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I always suspected this was how it would all come to an end...
  • Yo are they going to introduce the bill cipher burger?

  • It seems ok so far.
  • I’m afraid they are irredeemable. I tried for a couple of years to get them to see the good but they have been that way for a long time. I just smile, love them because they are super old, and vote against them any chance I get

  • It seems ok so far.
  • I’m an old man and I feel this way as well. My parents are a lost cause

  • Desperate times call for desperate measures
  • I don’t think so tim

  • CNN's debate was no fair fight
  • Another case of the lesser of two evils. I’m not necessarily hyped on Biden but holy shit he has never looked/sounded this old and feeble

  • Get bill'd
  • Soft little gators

  • A.I logo
  • Removed
  • I’m a dude and I tried nair once to get rid of some hair

    Never again. I rather dry shave with a rusty machete

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • They need to get on my level

  • I fucking love it

  • Trump without his fake tan and hair
  • Major Briggs from twin peaks

  • Pi.Alert is dead...💀 Long live NetAlert X 🚀 (network monitoring)
  • This looks exactly like my pi hole dashboard.

    What does net alertx do?

  • Microsoft lays out Windows 10 life support prices
  • This will make me jump to Linux super fast

  • No Man's Sky Orbital Update Trailer
  • Welp back to no mans sky!

  • NSFW
    are small titties better than fake?
  • Any titties are awesome

  • Just got the new update!!

    This thing looks and feels amazing. Thank you for all your hard work!

    I have one tiny issue though. When in landscape and you click an image, the image shows in portrait.

    But if you never fix that I won’t care because this new update is killer!! Thank you so much!!!

    Swipe image away function seems intermittent

    Just noticed after this last update that if you look at an image you can no longer swipe it up or down to make it go away. Went to settings to see if it was a issue with how I have Memmy set up and it would seem the gestures area is non existent

    Just fyi

    Updated the app for the last time and now it opens and immediately closes :(

    Christian your app will be sorely missed. Deleting my account tonight and going all in on lemmy. It’s been a great run!

    I’m slowly getting used to it but i feel it’s worth the move

    Christian Lemmy needs Apollo. I am an ultra subscriber and would gladly pay again for an apollo version to browse Lemmy.

    I know there are more than a few that agree with me!

    Steveanonymous Steve Anonymous

    Luelinks to Reddit to Lemmy

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    Comments 319