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  • Yes. I live in a larger metropolitan area and there were both white and yellow (business) page editions that were 2 1/2 inches thick each.

  • DAB Motors’ New ‘1 Alpha’ Middle-Weight Electric Motorcycles Are Going Fast
  • 80 miles per hour might be a little too fast for urbanites to focus.

  • These are the Pixel phones that will get Android 15
  • The article says November 15th but I believe Pixels will get Android 15 October 15th.

  • Soup
  • I sold my soup to rock and roll.

  • go lower
  • That's not a butte.

  • to make people curious.
  • My guess is Voo Dew tastes like Doo Dew.

  • New!
  • Seems like they might be a little greasy.

  • A friend of mine shared this receipt from her local library which shows how much money she's saved by using it.
  • Looks like she might be ready to use some of those incredible savings on a little world travel.

  • There exists a position inside the earth where it is possible to cook a perfect pizza just by leaving it there
  • If you just leave it there it's likely to overcook. Take it out when it's done and enjoy.

  • Ches
  • Deaf people smell the same too.

  • gnu sticker
  • Gnot Gnus

  • I actually might go to both of these
  • I went to the Loneliness workshop once. Unfortunately I was the only one there.

  • Well counted
  • Is that Moo Goo Gone sauce in the back?

  • Waxwing vs X-wing
  • What, no Saddam Hussein?

  • The Boimler Raisins
  • I Heard It Down On Deck Nine

  • If you could time travel, what would you change ?
  • Well that first guy smoking stuff will have enough to deal with so probably something else.

  • funny signs SonicBlue03
    Should old acquaintance be forgot?

    Old Lyme Sign

    Maybe not evil...

    ... but unusual for sure. Don't know the building's date of erection.

    SonicBlue03 SonicBlue03

    Non-degradable bio

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