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  • I already said that I didn't come into this conversation with intent to be convinced. Apologized for that, and tries to disengage on good terms. Call that a fucking high horse all you want, I call it recognizing that I am defensive and needing to settle that mindset back to an open state before being able to do self crit.

    That shit takes time and a proper state of mind. Of which I am not in right now. And you instead choose to tell me to die and call me a fascist that you'd beat.

    I am being as open about that as possible, your acting as if for every second I don't declare I won't vote for Biden another genocide starts up.

    You kept pushing it. I'm not even arguing the idea anymore. I am just arguing about why will you not let me kindly end the discussion on good terms even after I acknowledged that I couldn't, at this moment, dissect my entire stance on voting because I had become emotional. Why did you need to keep pushing it towards hate?

    Because I came off as a smug piece of shit? Because I wanted to feel some solidarity with a fellow commie after a disagreement? I'm trying to learn, I have been on a growing journey my whole life. I was a full ass Nazi in a racist ass shit fucking town as a kid and I have done so much to grow past that. All I fucking wanted was to end the conversation so I could think about everything said in a less defensive mindset and feel some good vibes from a peer.

    You ruined that for me. You made me feel like shit, I'm even more defensive, and now got to work through all these bullshit feelings of being a "traitor" in some random fuckers eyes before I can begin even considering what you and others said.

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  • Apologies for not seeing the pronouns. I'm not used to checking them yet. Not used to being somewhere they are so easily presented. Definitely something to work on.

    My problem at this point is that I see this as a small issue and you are presenting it as one worthy of actual fascisism. I find your position extremely accusational and unreasonable.

    You say I support fascism. I give my personal stance on why I feel I cannot abstain from voting due to the reasons I laid out and you insult me like Im wearing an SS uniform. I cannot in any fucking way see that as anything other but unreasonable anger with no actual belief behind it because that's fucking insane.

    Do you really believe that? Are you genuinely really actually telling me that it's so important that I don't vote, that if you knew me and we were friends you would be taking a baseball bat to me over it? You would boot me from your org and kick my ass on the way out?

    If so, I don't fucking understand. Spent all this time talking about how voting is pointless , both candidates are the same, voting changes nothing and turn around and say but if you put a name down in the hopes maybe less people would get hurt that you are a card carrying Nazi scumbag.

    Your right, I don't understand you. I don't understand why you continue threatening and talking about physical violence you wish you could enact on me. I do not consider it a way to encourage me to see your point. I ain't a fucking Nazi. I ain't a fucking fascist. You fucking know I ain't and trying to gaslight me into thinking I am some kinda monster is just fucking mean. It's manipulative. It's disrespectful. It's angry bad vibe bullshit for what. You convince me not to do the thing that doesn't matter? Cool. Glad I lost sleep over this.

    Maybe instead of acting aggressively in the hopes my fear of not fitting in, you talk to me like a god damn human being. Now I'm all emotional, insomniac, and just generally pissed off and it's gonna continue. Mental state ruined. Even saying all this is just more fuel to your fire.

    Whatever. If that's your bar, that's your bar. If you don't want to be nice, I am not dependent on you being so. After all that I'm still going to call you comrade, because I ain't gonna let some petty bullshit discussion make me forget my solidarity.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 10
  • Man I just got dog piled on an argument over voting. I get it's a hot topic in this community but having people call me a fascist and telling me to die in Barbara pit is a fucking mood killer. Is voting really deserving of such hate? Was it an argument that got too heated? Is it normal to experience this from fellow comrades over a small disagreement or is the issue really as defining of a person as it was made to seem?

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  • I am not saying shit didn't get worse under Biden. I am saying between Biden and trump that I believe it would be worse under trump and I do not see it within my rights as a group that wouldn't be targeted to cross my arms and say that I won't participate and risk people who would be targeted. I cannot in my own mind be okay with that. It's not my choice. I'm sorry that I implied moral superiority for this mindset. I understand this is my own personal hangup and I got emotional and argumentive. Sorry.

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  • What is up with you calling me a fascist genocider? Is that really the line for you? If you could kill me right now would you? Am I deserving of that to you? Another guy in the thread thinks so. Tell me you want a fellow communist dead because of a disagreement on voting.

    Y'all forget that this text box is a whole ass human being on the other end trying to genuinely connect and talk with you. I didn't come into this conversation to be convinced and that was poor conditions for this conversation, and your going to throw around your big enemy words to what, guilt me? Make me feel bad? Just wanna hurt me? What do you want from me?

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  • Brother, your really gonna post that at me cause we have a difference in opinion over voting? Your going to accuse me of supporting genocide as long as I can feel good about it? Your going to purity test me so hard you actually flip me into a fascist deserving death?

    Jesus Christ dude. We are both god damn communists. We are both socialists. You gonna look me in the god damn eye and tell me I deserve death because of beliefs about voting that you don't even fucking care about? That's actually cold. I'm a human being dude. An actual person on the other side of this phone trying to be genuine with you and everyone else here in this moment and your acting like a monster for what? Because I said we were more alike than not? Because I said we are on the same side? That's fucking insane.

    What a fucking shit show. But ya know what. Still comrades. I'll keep calling us that even if you won't. I hope you can calm down and see me as a friend. I'll be out there with you.

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  • Look, I'm done arguing about it. I made my point, you made yours, we both agree it's pointless. Neither of us came in with the possibility of being convinced, and that isn't going to change with more arguing.

    I will in fact pull the "we both said mean things, say sorry and make up"

    You don't have to say anything. You can keep being angry, I have already gotten you there and I apologize for that. Doing this now I'm sure will just make you even more mad. But please understand that I get your anger. I share it. We are closer than we are apart. We share the same goal.

    Have a good night friend.

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  • Buddy, I'm just tired of arguing over something we both agree doesn't even fucking matter. I apologize for grandstanding, I let myself get emotional about justifications that only really apply to me and my state of mind.

    I am trying to take the high road in the sense I want to be less angry about it. I want to be less angry and less emotional about something we both agree doesn't matter.

    Like, saying I support all that shit for what? You know I fucking dont. I wouldn't be here if I did. Your just angry and being insulting and I just don't want to fight about it anymore. Weather you like it or not, we are still comrades and trying to act like the issue of voting, which we both know doesn't do anything ultimately anyways changes that is why I want to stop arguing.

    We are too angry, too emotional, about fucking nothing. And I'm sorry I pushed it this far. I knew how it'd be seen and I wanted to argue my case anyways. I didn't come into it with the ability to be convinced and neither did you. It was pointless to start and has done nothing but make my night one of insomnia. So I'm sorry. Hate me if you want. I'm just trying to genuinely tell you I'm sorry for letting it get here.

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  • I get your anger. I do not want to argue about it anymore. I got too emotional about this and need to log off and cool it. But I understand your anger and I share it. Im sorry if I implied some kinda moral superiority (bit more than imply) for my reasoning for voting. Ultimately voting does nothing and we both know it. I just cannot get past the reasoning I stated to not vote, but it is my own problem and I shouldn't of put that on anyone else.

    We are still comrades, thank you for trying to convince me, I appreciate your view.

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  • I disagree with that gamble. I'm tired of fighting today. I didn't mean for this to turn into an argument. I'm going to log off and cool it. Think over what everyone has been saying.

    Just wanted to put it out there that we are comrades, even after this disagreement over something we both say ultimately does nothing.

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  • And your a hero for not voting? Neither of us are. We ultimately will not change anything and this argument will do nothing but effect me and you. I have my reasons, I have explained them. I am sorry if I said explicitly and implied that it was a more moral choice to vote than to not. I let myself get emotional and said things I do not really believe. I cannot in my own mind be okay with not voting for the reasons I stated. This is not a judgement. It was, now it is not.

    At the end of the day we are comrades. We have the same goal. I'm sorry we both got angry over something so pointless.

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  • Stop othering me. We are still comrades here.

    I get what your saying. I'm saying that when they both are the same, the degrees by which they commit these atrocities is the only thing up for consideration. In that scenario my morals dictate that I must advocate for the side I thing will ultimately result in less tragedy, even if I believe that to be slight. A single life makes it worth it.

    We don't have to agree friend. I know this is a touchy subject for us, especially now and I'm sorry for implying that I was in any way morally superior for my choice over yours and I hope you feel the same. Ultimately the only thing this conversation effects is me and you right now. My vote and your lack of one will change nothing. Neither of us can stop it. Let us not be angry.

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  • Yeah dude. And not voting is doing a world of difference. Basically won the revolution already.

    Your insulting me for saying i cannot stand on my pride and tell others to sacrifice when I know I will not be the one to suffer. I don't have a choice in the genocide. Voting Biden, voting trump, voting none ultimately changes nothing because we both are small cogs in the machine. We are still comrades, even if you would rather insult me over it.

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  • I watched the video. I watched it again here. The problem for me is that Malcom X is talking about black folk. He is talking about their block and advocating for essentially self sacrifice at the hands of his "worse option" to make a point. I am not black. Nor am I queer. Nor am I a woman. I am not a target. It is not my sacrifice to give. It is not within my right I believe to tell someone who will suffer that it's necessary to make a point when I know for a fact that I will not suffer. I know for a fact that I wouldn't be a target. I cannot make that decision in good conscious because I am not the one who will pay that price.

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  • And how many of these would still be happening under trump? You act like if you don't vote that there's a chance neither will happen. One or the other will become a reality. Which would you rather live in for your immediate future? None isn't an option.

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  • And who has to suffer in the meantime while we see if that gamble pays off? I'm just not willing to make that decision. I can't in good conscious knowing the fact that more people would suffer under trump than Biden. That's my simple calculus.

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  • There is no point talking anymore. You are angry and resorted to insulting. I understand your anger. I share it with you. I genuinely do. Above all else, understand that.

    In the end, neither your nor my actions will do anything at all. Me convincing your or you convincing me has no effect on anything but each other. Understand, please, on my own morals of wanting the least amount of people to suffer at any given time, i just believe less would suffer under Biden. That is enough for me to be unable to not vote.

    I'm sorry this has driven us to this angry place. But as a comrade, which we both are, I love you. We are on the same side. Have a good rest of your day friend.

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  • It's the difference between lackluster do nothing, or active harm. Biden hasn't stopped it but he's not using his platform to push it. That's a small difference but it's a difference that effects actual people. Is one person not enough for you? Either all must be saved or just let other people make the choices? If you can't have who you want you don't get the privilege of not getting something. Your going to get something weather you like it or not. And I know I'm not going to be the target under trump. I don't have the right to say the people who would be targets arent worth it.

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  • I'm allowing the harm reduction party to do harm unchecked, and you are wanting people to suffer so they'll see the error of their liberal ways. What you are advocating for is turning that gun around and firing it until the point is made. I am not okay with sacrificing people to stand on pride. If even one less person would die voting for Biden over trump, that's my choice in this exact moment in time. I am not willing to sacrifice untolds number of people on the gamble that maybe the libs will get it this time.

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  • Genocide is happening either way, I believe the liberals will do less of a genocide because they at least try to pretend like they aren't doing it. Trump wouldn't care as much. More people would suffer. It's a small insignificant chance in terms of numbers of bodies on a page, but I truly believe less people fucking die this way. Is that not enough?

    How many human beings need to live over the other option to make it worth it to you? For me it's 1. And I genuinely believe Biden will kill at least 1 less person at least. I am not willing to sacrifice that person on pride.

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