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House Votes to Oust Kevin McCarthy as Speaker: Live Updates - The New York Times
  • @fuzzywolf23 No, you abuse the word objectively. You've been inside the movement, while I've been looking at it from the outside. There are wholesome values and concerns that have been corrupted by conflicts of interests. Also you would have insulted me less by calling me a nigger. At least I'd have gotten a chuckle, considering my background.

  • House Votes to Oust Kevin McCarthy as Speaker: Live Updates - The New York Times
  • @CylustheVirus No, that isn't their entire history. I'm sorry you've been convinced by corporate and blasphemous malcontents within the economical and religious underbelly of the many American cults within.

  • House Votes to Oust Kevin McCarthy as Speaker: Live Updates - The New York Times
  • @Omegamanthethird I don't hate people. I hate terrible ideas that encourage more harm to people. Like your statement get more hate from people like you. A stupid statement. It's not hatred; it's pushback. Have you considered demonstrating better ideas? Or pointing out terrible execution instead of character assassination as per the usual? Note that I'm not vilifying anyone, just pointing out moronic behavior we all like to default to due to LAZINESS. "you people" What a moronic thing to say. -_-

  • House Votes to Oust Kevin McCarthy as Speaker: Live Updates - The New York Times
  • @Zorque @chloyster @hallettj @downpunxx But is it? Why must we vote for evil in degrees every time? Why can't we say "let's look into these perceptions without having to agree with them wholesale?" Why are we killing and dying for ideas?
    We're more than just pawns on this socio/economic/political chessboard. But who am I to demand that things be any different. What am I even contributing?

  • House Votes to Oust Kevin McCarthy as Speaker: Live Updates - The New York Times
  • @downpunxx @chloyster @hallettj You're the one positing both sides. From my perspective you and your so called opponents work for the same master: HATRED. UTTER HATRED and ideological supremacy. WARFARE AGAINST SELF CREATED DEMONS FOR THE PURSUIT OF YOUR PEDESTALIZED IDEAS OF WHAT SHOULD BE. SOD OFF WITH YOUR BOTHSIDESISM DEFLECTION ON ANYONE TIRED OF THIS BS that facades as "caring for the people."

  • House Votes to Oust Kevin McCarthy as Speaker: Live Updates - The New York Times
  • @hallettj @chloyster Until we stop using politics as a tool to punish each other, get used to more chaos and pain.

  • SleightWryder SleightWryder

    What is a sleightwryder? n. a whimsical entity that has a habit of interloping despite all attempts to prevent such. They often carry copious amounts of information, seeking even more. All for the sake of dispersing said information to those who need it most.

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