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Mark Zuckerberg shuts door on cage fight, saying Elon Musk ‘isn’t serious’
  • I'm gonna be honest, I have a small level of respect for Zuck. As long as I ignore the fact that Facebook has pioneered destroying online privacy that is ...

    Despite being one of the richest men on the planet, and running one of the largest tech companies on the planet, he has actually been a good father/husband from what I understand. Also, he knows when to shut the fuck up and let his PR people tell him what to say.

    Musk is insufferable. Arrogant, know-it-all, blabbering asshole. Reading through his Twitter is cringe, just in the last week he's retweeted like 5+ COVID conspiracy or "anti-woke" things.

  • Utah Supreme Court reviews abortion ban; judge notes historical omission of women's voices
  • What??? The racist, sexist, violent, polygamist church run by rich white men didn't want to ratify the civil rights amendments???

    Fyi, black people were restricted from having the priesthood (essentially the power allowing you to perform every saving ordinance) until 1978. It is Mormon doctrine that they are essentially cursed.

  • Utah Supreme Court reviews abortion ban; judge notes historical omission of women's voices
  • It's honestly so ridiculously rare to see good political news here. Our legislature is owned by Mormons, farmers, and Mormon farmers. The Mormon Church has their hands in EVERYTHING.

    "We don't get involved in politics" my ass. Remember when they used tithing money to campaign against Prop 8? Remember when they sent an email to every member in their records to vote against Prop 2? (Medical Marijuana) Remember when their closed door meetings with legislature gutted the Medical MJ program that WE FUCKING VOTED ON. Many, many, many more examples.

    Oh, cherry on top, Salt Lake County is gerrymandered as fuck lol.

  • Alternative to NewPipe SponsorBlock

    I love the app, but as of late it's crashing and getting network errors All. The. Time. I'm kinda done bearing through it waiting for it to be fixed. The official app has the same issues.

    Any alternatives, preferably with SponsorBlock and YouTube Dislike integrated?

    What is a good hobby for a depressed person?
  • Keyboard is good. I personally would recommend bass guitar if you like rock music. If you can save up $200-300 and buy a used Squire Precision or Squire Jazz bass, it will literally last you years as long as you change the strings regularly and learn how to do an at-home setup.

    You can pick up the basics and start jamming with people really fast, but the skill ceiling is deceptively high. Bassists are the hardest to find in any band.

    The instrument is fun as hell too.

  • Infinity is the best alternative to Sync right now.
  • Yes!! The Sync dick sucking is crazy. I've been using this fork of Infinity to continue using Reddit, and toying around with Infinity For Lemmy.

    Infinity is literally just as polished and smooth as Sync. Plus, totally free and open source. No tracking, no ads.

    Edit: Hey butthurt Sync soyboys, stop downvoting everything in this thread. Go circlejerk each other on your own sublemmy and pay the dev $100

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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