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Is Geralt from The Witcher 3 a weenie?
  • He is a bit of a dork, but it's written like that on purpose. He is like a Sonic OC level of fantasy cool guy, but in a world that does not tolerate that kind of fantasy fulfillment, often leading to him being the butt of the joke.

  • finally some good news
  • good for them

  • Holy fuck, r/neoliberal just destroyed communism, shut this site down
  • Two people there independently made a "you are serving me at a cafe lmao" joke, these freaks really hate working people

  • I don't get this attitude some people have, where they think they can dictate the precise direction any discussion under a post they make
  • It's pretty funny how common it is for one side to view posting as a performance and another to view it (more correctly) as a conversation. It happens on twitter all the time, where someone will write a comedic post, and someone replies with what in the real world would be a completely normal riff, only to get a reply like "do not tell my joke back at me".

  • Post
  • Sonya looked delightful--toes protruding--in her brown fur in a pond. Very very respectful.

  • They're chipping the friggin cheese wheels
  • Times are getting hard for us old cheese counterfeiters

  • Looks like someone hit a nerve
  • "Media illiteracy" is quickly becoming one of the three or so rotating concepts twitter uses to explain every phenomenon until it loses all meaning

  • Queer Harmer is a true gay understander
  • Imagine walking into a gay bar and it's just Keir Starmer dancing alone to Sweet Caroline

  • *furious scribbling* bro I totally had the same idea, here, see?
  • It's extremely funny how common this is, at least they don't present it here as being "independently" invented in the west and just mention the actual invention in passing

  • Welcome back Comrade Lenin
  • I'm choosing to imagine this was made by someone who never forgave Lenin for NEP

  • I hope this isn't too hot of a take, but I don't like the "No True Scotsman" approach to TERFs.
  • It's a process of a thing creating and becoming its opposite, at the same time feminist and one of the most mainstream forms of antifeminism. I don't think they can be understood by thinking of them one-sidedly as feminists or not feminists, they are both at the same time.

  • Removed
    The math understander has logged in.
  • What if someone was really lucky and found $100,000 worth of dropped coins on the street every day for ten thousand days straight? If you have an issue with billionaires it must mean you want to kill people who pick up coins they find.

  • I don't really like that the feminist stance on cis marriage is that women should keep their own surname rather than taking the man's
  • The married couple should have to draw a random surname from the top 1000 most popular ones but with 1 % obvious joke names sprinkled in, no refunds

  • You thought keir starmer was playing, huh?
  • Yvette "Toyotomi Hideyoshi" Cooper

  • Gaslighting comes as easy as breathing to Zionists
  • Those are also not ethnostates

  • So called marxist website full of impotent screeds asserting that dialectics is wrong
  • Eh, at least this seems to actually engage with Marxist dialectics, most of these types of text just make shit up to disagree with. This could be useful for honing your understanding of this stuff, even if some of the arguments are a little goofy.

  • How many hexbears think there will actually be a popular revolution in the West in our time?
  • The view that there will not be a revolution in our lifetimes is the most harmful commonly held belief among the western left. If we divide the revolutionary conditions into the subjective and the objective, it is not the objective ones that are lacking. We have a climate crisis with no solution under capitalism, increasing political illegitimacy, and the decay of the global monopoly of power. What we are missing is the subjective part, the party that offers an alternative. If we believe there will not be a revolution, this party will never have the vitality to direct the masses, and will instead waste all the revolutionary potential, betraying the masses.

  • How to make Hexbear more democratic

    In the early days of this site, it was common to flirt with the idea of running it more democratically. This was correctly deemed unfeasible during the Age of Struggle Sessions and the arbitrary dictatorship of the mods was cemented.

    But maybe the problem wasn't democracy itself, but trying to jump the gun by modeling the site democracy after bourgeois or proletarian democracies. What we need to do is go back to the roots, reform the site to be more like ancient Athenian democracy.

    I suggest the first reform is to implement a system of Ostrakismos, where once in a while there is a thread where we can name other users, and if one or more of these comments gets above a certain threshold of upvotes, the named user with the most upvotes on the comment gets banned for a year.
