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Why don’t you like Apple?
  • Golden cage.

    Their way or no way.

    It's really simple.

    Oh adding to that, ever since I received the knowledge: the support, guru or whatever appointment? Worse than doctors and I hate that too. Why??

  • ???
  • Easy. Someone of a different culture was standing on the toilet seat because there are cultures with holes in the ground and that's basically the toilet.

    Likely the person was unaware how to handle the situation.

  • The experience that made me hate programming, but that's all on me
  • Well I have to defend it here, it explicitly stated

    if you have a column named "created_at" or "date"

    But yeah anyhow anyone should be able to figure the own solution out with this. Nonwithstanding that if you need gpt for this, you might not have a good time in general.

  • The experience that made me hate programming, but that's all on me
  • The reason the date is not in the output is because you didn't include a date column in your SELECT statement.

    If you want to include the date in the output, you'll need to add a column that contains the date to your SELECT statement. For example, if you have a column named "created_at" or "date" in your mainWorkSpace table, you can add it to your SELECT statement like this:

    SELECT task, status, id, created_at FROM mainWorkSpace WHERE user_id = @user_id

    This will include the created_at column in the output of your query.

    🤷 Gpt, first try. I don't know what you asked.

  • 2024 European Parliament election in Germany
  • Capitalism is clearly one of the central puzzle pieces of humanity's downfall.

    If I need to spell it out, growth. Growth is a requirement. And with it everything else has to scale, too.

    And there's always another 'solution' to be sold. Well, let's get on it then, trying to develop a product to sell solving this crisis.

    The movie 'don't look up' explains this very well, too.

    Then, regarding the far right. Companies thrive on hate. It sells very very well.

  • Legends of Adventure: The Story of Sierra On-Line
  • Color me surprised. I've read ken's book which is recommendable. So what's new here?

    Having a closer look I'd really recommend the book, written by him and not some interviews with him. 🤷

    And hi to all other old farts.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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