive through the last pandemic? Also yes. So sitting on the sidelines crying about capitalism while at the same time enjoying its benefits is nothing more than a hypocritical plea for attention, all stemming from the fact that he can't seem to be able to stand having been wrong. Which, holy shit - get that narcissistic crap outta my sight.

  • [Meta] Did we drop the "what are you playing" monthly thread? Also, mods haven't been active for a while, should someone take over?
  • Hey, if you're into checking items off a list, Legacy of the Dragonborn might squeeze some more hours out of skyrim for you. It's about creating a museum with everything in the game. You have to get pretty much everything, from a leather armor set to daedric weaponry, and store it in the museum. You can still keep the cool items by making replicas for the museum instead(and you can always take the item back from the museum also). It's been a while since I played so maybe some things have changed in newer versions, but after finishing that mod I pretty much put down skyrim - nothing else to do at that point (other than mods with new quests, or skill/perk overhauls)

  • Locked
    Dance Dance Revolution
  • Even then, you wouldn't be the first or last country to fall victim to populist messages from an extremist dictator-wannabe. Shit happens. Have you considered this might be a good thing, that it'll ensure stability in the region, that Trump as a president opens up negotiation strategies with previously near-hostile nations like Russia/NK/China, or whatever other party lines the US usually has for installing puppet regimes in other countries?

    Trump being president is, from any point of view, nothing special. It's just a big deal because now it's happening to you, as opposed to your country or another superpower forcing it on a third world country. It too shall pass. The rest of the world will just be friendly with China instead for a while, until the next would-be empire with a chip on their shoulder comes along.

  • Locked
    Dance Dance Revolution
  • Y'all act like that doofus wasn't a president before. Did he fuck up a lot of shit? Yes. Is that the reason why he was voted out of the office? Also yes.

    Looks like he needs to fuck up even more shit to get people to get out and vote in their own interest.

  • Man sues Apple for accidentally exposing his infidelity
  • You're out of your mind if you think the regular guy off the street should:

    1. Know the difference between IMAP and POP3

    2. Know the inner workings of iMessage

    If Apple requires proof of understanding to sell their tech, they should submit users to a test. Otherwise, their tech should work how the users expect it to. And deleting messages when I press the damn "delete" button is how any sane person expects things to work. Now, if Apple wants to make a copy and store it in their asshole, and I have to penetrate them anally to delete it as well? That's fucking debatable in court if it's a reasonable expectation for a user to have.

  • ‘Crime is out of hand’: how young people turned to far right in east German city
  • What the fuck do you mean crime is out of hand. Motherfucker, you had nazis putting people in concentration camps, your current crime is well in hand you literal fucking 16 year old. This is really getting on my tits.

  • What the heck is a god dang cloud?
  • I want to save to onedrive. So I can create it from my desktop, modify it from my laptop next week when I'm out of town, and send a link to it to the printer shop that's gonna print me some copies. Why are you like this?

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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