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  • From my experience the RVX Builder (fork and upstream) are very buggy on Android, at least in Android I don't see why use it over Revancify.

    I generally recommend the CLI for those that can use it as well.

  • New MMORPG
  • I see, PvP you say, not often we see players wanting to play PvP haha, well for PvP it's not really available for Free Trial.

  • New MMORPG
  • Permanently Deleted

  • How can I stream shows without discord?
  • I suppose also opening the video file in the browser works for that?

  • Android Ad Blocker

    Try the other Methods in the ReVanced Extended documentation.

    Using Revancify is a good option, or you can use the RVX-Builder in a computer.

  • New MMORPG
  • FFXIV now (next patch) offers over half of the entire Main Story for free.

    You can't go wrong and the community is the best around.

  • NSFW
    Sucrose getting fucked
  • That's hot!

  • Spacellary Spacellary

    "Space, all around."


    I have since migrated to because of the excessive/unreasonable blocking of instances/communities here, beyond what I can tolerate...

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