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Everyday Astronaut's new Starfactory video is online!
  • I guess other important piece is confirmation that they use gases after preburner for tank pressurisation.

  • Using disc spanning for RAID array
  • I do not see why it will cause any problems with exception of stacking mapping layer. I wonder can LVM do it natively without adding intermediate block device of 2 x 2G?

  • Networking Gear Recommendations? (starting from scratch)
  • Stay with TP-Link. Ubiquity done some strange things recently.

  • Have you ever bough an external hardrive only to take the disk out of it?
  • Many sells, some just wipe them, some just contains encrypted data. If you happy with just used drive eBay is full of surprises.

  • VLAN question
  • Some diagram would help. Are you trying to use your server as a switch?

  • ‘Denying history is simply lying’: how the University of Melbourne honoured racists, thieves and body snatchers
  • Such a BS. They are not honoured for been "racists, thieves and body snatchers".

  • Have you ever bough an external hardrive only to take the disk out of it?
  • Why create yourself a headache and still get substandard and no-warranty drive. If you want cheaper drives go for reconditioned/refurbished/used drives. Same risks, better product. Old enterprise SAS drives are cheap and many still have plenty of heath in them.

  • The NSW energy market quietly melted down this month. For some, it's a glimpse of the future
  • Did I say that it is impossible? It is possible but take way too long and will cost too much. Not to mention huge environmental cost of renewables comparing to nuclear.

  • The NSW energy market quietly melted down this month. For some, it's a glimpse of the future
  • And they still do not want go nuclear, without base generation power grid will takes decades to transition out of coal. We do not have that time.

  • SpaceX sets date for next Starship flight, explains what went wrong the last time
  • CO2 will froze and sink in LOX tank, water ice will float. SO both clog the lines. I was under impression that they pressurize tanks by pure oxygen.

  • Transparent compression layer on Linux?
  • Do you plan to compress video ( which generally already compressed format) when saving to remote location? I do not see use case for it, as you ether use lossless compression and not compressing it in any meaningful way, or just re-encode to different format and loose quality. Second option is simpler to achieve by re-encoding before sending out.

  • SpaceX sets date for next Starship flight, explains what went wrong the last time
  • Goal is to get data on reentry, if it can be achieved with small modification on already build SS, than why not. I'm bit surprised by number of clogging problems in test flight 2 and 3.

  • SpaceX sets date for next Starship flight, explains what went wrong the last time
  • What can possibly clog filters on booster? Not like LOX get to tank unfiltered. Some form of ice, but what can from ice there except LOX itself. Any water and CO2 should be purged before fueling by nitrogen.

  • Locked
    Keeping pet cats indoors would save millions of native animals and billions of dollars. So what's stopping us?
  • "We need to genetically modify cats to only hunt introduced rats. " In my area foxes were hunting outdoor cats, so you hardly ever see one. Foxes got baited, and now cats are everywhere. Q is, what is better.

  • Locked
    Keeping pet cats indoors would save millions of native animals and billions of dollars. So what's stopping us?
  • Try to keep non de-sexed cat indoor. I tried, no way it can work. In the end poor boy lost his balls.

  • How much does it matter what type of harddisk i buy for my server?
  • Yes, it will. Will it make any difference for you, depends of what are you doing. I would not use surveillance drive in to server, they are way too specific. Outside of that prices is pretty much same per TB/(Warranty Year) accross the board.

    I done some excessive research couple of years back on the topic. you can find it here I do not think situation have changed match since than. Price per TB/Year is nearly constant past 8GB size.

    Also consider looking to re-certified drives, or even refurbished drives. you may save hips on them. But it depends on how much you value your data, how much redundancy in you storage pool and how good your backup strategy.

  • Private mission to save the Hubble Space Telescope raises concerns, NASA emails show
  • I have only one question. Why mission to Hubble need to be manned? Dragon should be capable to dock to the ring even without guidance assist from Hubble.

  • Syncthing ... where are the users?
  • Syncthing sync files, it is all does.

  • NASA published reentry video as Orion returns from Artemis I

    Time line (by me). Probably incorrect.

    • 4:00 reentry starts
    • 5:00 some burning debris visible
    • 6:30 end of plasma
    • 10:30 strange flip , may be reoriented before second dive to atmosphere.
    • 14:00 second plasma
    • 17:42 active atmosphere guidance phase starts
    • 19:45 - drogues deployed . first two thumbs a probably a lids
    • 21:00 drogue cut, main deployed
    • 21:31 mains fully opened
    • 22:58 - attitude control kick in again while under shuts. Why ??
    • 23:59 - landed ( watered?)
    CPU with Quick Sync + ECC support at same time?

    I'm looking for hardware for my new NAS. Is there any Intel CPUs which support Quick Sync and ECC memory at same time? And is there any MB which semi officially supports ECC? I usually use AMD CPUs for servers, but any AMD CPU with build-in video does not support ECC.

    And just to prevent ECC holy wars - I need ECC. :-) And adding GPU to AMD system is an option but I'm trying to avoid it.

    BUG: OpenZFS data corruption

    Unless you are missed the news. Bug found in OpenZFS causing data corruption, FreeBSD, Linux and illumos are all affected.

    Good description of the bug

    Some good news from bug tracker on OpenZFS

    > OpenZFS 2.2.2 and 2.1.14 released with fix in place. If you don't get your > OpenZFS direct from here, point your vendor at it.

    Patch your systems!!

    TheHolm TheHolm
    Posts 3
    Comments 143