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JK Rowling in ‘arrest me’ challenge over Scottish hate crime law
  • Thanks for the specification. That said, what’s wrong with “some people”? It’s the second comment that jumps on that word as if it diminishes the argument. “Some” is purely a quantifier which I used because clearly not everyone is calling her like that, and this was - in fact - a niche news that a few articles spoke about.

    For me a German law about the Holocaust just is more important than what some people say. It's just so very vague. It reminds me a bit off Trump when he spouts some utter bullshit "some people" have said to him. That of course doesn't mean that I think you said it in such an intention.

    And no, the German law of course only applies to people in Germany. Now what would happen if Rowling would set foot in Germany would be interesting, but I don't think even then much would happen. Nevertheless I think the German legal view on such speech IMHO is a good indication of it's intention. After all Germany is one of the few countries who put in a serious effort in critically reflect on a very dark spot in their past. That's something a lot of other countries could learn quite a bit.

    And again, I really don't think your choice of words were wrong in any way, my comment aimed to further elaborate on the topic and not criticise. I'm sorry if it came over in a different way.

  • Windows users don't want copilot on their taskbar
  • Have Windows users ever wanted a single thing they added since XP?

    The new terminal for example is a rather neat improvement over the old command prompt, especially with the integration of Linux systems. Winget also is rather nice. Just two examples. So yeah with all the valid criticism Microsoft deserves for quite a bit of policies, I don't think your hyperbole holds up.

  • Windows users don't want copilot on their taskbar
  • As long as it's a easily toogled off as the search bar is, I don't mind.

    Them getting rid of the ability to have different windows of the same kind with full title bar next to each other IMHO is a much bigger pain.

  • JK Rowling in ‘arrest me’ challenge over Scottish hate crime law
  • As mentioned, I do not have all the details. I have heard some of her ideas, but I don’t follow her that closely.

    Well then maybe, you should look a bit deeper in the topic before you propose that she's the victim of a witch hunt? I mean it's really not that hard, all the controversial shit is right there on her own twitter and can easily be found.

    It’s fair to feel like this, but she is just one person sharing her ideas. Nobody goes like: “JK is against trans people, so I am too”. At least they shouldn’t and at least we should expect most people don’t. Just let her have her opinions and leave it at that

    What? Of course people are constantly influenced by other people's opinions. That's how opinions form in the first place. And a world famous author with tons of followers on top of a shit ton of money to throw at groups actively advocating for legal restrictions on transsexual people obviously has a lot more power to influence people's opinions and shitty laws than you or me in that regard. So no, she's not just a person sharing her ideas, she's an incredible influencual one sharing her hate in a time when the transsexual community is under active attack in several modern countries not only resulting in hurt feelings but actual people ending up dead!

  • JK Rowling in ‘arrest me’ challenge over Scottish hate crime law
  • Not only some people. The German law book is very clear about what constitutes holocaust denying and what now. Diminishing parts of the holocausts, such as claiming one group wasn't targeted or wasn't targeted as much is holocaust denial under that law.

  • JK Rowling in ‘arrest me’ challenge over Scottish hate crime law
  • Fuck that shit. She doesn't make any such distinction in her hate tirades. It's very easy to find many tweets and similar quotes of her speaking about transsexual people as a whole. So yeah, she very much has spoken about OP as well. And she's a freaking author, she doesn't get any excuses for not knowing how to write more specifically. She knows very well what she says and who it will affect when she generalises all transsexual people. And it for damn sure isn't some imaginary group or predators willing to go through all the hassle of being trans to prey on women but the trans community as a whole.

  • ‘Free speech is a facade’: how Gaza war has deepened divisions in German arts world
  • It’s the only place in the world where the Jewish people are guaranteed protection by a government.

    They failed massively on this part on last September. Not only did they ignore several countries warning then but they actively moved soldiers from protecting the border to Gaza to the Westbank to help in their illegal settler campaign. And even after being engaged in massive battles in Gaza they KEEP fucking things up in the Westbank, ensuring that the people there will continue to hate Israel. And that's by no means a new development but they have been doing so for decades.

    So yeah, they are doing a really shitty job at protecting their people.

  • Deleted
    Bayern stellt Millionen für Cannabis-Kontrolleure bereit
  • Wenn Bayern eines der grössten Grasfeste auf der Welt organisieren würden, wäre da wohl ein ähnlicher Aufwand an Sicherheitspersonal nötig. Wohl aber sogar weniger, da Bekiffte im Gegensatz zu Besoffenen normalerweise nicht übermässig aggressiv sind, eher das Gegenteil.

    Du vergleichst hier Birnen und Kartoffeln. Ein fairer Vergleich wäre, wie viel Bayern jährlich extra ausgibt um Alkoholkonsumenten generell zu kontrollieren.

  • 'If anything happens, it's not suicide': Boeing whistleblower's prediction before death
  • Like really…Boeing is that dirty? Surely not?

    I mean they were willing to knowingly keep producing unsafe air planes which lead to several crashes killing 100's. So yeah, I really wouldn't be surprised if they also do assassination to ensure their profit.

  • US women are being jailed for having miscarriages -BBC 2021
  • I mean where do you draw the line at making the pregnant woman 100% responsible for anything that happens while she is pregnant?

    Oh that's very easy. The line is drawn at being rich and white.

    The cruelty against poor and preferably non-white women is the whole point of such laws.

  • "Israel verdient jegliche Hilfe, weil es eine Insel der Freiheit und Demokratie in einem Meer totalitärer Regime ist" | Ruhrbarone
  • Israel besteht aus mehr als nur Juden und ist auch nur ein kleiner Teil der Juden weltweit. Kritik am israelischen Justizminister als Kritik an Juden allgemein aufzufassen ist schon ein starkes Stück.

    Und ja, einzelne Juden können durchaus rechtsextreme Meinungen haben und verbreiten. Die momentane Regierung arbeitet genau mit so Menschen zusammen welche so Sachen fordern wie ganz Gaza dem Erdboden gleichzumachen. Ein Jude sollten eigentlich am besten wissen warum sowas nicht OK ist, aber Menschen sind halt Menschen. Nur weil man eine bestimmte Religion/Ethnie hat bedeutet das ganz bestimmt nicht, dass man von rechtsextremen Gedanken gefeit ist.

  • "Israel verdient jegliche Hilfe, weil es eine Insel der Freiheit und Demokratie in einem Meer totalitärer Regime ist" | Ruhrbarone
  • Ja Juden haben in der Gegend gelebt und das auch öfter mit Muslimischen Nachbarn mehr oder weniger im Frieden. Viele davon werden ihre Wurzeln auch über Jahrhunderte zurückverfolgen können. Das diese da leben und auch weiterhin da leben sollten bezweifelt eigentlich niemand Vernünftiges.

    Der Grossteil der Juden welche so um 1947 in Israel lebten sind aber Einwanderer. 1915 lebten etwa 90k Juden in der Gegend, 1947 waren das schon über 6 mal so viele (630k). 10 Jahre später hat sich die Zahl nochmal verdoppelt. Und nein, nur weil deren heiliges Land da ist, gibt das denen meiner Meinung nach kein Recht in so einer grossen Masse dahin zu immigrieren. Vor allem nicht, wenn gewisse extreme Elemente davon aktiv alle Nichtjuden vertreiben wollen.

    Aber das ist nun mal halt so geschehen und die Gegend ist nun die Heimat beider Seiten von mindestens 2-3 Generationen. Das bedeutet aber ganz bestimmt nicht, dass man die Umstände der Gründung von Israel vergessen oder nicht kritisieren darf. Die internationale Gemeinschaft hat da gewaltig versagt, vor allem die Briten welche Federführend darin waren und beiden Seiten das gleiche Land versprochen haben. Jetzt zu meinen all das soll man vergessen und einfach von vorne anfangen funktioniert nicht. Dazu haben beide Seiten viel zu viel echte Gründe verdammt wütend zu sein. Sprich die einzige Möglichkeit für ein friedliches Zusammenleben ist, dass sich genug Leute auf beiden Seiten finden um die Vergangenheit zu vergeben und sich für eine gemeinsame Zukunft einzusetzen. Und das wird verdammt schwierig weil Extremisten auf beiden Seiten so ein langwieriges Unterfangen konstant sabotieren werden. Diese Sabotage muss als solche erkannt und ertragen werden ohne dass sie zu weiterer Eskalation führt.

  • "Israel verdient jegliche Hilfe, weil es eine Insel der Freiheit und Demokratie in einem Meer totalitärer Regime ist" | Ruhrbarone
  • OK, dementsprechend sollte man Israel aber natürlich kritisieren wenn sie sich undemokratisch verhalten? Zum Beispiel wenn sie Palästinenser ohne Anklage, ohne Recht auf juristische Vertretung und ohne zeitliche Begrenzung inhaftieren? Oder wenn sie mal wieder Muslime während ihres heiligen Festes aus dem Tempel rausknüppeln? Oder wenn rechtsextreme Politiker toleriert werden welche offen Genozid fordern?

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