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Team Fortress 2 players report that Valve have carried out a ban-wave against aimbots
  • Thank goodness for that! I don't even play TF2, but it's a really important cultural landmark in the history of online gaming and of a large era of the internet, so keeping the game in good condition and taking care of it is still quite important to me.

  • Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising
  • They haven't gone overboard with THIS one, because they already went way the fuck overboard years ago and never got back on board

    Man I'm gonna have to bite the bullet and make my next machine a linux one

  • BG3 player, is this relatable?
  • You can say Astarion, it's okay.

    (Seriously, any player who tried Astarion's introduction at my table would be told to go get a different character, because what the fuck?)

  • It's almost the week-end, what are you guys going to play? Also, could we have a monthly thread for July?

    This! I'm on one of the lategame bosses in the v6 expansion; they're a lot tougher than the rest of the game so it'll probably take me all weekend to get good enough to beat them

  • Russia Loses Last Black Sea Missile Ship
  • You love to see it! Every little bit helps.

  • Arizona toddler rescued after getting trapped in a Tesla with a dead battery | The Model Y’s 12-volt battery, which powers things like the doors and windows, died
  • Fun fact, a Tesla spokesperson describing the car's features was talking about how they wanted something on the car that didn't make it to final release and said "But sadly we couldn't get that law changed", which does... kind of imply that they lobbied the regulatory bodies into allowing this piece of shit to exist.

  • 24 June 2024
  • Actually, this isn't totally wrong, even if the comic is obviously a comic.

    Fat people (at least, the ones who aren't bedridden) DO tend to be pretty significantly stronger than skinny people that aren't doing enough exercise, and it's literally for this reason. Carrying all that fat around genuinely does provide some training.

    Don't get me wrong though, someone who's doing proper exercise will obliterate both of them, but it's still an interesting fact.

  • 'Mission 2025' vs. 'Project 2025' Offers the Tough Choice Between a Livable Climate or Hell
  • Please tell me we didn't just name a really important major project something directly adjacent to a very famous Super Rightwing Fascism plan...

  • Greece introduces the six-day work week
  • Very informative, thank you.

    You can kind of see how all these problems would compound with each other and make each other worse. Of course people don't wand to pay taxes to a government that will waste or embezzle their money. But the government does need money to make things happen that might improve the situations of the everyday worker. The government needs competent administrators, lawmakers and judges to properly regulate the private sector, but the private sector can pay a competent person triple what the government pays because the private sector isn't subject to laws that force them to be ethical.

    Guess there's a reason that corruption is such a common cause of failed governments.

  • Greece introduces the six-day work week
  • ELI5: Why is the greek economy so fucked?

  • I am inevitable.
  • "AAA Developers aren't getting money from real keys either, what's your point?"

  • Google's AI Overviews now link to Wikipedia and LinkedIn more than Reddit, study finds
  • Somehow this is worse than Reddit. Sure Reddit isn't good, but at least Reddit was sane enough to understand concepts like 'working too much is deeply unhealthy both physically and mentally' and 'corporations should not hold absolute power'

  • Britain’s richest family sentenced to 4 years in jail
  • Honestly, you love to see it. A wealthy person? Suffering actual, meaningful CONSEQUENCES?! It almost defies belief

  • Date_irl
  • Happy day!

  • NSFW
    How a Draconic Bloodline is started
  • TieflingMelissa! She's a pretty significant community figure on Twitter and Twitch, great memes, nice discord server.

    She's very down bad for dragons (same), but honestly she's actually pretty wholesome; her server doesn't allow explicit NSFW and she spends a lot of time helping new players learn the rules of the game.

  • NSFW
    How a Draconic Bloodline is started
  • Disguised??? She's the biggest icon in the community for it lol (and a legitimately great content creator)

  • It's almost the week-end, what are you guys going to play?
  • Megaman 8-bit Deathmatch, Heroes of the Storm, Pizza Tower, and DnD!

  • tag thyself
  • God this feels EXACTLY like Azeroth from World of Warcraft. But hey the dragons have some isles and eggs so I'm down for that, love me some dragons that are actually doing well in a setting

  • average furry emoji rule
  • Lies, there's no knot in this list

  • Take a wild guess...
  • Skill Issue

    (I joke, of course)

  • Consort's Playable Dragons

    By me~

    This is a large homebrew that has the primary goal of allowing you to play as actual true dragons in a DnD setting without being unfairly overpowered.

    To accomplish this...

    A) I've included some guidance on how to better balance high level content

    B) I've designed eight dragon-only classes, which are equivalent in power to the existing bard and wizard classes.

    C) I've re-introduced a simple mechanic that allows martial characters to function much more effectively in combat; Flat Damage Reduction.

    D) I've playtested it and refined it constantly for months

    Also it contains a few new feats and spells that are suitable for use by humanoid characters! Complete with my personal guarantee that all of this stuff is at least as well-balanced as basic 5th edition DnD.

    "Is it possible to learn this power?" "Not from WotC."

    I offer you this meme. It isn't much but it's mine.

    By the way here's my dragon homebrew. It's still undergoing playtesting and balancing, and it assumes that you're willing to start your game (or oneshot) at 11th level, but I'd be honoured if you'd use it.\_mIogpt9kNrOdm5n\_yj1cs/edit

    Why do I not simply play a different system? Because I like the DnD dragons. Next question.

    Behold: My 10 second class on how to make your dragons not suck

    I can also give a 5 hour class on the matter if you're interested.

    Baldur's Gate 3 ended up making me regret playing.

    Spoilers below, I want to complain, not ruin anybody else's experience with the game.

    Okay, so. The main reason I play dungeons and dragons? Aside from the sense of adventure and the ability to write my own story? It's the dragons.

    Now my problem is that in any and all official DnD content (and most other media tbh), dragons get absolutely fucking screwed, ESPECIALLY the good ones. It's why the ability to write my own stories with DnD appeals to me so much.

    I didn't go into Baldur's Gate 3 with high expectations. I know that the idea of having a powerful force of good that isn't under player control or completely useless is beyond the comprehension of most game/show/book writers (It's really unimaginably fucking easy to have one that doesn't destroy character agency btw, just putting that out there. I can write a whole god damn essay on how to have Big Good forces that aren't fucking useless while maintaining narrative tension).

    All I wanted, in the game that advertises itself on how lets you approach every problem from your own angle and with your own methods, was to be able to share a little conversation with a dragon and make sure they were okay. I didn't have unrealistic expectations. I know games aren't made around what one man wants, so I didn't hope for more than maybe three lines of dialog and an ambiguous ending where they're free and alive. I'd have been happy with that.

    And Baldur's Gate 3, despite allowing you to spare, or befriend, or protect, save, speak with or at least bring some hope to EVERY OTHER ENTITY IN THE GAME, doesn't just give none of that to their one dragon that can speak. It actively goes out of its' way to make it so that the dragon has the absolute worst fate possible, significantly worse than death, will never speak to you (only to another NPC), is killed pre-adventure, has their spirit tortured for eternity, and cannot be saved, helped, or even given a ray of hope. Just. Like. For FUCKS SAKE.

    I wouldn't be so pissed off it this wasn't such a common thing in games like this! But I sunk 70 hours into this game intending a little interaction with a dragon as my reward, and as far as I'm concerned, I got a flaming pile of shit thrown in my face for making it to the end. It wouldn't sting so much if they weren't the only character to get screwed to anywhere near this magnitude. It wouldn't sting so much if shit like this didn't also happen so ridiculously frequently.

    Please tell me I'm not the only one frustrated with how dragons (ESPECIALLY good dragons) get treated in any form of adult media. Is it really, really so much to ask for a story where dragons don't get the deck stacked against them so unbelievably hard that even actual gods would be pretty much screwed?

    *Loads Thunder damage with Lawful Neutral intent*

    So which kind of dragon is your favourite, anyways? Sapphires are my favourite Gem (although Amethysts have some epic tail going on), Bronze for Metallic, and Chromatic is a tough call, I actually really like four of them... But I'll have to pick Green.

    I like Dragons

    For the uninitiated, here:

    TacticsConsort TacticsConsort
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