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Bulletins and News Discussion from April 15th to April 21st, 2024 - Between The Darkness And The Dawn, There Rises A Red Star
  • Biden has the most hilarious family head canon:

    His wife was killed by drunk driver (Here is that driver's full name, IP address, and photos of his house)

    He doesn't know when his son died, but he died in Iraq

    His uncle was eaten by cannibals

    His family was poor during the Depression, his grandfather definitely wasn't a US Oil executive.

    edit: Sorry, I have a lot of tabs, I meant to post this in the appropriate thread:

  • The annual salary a single person needs to live comfortably in the US is $89,461 (median across all states).
  • Yeah, I guess so. That said, do you really need as much as most places say for retirement? if you have $500,000 inflation adjusted dollars they say that's destitute, but by that point in your life you will own a home full of stuff already. Sure, Healthcare becomes more expensive, but it doesn't sound that deprived if you're content not leaving any inheritance.

  • Went to Xinjiang
  • probably fake. most serious propaganda doesn't try to claim that speaking Uyghur is illegal. for one, Chinese currency has Uyghur writing on it. classic concern trolling "I don't know what to do/think" tone. next, I assume this person would live in China, and I'd expect a person like that posting on r/china to be a far more invested and intelligent racist.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 8th to April 14th, 2024 - First Iran-Israel War Megathread
  • Hope no one in Jordan get hurt by intercepted missiles because of their leaders deciding to side with genocide.

  • Watching 3 body problem and remembering a nitpick I have with it (spoilers for the VR game plot)
  • I'm not sure what limits the sophon has. in the books, I thought it could gather all intelligence, hence the name, but physically could only interact on the extremely minute scale.

    in the TV show, I don't understand why it can't just kill everyone, crash every plane, destroy all computers, and make all the main characters blind and give them hallucinations until they go insane.

  • Xi is tractorpilled
  • I think I remember him talking to trump without a translator. The conversation went:

    Trump: China is a very old country

    Xi: yes

    Trump: Is it older than Egypt?

    Xi: no, Egypt is older.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 8th to April 14th, 2024 - First Iran-Israel War Megathread
  • It's definitely going to be captured in 9 months after Russia loses 200 visually confirmed armored vehicles, and the majority of AFU assets withdraw, while twitter angloids on either side soyface over the frontline moving 5 miles.

  • next president of China denounces Xi Jinping
  • the funniest part is that it seems like the building he's in has like a 10 degree tilt.

  • They had me in the first half
  • it's all good, I'll pirate the software you make too.

  • They had me in the first half
  • sorry creatives, I am once again sticking to my principle that infinitely reproducible digital works should be copied and shared freely.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from March 25th to March 31st, 2024 - Friendship Ended With Taiwan, Now China Is My New Best Friend - COTW: Honduras
  • Communists referring to people they want to kill: "Deeply Unserious"

    Libs responding to people they want to kill: "Hope this helps"

    who else?

  • POV: you ran against the Medicare for All candidate and then dismantled all the COVID protections to make treats cheaper
  • this will be your POV if you make a medicare4all post, and later you look towards the viewing gallery as your being strapped to the gurney in the execution chamber.

  • Movie differences
  • Garamond Paul easily blows both of these away.

  • a year ago, I was hired as mod, 105k/yr but HCOL. they promised a WFH position, but the admins just announced mandatory Return-to-office. Spoke to recruiter for who offered 100k...

    Am I being fair to myself and my family if I accept this paycut? I've really enjoyed since 2020 being able to spend so much time with the wifey. wanted to survey the field, what does total compensation look like at Hexbear for a Senior community manager with 11 months experience and a Masters in Federated Moderation? What instances are offering a hybrid office-wfh arrangement?

    My ESFJ wife finally stopped complaining about our smart home. Just today She asked me to make an IFTT automation that sends a notification to her personal trainer if I'm within 5 miles of the house

    as an INTJ, I knew it would be difficult to make this relationship work. for year's she's been saying such nonsense as "Why can't I use the light switches, I don't want to use a dumb app". Now she's finally learning about the power of home automation. I can see she's already created new automations that also send notifications to her masseuse, the pool cleaner, the oat milkman, and Chelsea Manning. Tomorrow, I agreed I'd show her how to make "scenes" with the bedroom smart lights.

    stormfronters mad at the "uppity brown man" who was stopped while in full accordance with the law on carrying religious weapons.

    I thought Racists knew they were supposed to treat Sikhs as a model minority. I guess these guys were sleeping the day they covered that in Racism class.

    SkibidiToiletFanAcct SkibidiToiletFanAcct [none/use name]

    Based and Good at sex.

    Jock: "Where do you work out?"

    Me: "At the weekly Bulletins and News Discussion Megathread"

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