TheSanSabaSongbird @ TheSanSabaSongbird Posts 0Comments 960Joined 1 yr. ago
Agreed. In my experience you need to spend at least $400 to get a decent acoustic guitar, but even then it can be hit or miss. On the other hand, I have a $400 Guild that plays and sounds every bit as good as my stepdad's $2k Martin, much to his chagrin, so you never know.
The best acoustic guitar I ever had though was a 1958 Gibson J50 which you can't really find for under $5k, so price definitely can matter.
Outdoor gear and clothes. You can go cheaper on the smaller less critical items, but if you're in any kind of backcountry setting you really do want everything to just work and not break or fail. It's a safety issue on the one hand, but it can also mean the difference between a pleasant excursion vs hours of suffering. Remember kids; the elements are the biggest danger in any backcountry endeavor. You are far more likely to die of hypothermia and/or exposure than you are from wild animals or other people.
Not I. I downvoted because it's a stupid pointless comment that contributes nothing to the discussion. Can't speak for others however.
She has inside knowledge of one of the candidates. That's very relevant whether you like it or not.
Also, millions of people make more money than me. The real question is are they happier or more content than me?
Well, mine is dead, so at least you have that.
No, they're in big trouble. Putin is gambling that he can hang on long enough for Trump to save him, but Russia is already facing demographic collapse as well as a massive brain drain from the younger generations. Things are pretty dire and there are a lot of powerful people in Russia who know it.
Wrong again. Russia is already facing demographic collapse together with a massive brain drain from the younger generations. Putin has convinced people like yourself that he is strong, but as was true of the USSR immediately before its fall, he is in fact very weak and increasingly desperate. His regime is brittle and only becoming more so as he continues to suck the life out of the country. When he does finally lose power, it's going to happen very fast, almost overnight, and the Ukrainians will rout the Russian military in a bloodbath of unfortunate though understandable vengeance.
The US may lose interest but Europe won't. This is their backyard and WW2 is still in living memory and physical evidence across the continent. It's not some abstract idea like it is for us North Americans. It's still very present and it's recognized that Putin cannot and will not be allowed to win, regardless of what the Americans decide to do. Germany, France or the UK alone could easily fund the war if they had to. Together they will ensure that there can be no win for Putin. I am constantly surprised that this is not more widely known.
This has actually been studied pretty extensively and because suicide is often about opportunity, most people won't simply do it another way. I know it's counterintuitive, but it's what the data shows.
Suicide is often a spur-of-the-moment impulse. Therefore opportunity plays a huge role. Remove the opportunity and a lot of people won't go through with it. This has been studied extensively.
I downvoted you for being a condescending piece of shit, not because I think you're wrong. Just sayin'.
All that and The Golden Gate Bridge is still way better looking. It's not even close.
That's the ironic thing about a lot of your far right militia types; most of them are fat-bodies. Knowing about guns and how to shoot is great and all, but guess what? Actual combat is possibly the single most physically demanding and exhausting activity there is. There's a very good reason why every military on the planet requires that its fighting men be in excellent physical condition. Most of those chumps wouldn't last an hour in a real firefight.
And we are somehow expected to acquiesce to this state of affairs? Really?
Fuck that.
You do you, but I for one intend to go kicking and screaming like a goddamned maddog lunatic before I ever allow anything or anyone like Google to tell me how to make sense of reality.
Thanks for your well-intentioned but totally irrelevant comment.
The SCOTUS needs to make a ruling as to whether or not the "self-executing" part applies not only to former Confederate officers, but also to former presidents who have engaged in conduct like Trump's.
What part about this do you not understand?
Are you stupid or something?
Again, what part about this do you not understand?
I don't know how to make it any more clear to you.
I think Lemmy skews towards the younger end though. Of course I could be very mistaken as this impression is entirely unscientific and is based solely on the levels of knowledge and general discourse that are prevalent on Lemmy.
To my eye, a large percentage of Lemmy's users are both relatively low-information and lacking in real life experience. They also tend to be very ideological which in my experience is something that tends to diminish with age.
Again, I could be very wrong about this.
Indeed. It was specifically written to be self-executing because it would have been impossible to charge, try and convict all of the tens of thousands of former Confederate officers it was meant to bar from federal office. Because it's self-executing, a simple finding of fact is sufficient for it to apply. The question then isn't whether it requires a conviction, but rather whether it applies to Trump.
To me it pretty obviously does apply to him, but I'm definitely biased as fuck.