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Imagine being a Warren stan in 2024. Even more pathetic than still being a Bernie supporter
  • I think if you believe this glasses eyed old lady college professor could win against Donald Trump, you live in a complete echo chamber and have zero non-PMC friends. Christman was right when he said Warren was the candidate for Millennials who made it, and this is why her whole core was second gen Asians and celebs in their 30s or younger. They fucking deified her and SNL gave her one of the most venerating sketches I have ever seen, as a cold open! Warren was like the NFT of the lib media class, extremely limited in appeal, but that appeal happened to be centered around culturally insular people at the levers of power.

  • My lib friend, unprompted, posted this bullshit
  • Screenshotting this of all things and posting it to your feed probably adds more to people's annoyance with liberals than it engenders favorability towards Biden. And I can't believe people are still sharing David Sedaris to make themselves look cultured, he's old and played out too!

  • It has never been more joever
  • Until libs get over chasing photo ops that make something seem epic exclusively on the surface, they will keep collapsing. On the day of the 2016 election I remember a bunch of women putting 'I Voted' stickers on Susan B Anthony's gravestone, a photo of which the whole lib internet jerked itself off over, until that night when Hillary lost to the real-life manifestation of the villain in a sexual harassment training video. Sick of fucking dumbasses like RBG trying to make their lives into scenes from a movie rather than weighing what actual outcomes may be borne out of those theatrics.

  • Why would you talk down like this to people you want to vote for you, this is just jacking yourself off! (rant below)

    Even if this take wasn't reductive and worthless, guess what, "fascism" is too abstract an issue to count on the majority of voters to go to the polls for. This is an unavoidable material reality. But you don't want to work around it, you just want to spur a circle jerk among you and your hivemind followers about how you "get it" and others don't and you all are the prescient and astute trapped in a world of intellectual lessers.

    Fucking morons, I totally get why people go post left if their parents and social circles were all people who talked to each other like this. If you want to call someone stupid and myopic just say that shit, don't pride yourself on avoiding negative politics then do this grating snark bullshit instead.

    My lib friend, unprompted, posted this bullshit
  • Libs really need to understand what messages only serve to virtue signal to their in group versus convince a neutral bystander. This type of smug self-congratulatory horseshit is less convincing to the average normie scrolling by than posting that Tom Hanks is going to harvest their kid's andrenochrome. And this stuff makes the chuds gleeful because it reads like you are coping by unraveling.

  • smdh my dick head
  • All people at least sympathetic to the thrust of woke/DEI stuff should proudly tout it and own it by name. The left and liberals have a terrible fear of seeming cringe that keeps them from being unyielding and unironic in championing what they supposedly support, lest they are accused of "identity politics" and virtue signaling--allowing a new wave of dogwhistles to rise, bigots to run amok spreading their hatred.

  • The US is cooked. It really is.
  • Yeah but so were the people who presumed they were saving random people from going to hell, so it was a good counterbalance. I don't think all people can be reasoned with, some people have to be cowed by getting "owned" to refrain from loudly espousing a toxic belief, so Reddit atheists' smugness and vitriol was a good way to shame annoying religious people out of proselytizing too much.

  • When I go bride-shopping in a developing region, I buy American, baby!
  • The first step is teaching them to want something realistic, informed by what they feel deep down, and not dehumanizing so they can actually "wear it on their sleeve" when approaching a woman rather than feeling like it's a secret shame they have to insidiously spring on the woman at the moment her guard is down.

  • When I go bride-shopping in a developing region, I buy American, baby!
  • The guy he's writing this for would do well to just attend a few social events at the local library first, there's no way he'd have the outdoors, offline comfort and social skills yet for a real road trip across towns he's never been to with completely different cultures.

  • You guys ever find out how psycho the height people are on reddit?
  • I am not a short king but I am a straight cis Asian guy, and this at least somewhat true and I did not know it until I did serious work on myself and actually pinpointed the behaviors of mine that were clearly my insecurity and desperation to be liked seeping out (speaking in generalities to myself and others, name-dropping stuff I thought would make me cool, reacting by matching my tone and enthusiasm to that of the person speaking to me rather than giving a more organic response that's less of a departure from what I felt deep down.)

    A lot of these short guys, like Asian incels, bond over insecure feelings and observations they independently arrived at due to them being the first level thoughts of any guy who's unlucky romantically due to having a stereotypically negative trait. They believe these feelings and observations are them getting a peek at an unlocked well of truth, rather than equally resigned quitters validating one another's ideas borne out of self loathing and the need to have a mentally placative answer for indecipherable and unpredictable social dynamics.

    Just like how, when an Asian incels sees an Asian guy being confident with girls they auto-assume that guy was adopted by whites/had Americanized parents/is gay, then tell each other that as if it's a shared universal rule, bitter short guys will see some short guy who dates women taller and hotter than him and tell each other that the guy must be rich/famous/large penised/ex military.

    These kinds of online social groups/subreddits are literally anti-achievement and self-growth. The more their shared lore is outspun to try to comprehensively and objectively catalog the hard and fast rules of a nebulous and volatile reality, the more detached from normalcy they become and the further they are away from having dating success or even natural human interactions.

  • When I go bride-shopping in a developing region, I buy American, baby!
  • Thing is, I don't think anybody who reads this, which is from one of those right wing accounts harvesting grievances about modern women, is actually going to do this. This is just a nice little movie the reader can play in their head or a salve-daydream they escape into in moments of loneliness before returning to porn addiction, a hamster wheel job, or NEETdom.

  • Why after nearly a decade, I am finally at peace with not browsing Twitter (CW: Transphobia)

    Today, after seeing another bunch of Nazis gave 132K likes to a post from NickMercs telling Mr. Beast's recently-transitioned friend that she is "abandoning her family to play pretend," followed by the same Nazis going after Mr. Beast for trying to defend her, I have decided I am not even going to browse Twitter through a mirror anymore like I've been doing post-Elon takeover.

    Since Trump announced his first presidential bid in 2015, I've stayed glued to this site, because I was always either trying to see the worst people of humanity get dunked on and ratioed for a burst of faith in humanity, or keep tabs on rising movements like the alt-right before they went mainstream. But as of late, as the discriminatory chud filth is becoming the bulk of tweets, I oddly no longer feel compelled to wade through them to gauge what future evil movements may spring up from Twitter.

    It's because I see that the white supremacists, tech ancaps, and incels of all races who are thriving on the new Twitter will just keep brigading innocuous posts with shock value slurs and devouring deliberately-phrased clickbait, until they drive everyone half-sane out and get quarantined in a new porn, gore, spam, and virus-filled digital sewer. The new right-wing boosting X algorithm will usher these people into a complete untethering from reality, and embroil these chuds in intra-clique feuds until they either grow out of it, get swindled by one of the many scams now allowed to advertise there, or **** themselves. I firmly believe that Twitter will soon completely stop being where political and cultural winds are steered, and it's all thanks to Elon's stupid decisions.

    After seeing the recent deliberate attempts by the Twitter groypers/incels to be inflammatory--by spamming slurs, or saying "based and chuds" to posts reporting hate crimes, or finding another unflattering image of some woman they saw in the media then adding the caption "they are doing this to demoralize you and destroy the west"--- I am confident that the right is devolving into a 'soy' movement with both eyes open the way 2012 college "SJWs" did, and that it will turn them into pariahs who tank their own popularity via infighting. Even this dumbass pickme bitch sees it:


    I've recently seen Trads feud with tech libertarians, MMA chuds feud with Great Replacement chuds, groypers feud with old MAGAs (like the post-left and socdems feuded over the Squad), and TERFS and redpillers calling one other groomer enablers and transvestigating one another, and I feel at peace to fully check out and only check back in when it's all burned down.

    The difference between all this new Twitter vitriol and the 2016 alt-right rise, is that these new reactionary panics have lore that is too obscure, far-fetched, and indigestible unless you spend long stretches of your life not interacting with real human beings, and is made by a scattered market of profit-driven grifters with no central messaging, coordination, or real-life social competence (unlike the Koch/Mercer/U-Line backed 2016 stuff). I mean look at this extremely normal reply to the above tweet, this shit is not going to travel among normies of any political affiliationm because it will not ring true to anybody who isn't a socially maladapted NEET:


    Elon is already a dogshit manager who is in over his head, but this latest pathetic attempts to juice Twitter's declining revenue, like by paywalling streaming, and offering A1 conspirat*rds revenue sharing, are just more Jenga tiles removed from his "free speech" bastion, that bring it closer to its collapse as a political force.

    How many of you have high paying jobs, and how have you prevented your material means and social circles from eroding your leftist convictions?

    I am on the precipice of one and don't want that to turn me into a disengaged normies, lib, or chud. I know that a local DSA chapter was financially backed by a person of incredible means, so I wonder what keeps such people left wing or at least SocDem.

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