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So apparently the lemmy r/place clone is happening again soon or something, are we able to participate in it?
  • Me: likes something

    Hexbear: asinine. Foolish. Redditor-brained trash that anyone with any taste would know better than to even consider.

    Me, totally not choking back tears: obviously, this is so dumb, pshh. Pfft. Scoff. Everyone knows collaberative pixel art is for libs and babies.

  • Verso Books is actually putting this out this summer
  • A post about the debate between nuclear and green energy and not one idiot in the comments talking about windmills killing birds or claiming solar panels don't work in winter.

    I feel like I'm breathing fresh air for the first time

  • Where do people buy things that don't break?
  • So much stuff like that is just priced right out of the range any reasonable person would buy it. I feel like things that were very high quality and used to cost like 2x, 2.5x what the "cheap" versions cost, these days cost as much as 16x the price of the cheaper options, with some going way beyond that.

    Just pure inflated price. I try not to take it personally, its just mindless undirected greed, but it really feels intentionally directed at the working class to keep us from having the same "stuff" as the wealthy idiots overpaying for everything

  • This post was banned from dbzer0 for being "Tankie" lmfao what a joke of a so-called piracy instance
  • I saw this thread and wondered if you would be in here, but apparently only just now. Neat timing.

    But cmon. This meme is about piracy. It's about weirdos that spend way too much time online spinning their wheels hating piracy for no reason. Is that not obvious? Piracy is literally mentioned in the meme.

  • Cops cars burned in Portland for Palestinian protest support
  • I don't think it was a reference to the parties of the united states, probably some local thing. Maybe some local infighting between anarchists and communists over methods if I had to guess. Hard to tell though.

  • Featured
    Reminder: dunk posts go in /c/the_dunk_tank and /c/cth is NOT for low-hanging-fruit that's removed from dunk_tank
  • I can't find an explanation for why another community on hexbear can't just be made for these "low hanging fruit" posts and cordoned off. Was there anywhere where it was stated why this is considered something that shouldn't be allowed on hexbear at all? Is the "We have better things to do with our time" part of this post all there is?

    A link would be greatly appreciated, I'm bad at finding things.

  • Why is individualism a bad thing?
  • "Individualism" is one of the cursed internet words which will have a different meaning for every person who uses it. Discussions about it tell you more about the community having the discussion than anything about the word. And it can cause arguments when interpretations differ within a single discussion.

    The contrast you see between opinions about the word is just a reflection of the general contrast between liberals and leftists.

  • Tired of being sad and depressed
  • Here's the trick that works for me

    Develop anger issues

    Learn to manage them as well as you can

    Harbor intense feelings of unresolved anger towards just... Generally everything going wrong.

    Bottle all that shit up inside. It's best for this stage to have as little autonomy and self determination as possible, so there is a lot of internal pressure built

    Whenever you feel anything, simply wash it away with a quick dose of released anger, like a power washer taking paint off the side of a house

    Keep doing that for years


    Eventually you're fine!

    I'm definitely fine and doing ok.

  • Are "God damn", "damn" and "hell" really considered curse words in America?
  • It is so extremely variable. I have met old ladies that would die instantly and dissolve into dust if they heard someone "use the lords name in vain" ("God damn"), but until they speak I can't tell them apart from the old ladies that habitually curse with every breath they take.

  • NSFW
    Pigs murdered a Redditor's dog during an illegal raid
  • "If I ignore the history of a situation, saying anything I want about it is easy!"

    People tried to show you, both here and in threads 2 years ago lmfao, what you are ingorant of, and yet you are still just "UM, This is about DOGS, not PEOPLE."

    intentionally ignorant

  • I noticed hexbear is defederated from the shitty part of this thread

    I'm too headache to think about this rn but its uhhhhh dunk-worthy if anyone wants to get in there

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Stoneykins [any]
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