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Why Democrats think Biden’s problem is Biden
  • I remember, and maybe I misunderstood, when he was up against Biden last time and the biggest issue he had was that Elizabeth Warren’s similar message split votes. She was clearly losing but for some reason stayed in and siphoned votes away from him just long enough for him to back out.

    More people wanted either Sanders or Warren than wanted Biden but ya’ll ended up with Biden. We have the same problem here in Canada where more vastly more people hate the Conservatives than support them and yet that party always ends up dangerously close to gaining power.

  • RFK Jr. won’t meet CNN debate requirement for ballot access
  • That’s really the kind of organizational skillset that’ll get things done. /s

    Even with their fear-mongering and everything I will never understand why the right keeps electing the kind of people who refuse to show any level of qualification. Like ok, you hate taxes and think that corporations should have the right to poison your waterways, but why are you electing the blatant liars and fraudsters who can’t even seem to put their pants on the right way ‘round? At least go for someone who seems to have some level of skill.

    Oh, right, people with skill are less and less likely to actually ascribe to those broken ideologies. Maybe that should be a sign.

  • 80% of Americans say grocery costs have notably increased since the pandemic started, survey finds
  • Old people getting mad about shit they don’t understand, a classic.

    My dad blames our Prime Minister for inflation as if it’s not a global crisis and as if Canada isn’t among the top ten countries in the world when it comes to mitigating the effects of inflation.

    Does your dad have hobbies or anything? I find the ones most ready to start making shit up seem to be the ones who just work until they go home and then do basically nothing once they get there. Such little interaction with the rest of the world isn’t healthy.

  • bike rule
  • It probably does, but I’m just not sure for how long. It’s a lot of force placed in very awkward places. You would need high tolerances so the slop won’t be magnified towards the other end and the leverage would also mean that any imperfection(easy to pick up since the mechanism in unshieldable and on the rim) would very quickly reduce those tolerances to a cheap joke.

    Very cool idea and definitely worth trying for the lols but anyone who thinks this would be practical longterm probably doesn’t deserve the dispoable income required to purchase it.

  • US aircraft carrier counters false Houthi claims with 'Taco Tuesdays' as deployment stretches on - AP
  • These far-right and otherwise insane ideologies need misinformation to work. Even with the ability to spread it being greater these days it’s also way to easy to doublecheck them with a solid level of confidence and they struggle to be consistent even amongst themselves. They still have power and we can’t get complacent but it sure could be a lot worse.

    And then there’s Germany fielding a Nazi party and actually getting some traction lol

  • Wells Fargo fires workers over fake keyboard activity
  • When two workers started working from home I heard a manager say “how am I supposed to know they’re getting work done?” as if he couldn’t see the results all appear on the server. And he never even really spoke to them when they were in the office anyway! Meanwhile I’m a “hard worker” while in my office watching four hours of Critical Role a day bored out of my skull because I finished all the work already. I tried to get more to do but my direct manager/senior coworker was too paranoid to let me touch anything else even though he was insanely overworked.

    Oh and the dipshit manager spent at least an hour if his day talking conservative nonsense with another employee. Like, bro, get a fucking clue.

  • ‘Crime is out of hand’: how young people turned to far right in east German city
  • That would include, for many of the party’s young supporters, explicit backing of “remigration” of Germans with immigrant roots who “fail to integrate”. News in January that top AfD officials had discussed such a proposal prompted widespread outrage and sent tens of thousands of Germans on to the streets in protest.

    However, among many AfD voters, the notion has become an unabashed talking point. “Not everyone should have to go but at least the criminals, like in Mannheim – this can’t go on,” said Konstantin, 17, referring to the killing of a police officer in the western city just days before the election, allegedly by an Afghan asylum seeker with a jihadist motive.

    Oh for fuck’s sake are we doing this bullshit again?! C’MON, GERMANY, GET IT TOGETHER.

  • The Antiquity to Alt-Right Pipeline
  • They probably went over it(I only skimmed ‘cause it’s long and ADHD) but I find it very funny that all these right-wing people love the older architecture while forgetting that the reason things are bland today is because fancy is expensive and expensive means less profits. They’re not going to get office buildings for the peons that are works of art and you can see how the homes of the ultra wealthy are still just as extravagant as they’ve always been. They forget that peasants weren’t allowed in the palaces.

    The base of the right, the ones the truly evil people target, are often picked up using simple tricks that make them believe that anything which strips power from the mega wealthy will harm them, their families, and their friends. They really do want to protect the working man but they’re really easily fooled and so showing them pretty buildings and non-minimalist art makes them believe that the relatively more leftist world is taking things away from them.

    I mean fuck, how many times do they need to post the “roman roads were better” meme before they realize that a) the roman roads were government/military projects and not the work of private companies, b) roman roads that still exist are in warmer climates without frost heave, and c) roman roads never had to deal with fucking massive and fast cars. Oh and d) roads these days are built cheaply to save a buck and the contractors know they’ll be rehired anyway so what the fuck do they care?

  • break fast 🥣 move things 🛒
  • And that’s exactly it. Capitalism rewards having money and how you get it isn’t important. It doesn’t breed technological innovation but it sure as shit pumps out new, fun ways to spew propoganda and avoid laws! And oh boy is paying employees well not even close to a metric by which to measure a successful company.

    It’s the least people clever in the room having the volume to make sure that no one smarter than them can speak and then claiming they’re geniuses when only their idea gets through.

  • This is how you do it
  • Also as much as we can argue over certain shades of blue-green being more blue or more green the Conservatives are out here trying to tell us that pure red should also be included in the discussion. We have so many good options with their own pros and cons and they’re just going for the objectively bad stuff.

    Like, none of their financial policy works. The math doesn’t even add up at surface level. From buck-a-beer, to giving people a refund for plate renewals that ultimately is nothing, to deliberately misrepresenting how the carbon tax works none of it works with even the slightest bit of questioning. They just can’t stop failing no matter how many times real academics and qualified activist groups plead with them to listen.

    It’s almost like making things better for the vast majority of people isn’t their goal…

  • break fast 🥣 move things 🛒
  • It also feels like they chase the “break things” part as if not breaking stuff is a bad thing, and like we should be proud of them for releasing broken and poorly tested updates.

    Move fast, break things, fix the broken things, push update/product whatever. They keep forgetting the third step.

  • fume scrolling
  • The thing about /s is that it can never hurt. It’s why we do science on “obvious” things; confirmation and clarity is always valuable.

    Oddly enough the “lol” actually introduces the biggest doubt to me. It taints the commitment to the satire somewhat.

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