Solumbran @ Solumbran Posts 4Comments 408Joined 2 yr. ago
Yeah, I don't know why I expected anything smart.
Downvoting someone stupidly implying that most people with any health issue are responsible for it because they're lazy.
Stop clowning around and turn on your brain.
J'ai pas de solution magique, mais je vois tous les jours des gens se taper des doses dangereuses de tabac et d'alcool (vu que la moindre dose l'est), alors que des doses dangereuses d'aspartame ça n'existe pas dans l'alimentation humaine, au vu de la science actuelle.
Du coup essayer de bannir quelque chose sans aucune preuve de danger (et c'est pas qu'on manque d'études, c'est une substance hyper étudiée), quand à côté on a des substances hyper répandues, qui sont validés et encouragées, et qui font des victimes à la fois chez les consommateurs et les autres, je trouve ça assez con.
Et puis bon, si on peut bannir l'aspartame ou le cannabis, je vois pas pourquoi l'alcool et le tabac sont intouchables. Et même si on accepte l'argument à la con de la "tradition" de l'alcool en France (les colonies aussi c'était une tradition française) l'argument ne tient pas pour le tabac.
Aucune preuve, mais par contre personne veut s'opposer à l'alcool et au tabac.
Bande de branquignols.
This quote is full of shit though.
Parce que la France aime les violeurs
It's like saying that if employees are paid and treated like shit, they should still work hard because the opposite would be immoral.
That's bullshit, if AIs are crap because they train on unwilling people, it's the company's fault, not the people who are coerced into working for free.
Ah yes, the famous discrimination against men.
Also men are actually expected and trained by society to be pigs so it's sliiightly different.
Wow that's a horribly shitty argument.
The same joke could have been made with anything else. A boss, a friend, who cares.
And yeah, the artistic freedom is what people also use to defend Ricky Gervais when he spends 10 minutes saying that kids who get raped enjoy it, that's a very bad sign when you end up having to resort to that argument to defend a joke.
Ok boomer
Oh dear.
People still make those pathetic "wife bad" jokes?
Yep, because the only way to teach kids is through physical abuse apparently.
That's bullshit. A guy saying "I'm not a nazi, I just have nazi friends" is never going to be punishable by law, but if you decide to be friends with him or defend him then I'm sorry but you're a nazi too.
Siding with pieces of shit just because there is no material evidence of their crimes is demented.
Oh and if one of your parents or siblings or kids or friends comes to you saying that they've been raped, you're going to tell them "if you don't have proof shut up"?
Ah yes, the famous people who want to be humiliated publicly, accused of false allegations, and for most of the time absolutely no result.
People who side with potential rapists (yes, that's what you do because you are assuming that it's likely that the victims are lying) are always a delight.
Oh and you can't punish someone legally for being only a potential rapist. Cutting off someone off your company or friend circle or whatever because they are likely a rapist is completely fine, legal methods were never meant to be applied to individuals.
None of your comments were a complex issue, that's the problem.
Your hole point is basically "pictures exists so aliens are proven", I'm not going to waste my time debating with you if that's the extent of your "reasoning".
Still hoping that you're a troll, but have a good day.
It has to do with your inability to form a coherent conversation.
The rest of your reply proved my point.
Are you high?
Radars and pictures work and exist, that's pretty far from proving aliens are here.
Are you really not a troll? That's hard to believe.