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Daily Discussion Thread: 🦟 Friday, June 28, 2024
  • I was surprised when my dual screen set up had different times on each screen. Hadn’t seen that that before!

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🦟 Friday, June 28, 2024
  • I dreamed about wanting to hike to a waterfall and then hearing that it was now overrun by giant killer rats. I then I went to a weird "natural" lake but creatures from Diablo IV started coming out of a tunnel nearby and my boyfriend and I had to fight them, twas pretty wild!

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🌃 Wednesday, June 26, 2024
  • One of last night’s dreams involved being on a cruise ship and sharing a room with some friends. Unfortunately I missed the first two days of sailing and when I boarded, I asked the friends to show me where the room was and they had no idea. We then walked laps of the back corner of the ship looking for the room and it was no where to be found. I woke up feeling tired from hauling around my luggage! Think I’m feeling a bit of the mental load lately, which logically, I have no need to.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🍲 ☕🍵 Tuesday, June 25, 2024
  • Had a dream that I was at this amazing party in the Tuscan countryside, big old estate with an amazing buffet and super interesting things to see and whatnot. Felt sad waking up to cold Melbourne.

  • Desserts!
  • Ooh, my bad!! I've added 2 pics now.

    Now, THAT looks absolutely amazing. What an incredible idea! I'm going to have to remember that!

  • Desserts!

    Really just using making a post as an excuse to share that I made absolutely delicious mini baked cheesecakes!

    Second time I've made them using RecipeTinEats's recipe, the first time they were good but this time they were absolutely brag worthy - I think because I actually did let the cream cheese come to room temperature.

    What desserts have you made lately? What's your quick and easy suggestions?

    Alternatively: what dessert can you just not resist when you see it in on the menu? My boyfriend can't go past apple crumble and still grumbles that the one at a local joint "isn't really a crumble"!

    ! !

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