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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
1 yr. ago

  • I'm not disputing your argument, I'm simply pointing out that Hexbear is basically a shit-storm of yammering cretins and unlettered buffoonish morons. What one makes of that fact is their own business. I just don't see how they are relevant to anything, regardless of how much hate they broadcast towards The West writ large.

    If they account for more than half the "hate" towards Americans on Lemmy, fine, but no one is obliged to take their nonsense seriously.

    They are not intellectually serious people and do not deserve to be viewed as such.

  • Agreed. Leaving should be a last resort. This is my fucking country and I'll be damned if I won't stay here and put up a fight for what I know it could be if we were more true to what we say we believe in. There are many hundreds of thousands of others like me, and maybe we lose in the end, but by God the fascists are going to know they were in a fight. Figuratively I mean. I don't see actual violence as playing any real role in guiding the future of the US.

    Also, I live in the Pacific Northwest which is unlike anyplace else on the planet. I don't want to live anywhere else. I guess I could move to BC , but they probably don't want me and besides, I have an ex up there who I'd rather avoid.

  • Also some of them are paid very well. Any of your unionized specialty trades can easily make $150k+ a year, especially if they're willing to travel or work a lot of OT. If you're single or married with no kids, you can pretty easily afford a big fancy truck like that.

    If you're willing to travel that can be more than $50k a year in per diem pay, so in two years you can easily pay off a new trailer to live in and a nice truck to haul it with. I personally know people who have done exactly this. The catch is that you need to get into a good union and do your apprenticeship and generally have your shit together. It always surprises me that more people don't know this.

  • This is a strictly American thing

    If by "American" you mean North American, then yeah, you are correct, because pickups are also super popular in Canada and Mexico. But I don't think that's what you mean. I think you mean to specify the US which again, is incorrect. The fact that pickups are so popular in Canada and Mexico as well tells us that contrary to what I suspect you're trying to imply, there isn't some kind of special innate idiotic pickup truck gene that's unique to Americans and that instead, it's all about marketing.

    After all, if marketing and advertising didn't work, it wouldn't be a multi-billion dollar industry. What the big American car companies have done with amazing effectiveness is to make owning a pickup truck an intimate part of a lot of people's self-image. That's what you are arguing against and that's why it's nearly impossible to change anyone's mind about it.

  • I wonder what other hugely unpopular positions they can poison themselves with. This is what minority rule looks like. The only way we stop this is by defeating Trump and reforming our democracy. Minorities should have enough power to protect themselves from oppression, but not so much that they can impose their views on the rest of the country. This is what's happening with the far right, which very much is a minority that's far out of step with mainstream American opinion on virtually everything.

  • You have the cucumber gene. It's rare, but if you have it there's a chemical taste to cucumbers that is absolutely repugnant. I have it too, which is how I know. It's also in watermelons, but at a much lower concentration.

  • The cucumber vs pickles one is wrong. There's a chemical in cucumbers that something like 1 in 50 people can taste (it's also in watermelons, though at a much lower concentration) and if you can taste it, it's horrible. Anyhow, something in the pickling process neutralizes it or changes it or whatever, so that's why I absolutely despise cucumbers but am totally cool with pickles. It has nothing to do with liking vinegar.

    Edit; a quick Google reveals that it's "due to the presence of toxins like Cucurbitacins and Tetracyclic Triterpenoids in cucumbers." Again, the vast majority of people can't taste it, but for those who can, the taste is God awful. I can't even really eat something a cucumber has touched.

  • My point is that you won't make the changes you want by alienating working people. What part about this do you not understand?

    There's a reason why working people are flocking to the authoritarian right and it has everything to do with this dismissive attitude on the left that basically tells them that they are unimportant, their issues don't matter, everything about their culture is stupid and evil.

    And then you expect them to take you seriously, as if you somehow have their best interests in mind?

    I am actively involved in my Union's leadership and I can tell you for a fact that what the far left in the US is doing and preaching is hugely unpopular among our rank and file membership.

    You people want us to use the term "Latinx," for example, and most of our Latino and Latina membership has no idea WTF that's even supposed to mean, let alone the fact that it's extremely condescending to tell people how they should use their own language.

    So keep doing your precious bullshit, but don't be surprised when you alienate working people and Trump wins another term.

    I am warning you now, though I know it won't do any good.

  • We'll see. There are better ways to communicate that message.

    Watching the world burn because you refuse to discard your precious entitled attitudes is not a morally defensible stance in my book.

    Keep right on ignoring what I say, and you are guaranteeing the loss of blue-collar voters to everyone's peril.

    Also, way to tell us that you don't actually give a shit about working people.

    This isn't going to end well.

  • Hard disagree. The US wouldn't have to fire a shot or drop a single bomb. All they'd have to do is close all of Texas's borders, shut off its access to the Internet and global finance and then wait about a week. What's Texas going to do? It's not like it's even remotely self-sufficient or that all Texans would be stoked about the idea of secession in the first place.

    This is a very different and much more interconnected time than the 1860s.

  • It's pretty rich that you evidently think lardass middle-aged Texans with guns are in any way nearly as self-sufficient as the Taliban. The US lost in Afghanistan and Vietnam because the opposition in those countries was willing and able to wait out the US. In this hypothetical the opposite would apply; the US would be more than happy to never fire a single shot and to simply isolate Texas from the rest of the world and watch it fall apart as its utterly interdependent economy collapsed.

  • Oh, so let me get this straight, tens of thousands of lardass Texas militiamen are somehow magically going to be willing to live in tunnels with the most primitive amenities and horrible conditions? Why the fuck would you think that for a moment? These aren't third world peasants who are used to living in extreme privation and are willing to die for their cause no matter what. They're a bunch of out of shape untrained fat body crybabies who wouldn't last a week without easy access to the rest of North America's logistics, financial and power infrastructure.

    The US wouldn't have to fire a single shot, they'd just bomb the Texas power stations, shut down all border crossings into and out of the state, shut down all banking so that only a barter economy existed, and within a week or so the entire state would be on its knees begging for relief.

    You can't do that in places like Vietnam or Afghanistan where the enemy is totally self-sufficient and is quite happy to wait you out. You really think Texans are going to be able to do that? In what universe? What a joke. You obviously haven't thought this through.

  • A lot of us just kind of accidentally accumulated various guitars over the years, without ever thinking about it in terms of collecting. I have 6 right now, plus two banjos. I only really play two of them on a regular basis though.

    It's probably the same for a lot of gun owners.

    I only have one gun that I inherited from my dad. He was a Vietnam combat vet and I think because of his PTSD always liked to have a few guns around the property and in his cars and trucks. My brother has the rest.

  • Nonsense. It wouldn't even be a fight. Texas isn't self-sufficient; to the contrary its economy and infrastructure are intimately tied into every aspect of the US system. All we'd have to do is take out Texas's shitty power grid, shut down all access to banking, close its borders and everything in the state would grind to a halt within days. At that point we'd just wait it out. What's Texas going to do? Launch a counterattack on the rest of the US? Cut me a husk. You aren't being even remotely realistic.

  • Also a huge percentage of these meatheads would be unqualified to serve in the US military because so many are lardasses. There's a very good reason why physical fitness is taken so seriously in all of the world's best militaries; it's because actual combat is one of the most physically demanding and exhausting activities there is.