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What was your last refund? Why did you get your last refund?
  • I guess technically a refund? I returned tools I rented from O'Reilly to fix the timing chain on my truck. 250,000 miles and still runs like a champ, just ignore the noisey lifter haha

  • What were your (now retro, but not at the time) gaming wow moments?
  • Everything about Metroid Prime. Incredible soundtrack, gorgeous scenery, interesting wildlife, challenging bosses/puzzles, and so so so much lore. It's still probably my all time favorite game. Can't wait for Prime 4 to come out!

  • Automakers’ data privacy practices “are unacceptable,” says US senator
  • When I went to trade school in 2010 for automotive repair our instructors told us this was going to happen. At the time, I thought they were just grumpy old men who didn't like that cars were becoming more and more electronic. How wrong I was

  • changed the fuse, boss
  • Oh the irony of using a green wire

  • My girlfriend's Mk2, parked in some trees

    Let's get things started! 1990 Golf, CE1. It's mainly OEM+ right now, but I have a 1.8t (AWW) with an 02j that will go in it eventually. We've had it for 6 years and it's been a great car!

    ThatRocco ThatRocco
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    Comments 4