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MMOs 'don't give people the tools to build community anymore,' says EverQuest 2 creative director
  • Indeed that is the case, the way you build community is to make it not fucking optional.

    Dungeon finder that gets you into a group and conveniently into that dungeon? Nope, do it yourself by chatting with people and finding a guild, clan, whatever that suits your needs.

    Map markers that show you outright where to go and what to do? Nope, figure it out yourself or ask someone who may know.

    Allowing crafting to have a good place In the sandbox by making it valuable and requiring several different professions to get to the good stuff? Yes please.

    Don't Introduce NPC's that allow you to circumvent the need for other players.

    Make it inconvenient to transfer items between your characters on the same account or multiple accounts of the same person. The original mail delay in WoW between characters did exactly that.

    Ensure that direct trade is always better than using a big market place.

    And that is just off the top of my head. Building good community happens when it's needed and there are consequences for being an ass. Back then you couldn't just find a new group of people on the server you were on. Of you were an ass to everyone you would end up on ignore lists and make your own life so much harder. At the end of the day community only works if there is a need for community.

  • MMOs 'don't give people the tools to build community anymore,' says EverQuest 2 creative director
  • That is what happens when the thing that matters to everyone is to get stuff done and fast. The general difficulty got adjusted to the point where people never have a reason to cooperate in the open world, crafting got relegated to the side lines and is usually not worthwhile enough and even then people would rather have alternative characters that do the few dependencies there are instead of relying on someone else. or there is an NPC that solves that issue outright. Then there are the tools that automate finding a group for the things where you absolutely need a group and you bet no one interacts in those groups... Oh no, it's rush to the end cause everyone got different things to do including so many daily quests. No time for even banter.

    You want community? Great, slow down the game and see if that helps. Sure you may loose players that way that liked the pure convenience but if players find that they have time they may just start interacting.

    Me personally, well I stopped playing MMOs entirely simply because the magic that was community got killed off exactly like that. Why play in an otherwise boring and dead world when the big promise of the genre is to play in a shared world WITH other players.

  • When was a time you consented to spoilers for a movie/tv/story/game and you regretted it?
  • So... I rarely if at all consent to spoilers. Most things that got spoiled happened because someone else was too impatient to get there himself and then couldn't keep his mouth shut when it finally came up. Did I regret getting spoiled? Eh, I tend to find most things people get all excited about to be not that exciting or shocking or what have you. I still don't like getting spoiled because it takes the discovery out of the experience and that's what it is all about.

  • Beyond Good & Evil’s remaster includes a new mission connecting to the second game. Ubisoft says the added content shows its “enduring commitment to the franchise”
  • Well. All I want is more of that thing the first game did. Not some bog standard Ubisoft formula that they have been too afraid to deviate from for so long now.

    Sure apparently IIRC Michel ancel was not easy to work with. Not that I would know since I didn't work with that guy. But who knows what is true when said dev left ubi stating that the company sucked now... I suppose the truth is somewhere in between, he didn't want to conform that much to the safe Ubisoft formula and Ubisoft inausted that he did.

    Man I remember when they took risks and put out actual good games instead of the same old safe and non risky rehashes that they do now.

  • Beyond Good & Evil’s remaster includes a new mission connecting to the second game. Ubisoft says the added content shows its “enduring commitment to the franchise”
  • Enduring commitment... To whom? Certainly not the franchise, otherwise it wouldn't take that long, absolutely not the players since they keep ignoring what they actually want out of a prequel or sequel for that franchise. The shareholders? Doesn't that kind of require to you know... Release a product? Which more or less only leaves one option. Enduring commitment to not knowing what the heck they are doing.

  • What would happen if everyone moved there money from traditional private banks to credit unions/ coop banks
  • Real scenario: you wouldn't see that happen.

    Hypothetically it could cause economic collapse because now there wouldn't be money to back up all the loans that are outstanding. Followed by mass layoffs of people and all the other fun stuff that comes with it.

  • What does the world think of India?
  • All of this is IMHO so keep that in mind.

    Politically it's pretty extremist from what I can tell. Not just that but support for that extreme political stance is also rather high. Neithe of which is a good thing in my book. Other news I get to know about also tend to paint a pretty grim picture when it comes to human rights, rich/ poor divide and acceptance of people who have different preferences. I also mostly remember having met people how you described in the opening.

    To say how it is, my opinion is not exactly good. Primarily because of how they act a d their political choices. Though I chalk some of that up to a lack of education. And it's also not so bad that I'd rather not deal with them. Just that I have a healthy dose of " oh no, not one of those guys again. This will get exhausting, isn't it" whenever I see someone that fits the description.

  • Council to greenlight Chat Contol on June 19th - Patrick Breyer (MEP Pirate Party)
  • It's not illegal when you have to "consent" or basically be unable to use any chat service properly. At least that is what they seem to think. I am no legal expert in that matter but it's still shitty that they are effectively trying to force you to consent to it.

  • EU fines Hungary €200 million for flouting asylum laws
  • Avoids law for four years. Finally gets fined a measly 200 million and one million every day from there on out till it's solved. Basically just an additional cost to do business instead of a punishment. Amazing.

  • First projections of EU Parliament election results
  • If it helps to put it into more perspective. Those conservatives or CDU somewhat recently visited republicans in the US and figured that it might be a good idea to copy how they do politics in the US to apply it in Germany. But making noise is unfortunately what works even if it's not actually correct or an issue at all.

  • University Students
  • You know, you do you in Humor communities. I personally don't expect to find the most serious of comments under posts in those.

    Anyhow...Naturally there is a good argument to be made about making good comments. And that it may be a good idea to not comment things that are probably obvious. Just so that the file is a shorter read.

  • University Students
  • Not to mention the fact that it's programmer Humor. Not programming advice. which means that there are usually less serious comments to be found that may or may not be good advice. But I suppose some people have no sense of humour.

  • This default wallpaper.

    I recently noticed that the default background for Ubuntu 23.04 "Lunar Lobster" has a purple star missing and now that i noticed it, i can't unsee it. The one towards the bottom right is barely visible so that passes.

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