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  • Only some strains in low vaping temperatures work for me.

  • You're in the right place
  • The "tanning notary" seems to be a package, or a service unknown to me.

  • what is the biggest failure in human history?
  • Investing everything in engines and abandoning battery development in the early 1900s. Lead-acid batteries were heavy but usable, and electric cars were more popular until electric starters were added to engines. A disproportionately big, short-lived reason was the lack of sufficient electrical grid for electric cars trying to go far.

    Nobody in government was thinking ahead, so everyone was forced to trying to make their own money NOW, and that's how we get inhumane tech in general. Same thing happening in computers for decades now. We need centralised R&D free from market influence for the benefit of all life.

  • You can fit two cars there
  • Nope, purely emotional buying:

    ... occupant death rate was 6% higher in SUVs than in conventional cars, and 8% in the biggest ones.

    ... children are eight times more likely to die when struck by an SUV compared with an average passenger car.

    ... “These figures suggest that SUVs were probably killing around an extra 3,000 people in the US a year at that time – more than died at 9/11,” write Simms and Murray. Roughly a third of those died in SUV rollovers, and another third from being hit by one. The final third were being killed by respiratory problems because of the extra pollution caused by SUVs.”

  • What's an idea you have that should be an actual thing?
  • Just as bad as Tinder = worthless compared to pre-MatchGroup OkCupid.

  • What's an idea you have that should be an actual thing?
  • Collaborative editing in real time?

  • What popular product do you think is modern day snakeoil?
  • Fucking Toslink: one round optical fiber in the middle, but it plugs in in only one position out of four, and you can't feel which way the female connector is. EU should fine the assholes responsible.

  • What popular product do you think is modern day snakeoil?
  • Reminds me of when I used an anti-wrinkle cream as a hand cream once. It anti-wrinkled the skin on my knuckles, so making a fist, the knuckle skin went so tight it started to tear.

  • What popular product do you think is modern day snakeoil?
  • It may be that your gut health is constantly poor when stress triggers things. I used to become ill from cold exposure for several years - tyramine from foods leaked through the small intestine to the bloodstream (which is bad) for about three days after each exposure. See

  • What popular product do you think is modern day snakeoil?
  • "Only rice" is an elimination diet for allergies that I should have tried decades ago, but dumbass mainstream medicine never recommended.

    I found out there are slow allergies mediated by immunoglobulin G that you can't detect while eating, so I did a blood test. Found some strong positives (milks, eggs), and then through elimination found out false negatives that I also can't eat (peanut, soy), and, thanks to the doctor whom I went out of my way to see about IgG, some that are typically harmful to those with IBS that I also need to avoid (gluten, sunflower oil, rapeseed oil). Supplemental protective agents Aloe barbadensis, xyloglucan, and butyrate also help. Getting really healthy now - no more IBS if I don't eat mistakes.

    The mainstream doctors say that's all nonsense and that I'm a hypochondriac who perceives having gotten better for no reason.

    My previous successful departure from the mainstream was making my gallbladder go from "full of stones" to "empty except a thin layer of sediment on the bottom" as seen by ultrasound. Now that there's proof, the doctors can't dismiss that.

  • What popular product do you think is modern day snakeoil?
  • It's for all the pets at homes hearing the same audio, now with original insects and birds outside and mice in the walls.

  • A cool guide Types of plugs in the world
  • Can't plug it in with one hand. The cover needs an opening mechanism.

  • A cool guide Types of plugs in the world
  • What we really need is a USB-C-style reversible plug with data and variable voltage where neutral and phase never reverse and earth is always there.

    Lacking that, I vote for Type N because it's small, polarised, and the pins are halfway-insulated. I don't like that the frame is symmetrical, so in the dark, the only way to tell which way to plug in is to feel the pins and the holes, same as USB-A. I reject all that hurt to step on.

  • A cool guide to heat absorption between different colored T-shirts
  • It's different: radiation of long-wave infrared balanced against absorption of ambient light.

  • Tehdastehdas Tehdastehdas

    In Memex crowd thinking environment for thoughts unthinkable to separate beings, human-machine general intelligence raises superintelligent offspring to help all life.

    Collaborative user interfaces

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