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Clever guy
  • As someone who has worked with academics, the more specialised the person, the less common sense they seem to hold onto.

    As such, if this was outside their PhD specialisation, then it'd absolutely make sense that this wouldn't occur to them.

  • OpenAI planning to become for-profit company, say reports | OpenAI
  • So the profit cap has been removed and the non-profit has been kicked out of the control seat. Sounds like they're taking off all the safeties in the name of money.

    Goes to show the money always wins, and if AGI comes true, humanity will pay forfeit.

  • Eric Adams Told FBI He Forgot His Phone’s Passcode
  • From a pro-privacy standpoint changing your passwords to something you can't remember is absolutely the right thing to do to prevent yourself from being compelled to give up any passwords...

    But in light of him being a government official tampering with his government issued phone to "accidentally" prevent it being used to investigate official wrongdoing, that act becomes highly suspicious, and (in the FBI's shoes) would only give more incentive to hack into his phone.

  • The more maintainers are paid, the more improvements they make to their projects
  • My first instinct is to say "No shit Sherlock", of course people who get paid more for their projects can afford to contribute more time to them...

    but I do understand that having empirical documented evidence of something, even of it should be common sense, is really important, cause common sense isn't as common as people think it is (especially when a lot of people in power seem to quite intentionally lack it)

  • Just heartbreaking
  • Man that bird was living a straight up nightmare.

    And from the comments I saw it gets worse for this bird - apparently after the bird flew off, the scientist who captured this call played it back to check they had recorded it properly, only for the bird to come back and start calling again.

    These scientists accidentally played the cruelest prank imaginable on this poor bird, and it was likely not smart enough to ever realise it.

    Like imagine living years of your life desperately calling out to someone, anyone, and you finally hear someone - you desperately rush over, but there's there's nobody there. You're sure you heard someone, but there's nothing, except you.

  • Cat and Mouse
  • Aw, they look so cute together, like a cat looking after its kitten

  • Eighty-eight corporate leaders endorse Harris in new letter, including CEOs of Yelp, Box
  • Fox was not a name I expected to see on there given all they've done to supercharge the right-wing, but I suppose even Murdoch isn't crazy enough to actually think that it is a good idea to put Trump back in office

  • No one’s ready for this: Our basic assumptions about photos capturing reality are about to go up in smoke.
  • Image manipulation has always been a thing, and there are ways to counter it...

    But we already know that a shocking amount of people will simply take what they see at face value, even if it does look suspicious. The volume of AI generated misinformation online is already too damn high, without it getting more new strings in it's bow.

    Governments don't seem to be anywhere near on top of keeping up with these AI developments either, so by the time the law starts accounting for all of this, the damage will be long done already.

  • FTC effort to ban noncompete agreements for employees rejected by federal judge in Texas
  • So the idea behind the ruling is that a lack of non-competes would cause irreparable harm to the companies themselves...

    As opposed to the current system that causes harm to the workers, causing them to be unable work in their field of expertise for an arbitrary amount of time, in which they're expected to just find work in a different industry they're not trained in to feed their families.

  • Health-threat ‘forever chemicals’ removed from water with 3D-printed ceramic ink
  • If these monoliths work as well practically as they do here in a small-scale test, then we might actually have a chance at minimising the damage done by unregulated release of PFAS, which would be good for all of us.

    Having said that, I do fear that the rise of these "fix it in post" environmental solutions will be used by big bads to justify the continuation of bad environmental practices because "ThE sCiEnTiStS wIlL jUsT cLeAn It Up AfTeR"

  • Lemmy votes ARE public, should they be anonymous?
  • Yeah. If you're on a public forum accessible to anyone, which the whole fediverse is, then you should never assume privacy.

    Honestly transparency in this regard would be better - they're already visible to much of the community, so they might as well be visible to everyone.

  • Lemmy votes ARE public, should they be anonymous?
  • To be fair, there's a point to be made that someone who's overly trigger-happy on dislike should be shamed for it. Just like you would be if you kept being snide to everyone in real life.

    I agree that transparency would do much more good than harm, plus compared to the info that people already put in their profiles/comments, it's not likely to make them anymore identifiable.

  • Lemmy votes ARE public, should they be anonymous?
  • Votes should absolutely be public. They were on KBin, and it made people more civil for it because you could be shamed if you were dislike trolling or liking all of your own posts/comments to make them look better (which is something you actively have to do on here, unlike Reddit).

    Given this place is pseudo-anonymous anyways, and people comment far more personal and identifiable info here anyways (which tbf you should be careful about), I think public votes would do much more good than harm.

  • Europe’s seeds are being privatised by patents - and it could threaten food security
  • What's the point in making something illegal to patent if you can just side-step it by a technicality and enforce a patent anyway?

    If the point was to protect food security, then make it illegal to patent regardless of how the breed was created - sorry if you spent more breeding them artificially, food security for the people should be more important than money.

  • Well that was predictable
  • When even the most reviled dictatorships in the world are voting in favour of the UN recognising food as a right, it sure does make the US look uniquely scummy.

  • Tory shadow minister says sorry after appearing to justify riots
  • The Tories were in power for almost a decade and a half, only interupted by their own internal power struggles, and the best thing they could come up with to "help" Asylum seekers was the racist and inhumane Rwanda scheme.

    Yet Labour repeals that and suddenly they're the bad guys for not being able to undo over a decade of bad decisions in a month.

    Conservatives can't see past their own racist noses.

  • Far-right rioters attack asylum seeker hotels in UK’s Rotherham, Tamworth
  • Damn, I would've expected this kind of rhetoric from "ReformUK" or one of the other alt-right parties, but to hear this from someone meant to be representing labour is horrid. Such little empathy towards these people fleeing the horrors of their home countries - deport people like her to Rwanda then see how they feel about what they're advocating for.

    Edit: Also, glad to see a new alternative frontend for Xwitter since Nitter got nuked out of existence.

  • Britain will soon lay out new plans to regulate 'buy now, pay later' firms like Klarna after delays
  • Too many people end up in debt spirals with these BNPL companies because there's no consistent safeguards against it, so we absolutely should be regulating them better. We shouldn't be leaving financially vulnerable people to the wolves.

  • Simples.
  • The OP might want to go to a doctor, cause that last part read like someone having a stroke

  • Far-right thugs throw rocks at Filipino NHS nurses on way to work
  • Absolutely disgusting. Poor nurses trying to save lives and they're paid back by having these racist EDL cunts throwing rocks at them. Should get Keir Starmer send these pieces of shit over to Rwanda instead, and see how long they last.

    As said, these are the same ignorant arses that brought us Brexit, and continue to make our country look like an absolute laughing stock on the world stage.

  • Th4tGuyII Th4tGuyII

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